

27 Oct


Yeah its very nice indeed to help even in small ways. Fun fact, several of them already are in game that ive been in ))


Very much so, since I climbed into it to help take photos for it ))


We are still into early blogs. There is much more to come and its too soon to comment yet.


The first post explaining to you that it was not fully decided yet because it was always planned to be premium, but there are other variants also in consideration for that and then when we could say so for sure, full confirmation that it would be in the tech tree.

Im not really sure how much more I could have been clear up to the moment on that.

This is exactly why we dont respond to things here. Because the finer details can change up to the last moments. So if you ask questions early on even after ive said over 50 times before "its too early to talk about things" yet you still keep asking, we give you the best answers we can at the time.

Far too early to be discussing details like this right now. Everything is very much in development.


It always has been. We are a game. There are design and creative choices that also have to be made too. If you are seriously suggesting that you want extra worse payloads that you wont use, will complain about having to research and then ask us to remove to actually be added, gather enough people who agree with you and we can forward that on to the devs to add a whole bunch of unnecessary and wasteful things )))

There are a whole bunch of aircraft in game that dont have their full payloads, simply because adding everything that they could ever physically carry would be 1) Pointless 2) A waste of modeling time and resources as nobody would actually use them 3) Then give other people more frustration, because they have to use / research something totally unnecessary.

Where are these "mixed signals" please?

I very clearly said that it would be in the main t...

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I did respond to you several times saying we wont comment or confirm things not yet announced on a dev blog. Why that wasn't clear I dont understand.

F-4C and E potentially have even more bomb, missile and rocket configurations that could be added. There are quite literally tons of them we could have used on the Phantoms too. So I dont know where you get this "bis limitation treatment" from. Almost all of the Phantoms in game don't have literally every single bomb / missile / rocket ever mounted on them.


It was me and yes, we are not adding them because the R-60M is all aspect and opens up AIM-9L. Right now they are both simply unnecessary and will not help.


This variant is not getting them as it is because it needs a spesific radar. Thats confirmed by the developers. It requires a spesific avionics package which not all 21s had. It was the PFM modification.

Consider its like the Firestreak missile on the Swift F.7. You cannot fire it without that radar that has beam riding capabilities. The MiG-21Bis radar cant do this.

This comment above comes from a Russian Community Helper. Perhaps he is not aware of the full situation or you are mistranslating it.


R-60M in any capacity opens up AIM-9L which is why we are not doing either right now.


There have been no "bugs" reported. Ive already responded to the claims made.

As for flares, as Ive said, we have asked, but its late in Moscow right now.


The 21Bis already has a huge array of options to the point where they will literally just get in the way and be an extra module for people to go through to get better things. Is that really what your suggesting here?


This is regarding R-60 and not the X-66/Kh-66 we are talking about here.


This is incorrect. DCS incorrectly modeled the MiG-21Bis with the ablity to fire them without the proper equipment and even admitted to this mistake. But its lead people to believe all MiG-21Bis family members could fire it. Which is not the case.

The developers have confirmed X-66 could not be fired without the right radar. So you will need to submit a proper report with counter evidence to show a standard Bis without the radar required to fire it, could both equip and fire the missile, because they could not. And no. A picture with one sitting on the wing is not a valid source, especially when its not even a MiG-21 in the picture.

We have asked the developers and historical consultants, but its super late in Moscow now.


Did you not read what I just said? They were not possible to fire from ALL MiG-21Bis models and required a special radar to use. Our one is not equipped with that radar. This also is not even a Mig-21 by the way. Look at the wing and undercarriage.


R-55 and RS-2US are weaker than what the MiG-21Bis already has. They are worse and R-55 was generally superseded by R-60 anyway.

X-66 AGMs were not possible to fire from all MiG-21s and required a special radar to use.


MiG-21Bis is no more advanced really than the current F-4Es. It's not powercreep. This actually helps balance things.


Draken is one of the highest performing aircaft in game with highly capable AIM-9J equal missiles now.

Given that we just expanded to 10.7, I'm not sure how you feel 11.3 is even possible and that we would make a whole new BR for a single plane. It's not possible.


As far as I'm aware, nothing has been outright impossible (so far) due to licencing, but there have been some vehicles that had to be delayed as a result.


It's going in the Soviet tree for now.