

04 Apr


Originally posted by Merpinderp

Hey Drew, when can we expect the sneak peeks announcements?

when they're ready! (terrible answer, i know. sorry!)


hey! we're adding this in the next update coming this month!


this is AWESOME. absolutely solid. did you make this? šŸ˜


this valiant quest to have bragging rights over your students has the clash royale team's official blessing šŸ™ good luck!

also hit me up via DM if you want some CR swag for your classroom & pupils. i'm sure you can fit it in the curriculum somewhere. maths or something.

02 Apr


Originally posted by -TBE-

Wow So this is the stuff you guys respond too.. not the other more important things we bring up like supercells inability to have any common sense when it comes to balances or even any update information šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø

just because we reply to one thing doesn't mean we don't read other things... but there are some things we can't/don't want to reply to instantly.

imo people who have taken their time to create a nice piece of art based on our game are just as deserving as having their posts read as anyone else on the sub.


as far as i'm aware you were the first person to notice. congrats! we are revamping a few card icons and Goblin Hut is getting a new star level too!

01 Apr


Thanks for pointing out this bug! I have just tried it myself and can confirm they're not visible.

Have passed this on to our devs!

28 Mar



thanks for the message! i'm stoked that you're excited for the update.

sorry to disappoint but we don't want to reveal anything JUST yet.

we're still working on getting the update polished and making sure that it's the best experience for everyone - and i wouldn't want to promise that it's coming only for us to find something in testing that delays it and leaves our players hanging.

we don't have a set 'sneak peek' strategy so just because we did something in one update doesn't mean we will do it in another. obviously i wish i could just share everything as it goes along but that's not always the best way to detail our update content!

however... me & seth are filming the april update tv royale tomorrow, so we're getting the ball rolling šŸ˜‰