

22 Dec


There are several sources confirming this tanks existence in some form. WW2 Japanese sources are rare, scares and hard to find.

Ammunition on the other hand is a balancing selection per tank. It has nothing to do with sources, but developer decision.


A nations most used tank is not really a measure of what they are capable of. Germanys most used tank for example was:

Yet they also made:

As far as the Ho-Ri(s) go, we used as much source data as possible:


Designed partially and built mostly by Germany, hence the German tree.

We have made it clear several times. Nations without a tree have their vehicles distributed based on who they are closest too or what gap they fill.

For example Class 3P is developed and built by Germany mostly, so it goes in the German tree. Rooikats were more British, so they go British.

Canadian ADATSs would normally be on the fence and not really something we would generally add because of that, but British tankers wanted a new SPAAG and this was one of the top viable suggestions, plus America already has an ADATS system, so the UK was even more logical.


If 10.0 is not suitable for it, then quite simply it will go down. The original purpose of this topic, as per the title and OP, was to have a "historically accurate" MiG-21PMF and thats exactly whats coming.


Couldn't really have an A-7 and no Greek skin ))


With regards to the T-72 TURMS, there were actually multiple sources. So far on the PMF, the only valid source posted to date has been the secondary source by the OP. Everything else has either been an entirely different variant, the wrong missile in the picture or a foreign export PFM and not a Soviet service one.

Last time I checked, this topic was on the MiG-21PFM. Not a Harrier. I've explained multiple times that this is an event vehicle which are usually based solely on a specific variant. If legitimate historical sources can be provided that show R-13M on a Soviet service PFM, then the decision will be reconsidered. But so far all anyone has done for the last 5+ pages is just to repeat over and over about Harrier and SRAAM, which I'm not going for explain in detail for a 5th time because it's not the same case as this as much as some are really trying to make it out to be.


Read more

21 Dec


Event vehicles are typically specific examples either of a certain unit or period. In this case, a MiG-21PFM in Soviet Service.

Its the same case with the FJ-4B VMF-232 which only has 2 x AIM-9B but Bullpups whilst the regular tree FJ-4B has 4 x AIM-9B but no bullpups.

Premiums and TT vehicles can be much broader scope. But event vehicles are supposed to be rare and unique.


So then it would be a valid question in 2023. Much like the case with the Rheinmetall Challenger / Challenger 3, its not viable at all right now.


When they actually buy them, then it would be a more valid question to ask.


Guys, I know its christmas and you all cant wait for Santa, but this thread is not a

Please use the correct topic(s) if you want to do that.


This wont wont be changed as its as it was intended to be and what we said it would be. Future variants are not ruled out though.


Yes. Seems like there will Indeed be one now

20 Dec


Considering 10.7 was only recently possible, not anytime immediately soon thats for sure.


Unfortunately its not just about not being a "paper tank". There are still more questions than answers surrounding this vehicle and the information available. Yes, in a broad sense the blueprints and some very minor testing data exist for this machine. But to make a tank, generally much more information is required.

The developers prefer not to go by guesswork and implementing this tank based on what's been presented so far simply is not viable.


No aircraft in game has AIM-9L or any total all aspect in game right now. So thats not happening soon. Weaponry is down to balance too, not simply period configuration.

They actually operated off of HMS Hermes also which is not of the Invincible class.


Its more logical than putting what is effectively a CAS / Bomber in-between the Phantom and Scimitar. Both of which are much more air to air capable.


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As far as the information we have, this configuration was never done. Generally if these pods were to be mounted, its pairs of 2. The same with the early AIM-9B. All material that does exist does not point to only 1 ever being mounted.

We cross into the realm then of a more "personalized" loadout which is a system that we don't currently have and can drastically effect the balance of many aircraft in game.

For later Buccaneers yes, it was much more standard to have 1 AIM-9G/L or later and then the more advanced ECM pod on the opposite pylon.


No Sea Vixen ever had guns. The DH.110 prototype did, but that couldn't carry Firestreaks, Red Top and has not a great deal of information on thats required to create the model and FM. So that spesific prototype is not exactly viable for introduction.

Its not a combination. The base S.2 had AIM-9B and access to the flare pod as you can see from the image above here:


It has no function in game right now at all. S.2s radar was not for air-to-air use.

Dont know the name of it, but its the only countermeasures early Buccaneers had: