As I previously explained, we have had dynamic battle ratings since 2014. Nobody was sold anything on the promise or advertisement its BR would not change. The Harrier still does everything it did before.
Secondly, I would strongly suggest you re-read and take EULAs and TOS more seriously. Because its not something you simply skip, click agree and then get to ignore. You agreed to have fully read and understand it. If you had done that, you would better understand that not only is the changing of BRs well within all the described terms, but that anything purchased is entirely subject to change in all regards as agreed in the EULA and TOS.
The Harrier BR was not changed due to "cry-babies". It was changed because there was not only valid player feedback, but clear data and statistical feedback that showed its BR needed to be increased.
There is nothing in breach of any law regardin...
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