

01 Aug


Originally posted by zernoc56

Question, are there specific challenges with this kind of stuff in making things like this work in both the old Java client and your newer C++ based engine? If so, wouldn’t it be beneficial to cut the Java engine loose so more resources can go into NXT?

It goes without saying we've been wanting to kill off Java for a while but there are still a little base of players who still play it.

As of late we've been releasing "parity" updates on the NXT client, in other words optimisations for the client itself to try and get Java players to play on NXT and it has been working!

When Java is discontinued it will absolutely allow us to do even more with NXT, we just have to get there!

31 Jul


Ah yes the episode where reality is completely warped, Jimmy’s outline is still the funniest part of that

“Life has many doors Ed boy!”

30 Jul


Yeah, we could have launched today but we're literally on the verge of all going home so if it all went south it would have been a pain to sort.

May as well do it tomorrow morning when we're all here and can monitor!


Originally posted by rsn_e_o

A bit unrelated but on twitter it was said that the beta’s would be released in “a few hours” and that was like 7 and a half hours ago. Is it being delayed?

Edit: it’s delayed to tomorrow.

Where was that said?

We're aiming to launch it today but to my knowledge its not 100% confirmed just yet!


Hey all,

Today we'll be having a general Dev Q&A talking about well... general stuffs!

If you have any questions you'd like answered fire away in this post and I'll try and grab what I can.

Stream goes live at 16:00 game time today on!

External link →

29 Jul


I did send it, some got it some hasn't... odd.

I'll chase up and see what I can sort


I believe I'm right in saying we're looking into seeing what we can do on the optimisation side of things for the game.

/u/JagexHunter is way better equipped to answer this than me, but we're definitely looking into it!


Originally posted by alvispreslee

Its bad when they use a jmod account to announce this and not the official rs twitter account

At the time I made this tweet others were asleep and I don’t have RS official account access.

26 Jul


World 88 Varrock - South of GE :D


Wonderful work :)

According to mine, I'll have Town Hall 3 in 5 days, woo!

25 Jul


Originally posted by Speck_A

Just did some telos and noticed my staff either not equipping, or equipping a tick late. Also prayers not changing a couple times. It's been much better since monday, but still not entirely fixed. Worth pointing out most of the time it's during low actions per tick so unlikely to be hitting the cap imo. Guess it could be lag, but we'll see with more testing I suppose.


I've noticed for pretty much everyone, its been fine... can you grab me a clip if possible?


Originally posted by [deleted]


How incredibly useful! Normally when I ask that question I'm asking it for detailed ideas on why its happening :P


Originally posted by Speck_A

Definitely doesn't seem fixed

How so?


Originally posted by King_Yugo_Wakfu

Thanks for the warm fix Shauny but now I cant open the client it is giving an error saying to make sure it isn't blocked (it isn't being blocked) or another client is open (none open) tried for 10 minutes now with error every time

so basically I can not play RS >.>

Look to see if there are any processes in your task manager and kill 'em off then try it :)