Its too soon to really be talking about it right now. The aircraft is not in any immediate plans.
Its too soon to really be talking about it right now. The aircraft is not in any immediate plans.
The F-14B was the next progression of the aircraft and line and planned to come at this time.
Firstly, we don't plan to introduce AIM-7F, AIM-9L or any better purely air-to-air ordinance for the aircraft right now, as this would result in a BR increase. Its currently suited to its specific BR.
Regarding Pave Spike, the devs are investigating adding the capability to the F-4E, but there isn't a conclusive outcome right now that I can definitively talk about.
For the TISEO pod, I would recommend making a post in the Major Update feedback (since its new to this update) to suggest it and we can pass that on in the update feedback.
Currently there is nothing to report on this matter for this major update. But we are forwarding all feedback as always with suggestions and recommendations.
Threads are locked if there are multiple topics in the same area open or feedback topics already open where we are already collecting said feedback. Or if they are rule breaking.
Topics being all over the place makes it significantly harder to track and collect all feedback.
As you can see, any topics locked are left with a redirection to an appropriate topic or section to use to discuss that. As we are following and reading all comments
These sources state:
MICA was designed to replace the 530D and Magic 2 missiles in service.
Multi-target abilities are only valid when combined with MICA.
They do not however state anywhere that the Mirage 2000-5F cannot mount and fire Magic 1, 2 or Super 530D/F in any way.
The fact MICA was designed as a replacement to both Magic 2 and 530D, is not an indication itself that the aircraft cannot use the missiles. Carrying missiles in service or duty is also not a rule or requirement for the game.
As we have already explained, MICA is currently too advanced for the game. Therefor Super 530D and Magic 2 are the best available loadouts possible for the aircraft.
Unfortunately this is not the case.
We have explained why we have chosen to make the Mirage 5F the way we have here:
So far, no information has been submitted via a proper report to prove any of that is incorrect. Therefor, if you believe it is, we welcome any sourced reports to be submitted for the developers consideration.
Hey. It was submitted in the weekly feedback, but the major update is currently the major focus for everyone.
We did not say this was our reference or only reference. If you wish to submit material for consideration, please free free to make a report:
Just to be clear, it physically cannot fit 6 missiles, without involving MICA. Which as we have explained, its too soon for currently.
It has the maximum amount of missiles its possible for it to carry.
As we mentioned before, R-73 will be introduced when its ready and when its suitably balanced in game. The devs reserve the possibility to expand weaponry at any point. Not necessarily in a major update.
When similar levels of missiles are present for nations. The missile is a modern advanced missile system, the kind we are not close to at all right now.
Same reason as above, the missile is too advanced currently.
We have many aircraft with weaponry that they did not carry in service, but could in game. This is not a new concept.
As we have explained multiple times now. MICA is too advanced for the game currently and will not be coming right now. It will be added when the game is ready. But for the meantime, 530D is an entirely possible missile for the aircraft to carry.
I understand that there may be frustration around things, but this is the first early build of the initial dev server and jumping to conclusions before we have even had a chance to answer anyone is not going to help.
We have already made it clear in the past that
All information on Stage 2 was passed to the devs
The radar was planned to be upgraded and is being done
Telling the devs to "get a move on" doesnt mean this can or will happen faster. There is a whole major update, with many developments both large and small in progress. Many things are in progress and we understand that its frustrating to not see it all done from the get go.
However we please ask for patience whilst its being worked on. It simply wasn't ready for the dev stream / dev server.
Dear players! We see that you have many questions and observations about how the economy and progression work in War Thunder. Kirill Yudintsev, creative director of Gaiijn, is best suited to explain all of this:.
Player progression is essential. You can't give a player everything at once, because it will overwhelm and make the game very difficult for them and they will just leave it either immediately or almost immediately. This has been tested by us many times in different ways. When applied to our game, later vehicles are almost always more difficult to learn and play tactically, in the controls and with its capabilities. Progression provides opportunities for gradual learning and engaging the players. Without it, the game will lose players right from the start.
In addition, progression serves as one of the basics of how a game makes money (basically players pay for acceleration of progre...
Its not possible for the aircraft to mount 6 missiles that don't involve MICA. As we have already said, its too advanced for the game currently and wont be coming right now.
Evidence has already been posted in the thread:
Hi! Welcome to Thunder Show and the craziest moments of the past week. Today we’re going to feature a rolling shot, some ice skating, a nuclear bomb race... And more!
Let’s get started!
Don't forget - you can now activate video subtitles for seven languages!
So, what do you do if something incredible happens in your battle that deserves to appear in Thunder Show?
While in the game, go to “Community > Replays” and find the replay.
Press the “Rename” button and give it a memorable name.
Open the Replays folder in the game folder: search for the file with the name you have just given it.
Attach the file to an email and send it to [email protected]
Also, do not f...
We don't have any reported outages.
Guys, please note this is the early build dev server.
Initially both Tornados were already in the process of being moved to Z list as placeholders for Stage 2 whilst the details could be fully worked out.
Neither of them have a fully tuned radar (Z or Stage 2) and both are planned to be upgraded to Stage 2.
Please understand this is WIP.
Thanks for your understanding.
Its radar will be the RDY and as always, all new vehicles typically have placeholder radars on dev.