

30 Aug


This is generally only for the purposes of streaming / promotion. I don't really have an interest in that sort of thing.


To clarify, all we reiterated was that Hungarian vehciles will deployed into the Italian tree, which has always been the case (multiple are in the premium branch already). Not that a new researchable line was coming.

Too many stories to tell ))

Maybe I'll write a book that absolutely nobody would buy. That's how it works these days right? )))


There isnt a brand new nation this update. So this can be discussed in the international trees section. It's not relivant here


Maybe we should add this as the "briefly" summery under every blog ))

29 Aug


To clarify you are taking a response as to why there has not yet been a new Phantom replacement for the British tree as a top tier fighter and applying that as to why Germany has a larger tree in game than France. Both are for entirely different reasons as to which the context is important and does not cross across for the same reasons. Much in the same way, taking said Phantom answer as to why X about Naval in X tree or why Y about tanks in Y tree is also not relevant. If a specific question is asked, I'm providing the information as to why that specific case is why it is. Taking that answer and trying to apply it to a different context and situation is going to yield a dud, as the reasons are not 1:1 in all situations.

Please don't ignore an off topic warning and just carry on. If you have further questions on the matters already discussed and concluded, you are free to PM and I can clarify further


Once again, context. I was referring to a specific question. Taking said response out of that context is going to distort the answer.


Applying aviation context for one example to a different situation in:

A) Different game mode

B) Different player base / interest

Doesn't work out. Again, please check the context of what im referring too and answering at the time. Trying to remove context and apply it to every situation doesn't work.


Lowering expectations does not mean changing my words entirely.

There's nothing false about it. The reasons given refer to the specific questions asked. Trying to make connections from one answer to one questions apply to another that wasn't asked and isn't for the same reason is not relevant here.

Context is important. Taking quotes answering specific questions or statements and then twisting them to apply to another matter or areas that likely has another reason is pointless.

This is entirely off topic.


The US and USSR have far more aircraft to add over the same timeframe and are much larger nations. So it doesn't really equate as naturally they will have more. Meta isn't the only criteria for addition to the game.



The image details the wing pylons and not the centreline Pylons. Thus this has been closed.


Im not sure how you got this, from this:

I simply mentioned as we have already said (a long time ago) we dont rule out a Ram in the UK stage at some point. This isn't new info or relevant to this patch in any way.


Lets not twist things here. I said we don't only add just fighter interceptors all the time for top tier. Which seems to be some peoples measure for what a top tier is.


No new news that we can share for now beyond previous answers in developer Q and As.


None of them were in game 3 years ago to be "minor modifications". All of these aircraft have been added since the FGR.2 first came. Nations like Britain mostly had progressive modifications of existing airframes / variants rather than whole new aircraft.

We are not going to deny things that we never even mentioned, hinted or teased at because specific individuals self hype themselves up and are then themselves then disappointed when something only they expected to come, with no influence from us, doesn't come. We have nothing to change on our side in that regard.

This also is not your first Rumor Roundup. You have been here more than long enough to understand how things have operated. Please now take this as a final verbal warning as I have mentioned twice now (in posts you have quoted to respond, so have clearly read) to take these off topic discussions to the correct place.


Stay tuned to the news.


Since the FGR.2 was introduced, excluding the FG.1, Britain's top ranks have received:

Lighting F.6

Lightning F.53

Jaguar GR.1

Jaguar GR.1A

Scimitar F. Mk I

Harrier GR.1

Harrier GR.3

Buccaneer S.1

Buccaneer S.2

So to say its stayed the same is not really accurate. We don't only focus on new top fighter / interceptors all the time and unfortunately, compared to other nations as already mentioned like the USSR or USA, Britain tended to hang onto what it had for multiple decades where others would go through several new types being introduced.

Now with previous questioned answered, this discussion really has no place here now and can be taken to the correct area: ...

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As far as im aware, only 1 report remains open under investigation on Skyflash:

Unless this is the issue you are referring too, I would recommend reporting any perceived issues with the relevant evidence. But it really has nothing to do with this topic.

I was referring to new weaponry options altogether that could be considered, if required.


We don't move vehicles from one tree to another. If something was removed, it would be kept for those that have it and replaced as a new vehicle in another tree. Like the Swedish centurion.

We don't have any plans to "move" the M4A5 as it is where it was intended to be placed. A Ram is not ruled out, as we mentioned some time ago, but it has nothing to do with this update.


Unfortunately some nations simply used 1 type of aircraft for multiple decades and chose to upgrade them over time. Whilst other nations like the USA or USSR went through several types in the same period. It was much the same case for Japan and the Type 10 situation whilst other nations received new MBTs.

Most of these are not top fighter / interceptors. Quite a lot of these are CAS / Strike. Most of these are also around or below the level of the British Phantoms also. So I'm not really sure what the purpose of this chart is.

We don't only introduce higher and higher top rank pure fighters was the point, this just shows that to really be the case more

11.3 has more than just 2 aircraft. The F-14 was the first 4th generation, being one of the closest to what we mostly already had in game and we have 10 nations in game. Everyone will have th...

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The British Phantoms are far from being at the bottom of the pack of 11.3 fighters and have had several upgrades since their introduction. They have consistently been near the top of efficiency at their rank and even now are level at their BR. Britain used them for a considerably long period of time and they still have some options if required on the weaponry department. I would recommend lowering your expectations for new top pure fighters there this patch. New top fighter aircraft are also not the only priority all the time.