

06 Feb


Again though, command vehicles were not scouts. You wouldn't find them at the front of a conflict scouting enemy's, rather at the back receiving responses from scouts or giving commanding orders.

Thats precisely why we dont have so many of them in game. Some even had armaments removed to compensate.


We already answered this a couple of Q and As ago. Its not planned right now for helicopters. Command vehicles on the ground were not scouts, They commanded other tanks and relayed comms.


Generally most scouting / recon aircraft had specific variants.

For example the Spitfire PR XI or XIX:

Or the dedicated photo recon variants of others like the F6D/K (P-51):

All of these aircraft were generally specialist variants with dedicated equipment installed, usually sacrificing guns, armour or something as the trade off.

We don't have any of these special variants in game with the exception of aircraft like the Spitfire FR XIV or Seafire FR 47 among a few others. Even then, IRL their purpose was not active scouting with live results, but long mis


If you check the details closely, cost increase is only happening when something moves up in position in the tree or when something is grouped. Grouping means in general it is still faster to progress as you don't have to research a whole seperate vehicle and can now instead skip that. In the case of vehicles like the OTOMATIC, that are flat out better than things currently higher than them, they gain cost equal to where they are now going.

If you look at the overall though, there is also a lot of costs being cut. More going down than up.

What it was a protot


Tree position is directly linked. Tree position has never been about 100% chronological order as evident across the board.


Practically useless in every gameplay sense.

As we said recently on a Q and A, we dont plan scouting for helicopters right now so something like this isn't only impractical but pretty much redundant at the moment.

As cool as it looks



You were given a ban for 2 reasons. Firstly, discussing sexual content which is strictly forbidden:

And also foul language in chat to other players:


This is not correct. All the Apaches were subject to Licencing and we have that now. It applies to every model.

We never announced or said the YAH-64 would come. But licencing has nothing to do with it not being here.

05 Feb


Neither of these aircraft are coming soon. So lets stop with the off topic please.


We just had the first generation Harriers added 2 patches ago. The Harrier 2s are not close.


We dont exclude the possibility of tanks being redone. It was done for Tiger 1 for example and the STA turrets. But really none of the tanks are outdated in the same way the aircraft that were reworked are.


In general, as BVV explained in the Q and A today, its mostly down to finding the most reliable armour scheme as well as some more fine details that are clearly defined by sources. But as he also said, its likely to come at some stage.


As someone already mentioned:

1) We have not even started dev blogs yet

2) We have not confirmed or denied swing wings in general but also we are not going to discuss it further right now.


Britain had a new top rank jet every major patch last year. So I would perhaps lower your expectations for the time being.


Normally every Q and A we have the "waste of time" comments. I was simply saying we appreciate the feedback regardless but it's nice to see people enjoy it this time.


Still also didn't confirm it either ))


I am still waiting for the "mUH QnA", I'm sure someone will be upset )))

But thank you, we appreciate the feedback.


We never denied it, we just said don't expect to see the big bois like MiG-23, Tornado or F-14 right away ))