

01 Jun


Currently there is a lack of information as to what those capabilities were. Until we have all the required information, its not something that can be introduced.


Im not sure what this is referring too?


The MiG-29s are currently still some of the top aircraft in the game as of present.

The addition of Python 3 is not linked to the addition of R-73 and as we have previously said, the devs reserve the right to issue R-73 when its necessary for balance and ready for the game.

Kfir C.7 is already at 11.3 and faces 11.7 and 12.0 regularly. Its performance with Python 3 will be monitored and any changes necessary will be made.

The F-4F will not be receiving AIM-9L as previously mentioned.


It's not planned to at this time.


It's not even fully clear if Komoran 2 can be used specifically against tanks from Tornado either.

As I said, there is limited information and very little to directly confirm either 1 or 2 can be used by Tornado in the air to ground role in the way being described and expected here.

Any information on that is welcome to be submitted for consideration.

31 May


We don't have any plans for this now. At that point it becomes needless to go into one nation.


Sadly we cannot just make every missile be a combined air-to-sea / air-to-ground / air-to-air simply because this is a game. There is still and always will be a grounded realism of vehicles and mechanics.

So we will not give missiles capabilities they did not have. Suggestions are more than welcome for aircraft or weaponry that can fill these roles (we have a few in mind of our own), but we have no plans to implement features of missiles that did not exist. If there is proper information to show it did, then we can review it. "Just do it", sadly is not something that will lead to changes.

The F-16AJ and Yak-141 have already been explained and answered and are not relevant to the request here.


Currently no news right now. The issue is under investigation.


Currently there is insufficient information to give the AS.34 Kormoran ground attack capabilities implemented in the exact way described here.

There is some limited information about a ground attack role, but some sources also point towards the improved Kormoran 2.

As we have already mentioned AGM-88 / ALARM and other such munitions are a future consideration with much more work and study to be done before implementation can be considered.


The dev server opening has been extended until 7:00 GMT on 02/06/23

Please be sure to leave your feedback on the new tracks system in testing:

30 May


There is no update to provide really. The answer remains. More in the future have not been ruled out.


Drop tanks may be further expanded in the future. The priority is simply to issue as many aircraft as possible with tanks.


As has already been mentioned, the report on the Kurnass 2000 has not been resolved yet and the information was submitted after the aircrafts release is being reviewed by the developers.

Information on the PL-11 / J-8F was reported during the first dev server and has already been fully resolved and answered.

29 May



Currently the Swedish and Finnish tree does not have a
Norwegian branch of aircraft or vehicles within its researchable tree.

Norwegian vehicles (or any other nation outside of the above two inside the Swedish tree) are for the time being premium only for the tree. Making a Norwegian F-16 currently not possible or planned at this time.

As we have already previously mentioned, the Gripen is within our plans in the future for the Swedish air tree.

26 May


At this time its a bit too early to tell.


Hello guys!

We are following your feedback closely and wanted to provide an update regarding the Freccia.

We plan in the future to provide a modification for this variant of the vehicle to allow it to use the Janus sight.

This however won't appear in the current major update, but will be added in a future one.

Thanks for your feedback



We did not advertise that the vehicle would receive these weapons. Its weaponry is made clear in its blog and store page.

You can find more information on the Su-39s store page:


There is always a chance of additional things right up to release.



Right now all attention in this area of the game is on the economic roadmap that we plan around June 14th.

Once we have some news to share, we will.