

19 Oct


I’m going to be locking this thread as the communication has been reduced to insults and aggressive in nature.

Everyone is welcome to their opinions on the forums and we’re open to hearing feedback and constructive criticism. Just because someone’s line of thought isn’t yours in nature does it mean we need to be mean.


The server limits are currently at the capacity that puts the server’s health at priority. Additional servers have been opened up along with the expectation that player numbers will balance out especially once the new start servers roll out.


We appreciate the feedback and ideas!
The current limit is in place to allow optimization and quick recall of items.

18 Oct


I’d like to remind everyone that we’re all here for the enjoyment of New World and while it may not be rolling out to everyone’s prefrences… I also won’t allow insults and toxcitiy to begin brewing. Lets all just take a moment to remember that this experience will be adjusting over the next few days with player numbers balancing out, fresh servers opening up and the team continuing to monitor the situation.


The health and the stability of the servers are of the utmost importance to us right now.


Thank you!!! I don’t mind, I too am excited to play!


Right?! Its quite exciting to see so many players excited to return! We’re doing what we think is best for servers health and the numbers will continue to level out.


If you got the Steam error message, that was Steam, not us.


We did, hence increasing limits on servers and opening more up. Along with rolling out fresh servers soon.


Appreciate the heads up! This is a current known issue and something the team is looking into. We apologize for the headache it causes!

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Correct, this was most likely due to name changes, deleting characters, transferring, etc. We do not touch friend lists.


Please be paitent and kind, this is a very exciting day for many people. There was an expectation of the player base growing which led us to opening more servers. We’re currently monitoring server stability and making changes as we see nessecary. The hype is real along with trying to find the right balance of opening servers and keeping things populated.


I would encourage you to reach out to support with the error messages you’re getting or more details on the situation so they can either assist or we can look deeper into it if there is a problem.

I’m just commenting on the Steam message that popped up. Apologies for any confusion.


We understand the frustration of queues and we’re currently moderating server limits, but please remember this is a very exciting day for many people! I’d like to encourage patience and kindess when waiting and we’re doing what we can on our end.


This can be quite frustrating and I’m sorry you’re experiencing this! Although this is a Steam hiccup, not AGS.


Appreciate the heads up! This is a current known issue and something the team is looking into. We apologize for the headache it causes!

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Please keep in mind this is a very exciting moment for many people, let’s please be patient and understanding. Having returning players is a win for everyone and we’re currently monitoring server limits. Toxicity will not be tolerated.


Exactly this. Give our poor gals a break! They are doing their best!


Appreciate you sharing this!

04 Oct