

26 Mar


A suggestion is for theoretical weaponry or something like the Turkish F-104S modification. Since you are suggesting something

He did not mean to make a suggestion for something like reporting a missing armament thats backed by sources. That would be a report, not a suggestion.

All thats needed is as I said, source material linking the F-104S with the missile you are trying to suggest.

Nope. Im forwarding the standards set by the developers. Please dont speak for me or on my behalf as you are incorrect here.

As a Su


I'm well aware of how they work thanks. Thats totally meaningless as to why F-4F has J and the 104S Bs.

I'm also not the person who decides what gets what.


Because the F-4F decision comes from its own manual clearly linking it. So an equal source link would be needed for the 104S.


Unfortunately it's not that straightforward for random battles and right now it's not planned.


It would need to spesifically link it to the 104S. Not the rail.


Not quite correct. The USA have more relivant versions that they actually used more meaningfully that we plan to add. That's the main reason.

So the USA is getting an F-5.


Again, the manual confirms it was possible for the aircaft so it's then up to the developers to decide. In this case, the most primary source for the aircraft confirms it's possible and thus taking into account it lacks many key features of the other Phantoms, AIM-9J and E were included.

If we based things solely on "what actually was" we would have to remove the Maus from everyone except for 2 players as only 2 existed. Half the tanks and aircaft in game would loose their shells and weponary because "they never actually fired them". It goes on and on.

The bottom line


I have explained to you how our system works. That's the only one that's relivant here. If something is backed up by primary documentation (in this case the official manual) it's down to the developers to decide.

That's Turkish not Italian. It would need to be a source linking it to the Italian one.

This is the German F-4F manual.

No you don't. A quote sends the same notification.


We have the official manual for the aircaft that I have already shared that confirms these missiles are possible.

As with all aircaft, we try to give them their maximum possible payloads backed up by primary sources and balance considerations.


The official manual claims it's possible. Therefore as with all aircaft, when there is primary documentation behind something, we always try to give it the maximum possible payload. Same with the F-104J, same with the Harrier and same with the F-4F.

If you are suggesting the F-104S can carry something it doesn't have, as I said, you simply need to submit those primary sources via a report.

In this case, as I explained. The F-4F manual confirms it's capable of carrying these missiles.


The only missile in the games currently scope not featured on the British phantoms is the AIM-9G which as I have previously explained to you several times is planned to be considered for them when the time is right.

Even without it, the British Phantoms have a superior radar, Sparrows, Countermeasures and expanded CAS loadouts that the F-4F early does not and they remain two of the highest performing aircaft in game.


The Soviet service manual for the PFM makes no mention of R-60s. If you have primary sources that show the Soviet version could carry them, we welcome a report.


If you can provide primary documentation that the F-104S version in game carried them. Please submit them as a report.


From the official flight manual

25 Mar


If you can provide a manual or primary source for the F-104G having or specified with AIM-9J, then this can be taken further.

But there is no information we have currently supporting German F-104Gs ever even having the intention or possibility of mounting AIM-9J.

We are being consistent as there is no source for the German F-104G to support this. A USAF operated F-104G is not a Luftwaffe one and there are no supporting primary manual based sources that back this up for the German Starfighter.


These aircraft are still classified officially as under USAF service. Regardless of their final destinations or place of manufacture. The 58th Special Operations Wing as an example who operated the aircraft is a branch of the USAF. Not the Luftwaffe.

None the less. It does not change the fact we have yet to find any sources that the German F-104Gs had or were specified to carry AIM-9J.

If you can present that, then as I said, please do via a report. But using the USAF training F-104Gs is not going to be sufficient at all.


This is a USAF F-104G, not a German one.

Because there is no mention of any kind of German 104Gs having AIM-9J. If you have some, we would welcome it in a bug report.


Yes. As well has Battleships (large ships in general), Helicopters and quite a lot more.


I dont really see what worth my personal opinion means here?

Its not for me to decide whats what and I myself have not yet gone for the IIIE yet. The F-104J has had most of my time this patch so far among other things


In general they are not. When we decide something, we try to be as clear as possible. But there are a few things in the past we may have said no to and then the community has showed it clearly wanted to go in that direction. So we listen and adapt.

But as with any long term video game which is coming up for 9 years now, the game evolves, the community grows and things change.