

04 Apr


Can you tell me your player tag, please? As well as the approximative date and time of your game (if you still remember).
We're investigating the issue and we would need to look at the battle replay.
Thank you!


Can you tell me your player tag, please? As well as the approximative date and time of your game (if you still remember).
We're investigating the issue and we would need to look at the battle replay.
Thank you!



Can you tell me your player tag, please? As well as the approximative date and time of your game (if you still remember).

We're investigating the issue and we would need to look at the battle replay.

Thank you!

01 Apr


11/10 concept


I approve this message.

30 Mar


Originally posted by StressDouble

#PRC9CVPP Got the earthquakes at 10:00 am GMT and the logs at 11:27 GMT

We checked on your profile, it seems that it's only visual.


Well, that looks wrong. What's your player tag? Do you know approximately when you got the cards (time and date)?


Neat concept! The mechanic with the super earthquake is quite interesting.

It was not the source of inspiration for the Mighty Miner (even if the design is indeed pretty close), but awesome work!

29 Mar



The article and I are wrong. The CW Veteran badge will unlock if you have at least 1 win and upgrades up to 2 times (10 and 100 wins).

My bad, the article will be edited asap!

12 Mar



Sorry about this not being clear enough on the website, it should have been more precise and better formulated. The blog/in-game article says "Magic Coins to giveaway to the Community by the Captains".

During the event, all crowns won by each member of your team in the challenges and on the ladder will be added to that achievement. Each tier (the first on being 5000 crowns) will unlock 1 Crown on the website, which will unlock Magic Coins for the Captains that they will give away to the Community. In total, 3 Crowns can be unlocked, so 3 "rounds" of Magic Coins.

Not all players will receive Magic Coins automatically.

10 Jan


That's a great post. Thank you very much for the effort and for putting that much time and energy into it.

I read everything, didn't fully understand all of it, but I'll pass this on to the team.

We discussed the ladder/matchmaking "issue" just before Christmas. We have some ideas and a long-term plan (= not this year) about making the ladder fairer and more enjoyable. This won't be soon but know that we're aware.

23 Nov


Originally posted by ToiletQuagmireIsGod

Hello, thank you for the response.

I have not yet contacted support, do you know how I can?


As kryomx123 said: in the game -> Settings -> Help and Support

22 Nov



Obviously a bug, sorry about that! You can contact support to get compensation if you haven't already.

18 Nov


Originally posted by SuperSnarfy

u/Supercell_Max can you forward this issue to the dev team?

Will do! Thanks

22 Oct


Hey everyone,

Following the Level 14 announcement yesterday, a large part of the community shared their concerns and disappointment about adding a new level and how the Slash Royale event was seen as a way to trick players into spending their resources and leaving them with nothing when the update drops

This was never our intent. We owe you explanations and clarifications, as well as telling you what we are planning to do about it

Here we go:


The Slash Royale event was designed as a celebration of the arrival of Level 14 and a way to help players gain XP and put you as close as possible to King Level 14, where you will be able to enjoy the content of the next update.

While we focused on allowing you to upgrade as many cards as possible to accumulate experience and progress towards King Level 14, we missed an essential aspect: card consumption and post-update cost reductions.

We messed up, and we...

Read more External link →

14 Oct


Originally posted by natemymate77

Has this been a recent change? Because I have tested it hundreds of times and you will never face a bronze league player in a legendary clan. That was how they were able to exploit the level 6 KT to nearly guarantee the encounters with clans they had set it up with.

Even just this week to test it I did a level 6 account in gold league, where I was still only matched with gold league clans and I was matched with a few level 10 KT even after waiting over a minute. Could you maybe post how exactly the matchmaking for war is determined. Thanks.

Not so recent but it was not the case when the CW2 update was released.

I had a chat with one of the server engineers and he confirmed that players can be matched between leagues.

Matchmaking depends on your 'war ELO' (which is hidden) and your KL. I can't unfortunately tell much more because that's how exploits happen.

As for the current exploit with players win trading in Legendary Leagues, that's a bit more complicated than what you described, it's not just about the league and the KL.


Originally posted by natemymate77

Thanks for the answer.

I have to ask another two questions then just for my own sake of mind.

If there is no level caps to allow lower level players join a higher league clan, why is matchmaking still separated by leagues?

Would removing this step in the matchmaking process actually increase the player pool for every level of KT, so you would actually see less mismatches in level difference and also less exploitation of the CW matchmaking system? (Which we saw with a lot of legendary clans recently)

Players matchmaking can happen between leagues.


Originally posted by Grevencillo

First off, I understand you are playing devil's advocate here (in the proper sense of the expression now as, unlike Drew, you were NOT part of the team that made these decisions, but are still supposed to defend them). So please do not take any of this as any kind of personal attack. I do, however, feel obliged to express my concerns.

I believe a big part of the reasons behind the mess that was (and still to some degree is) CWII is explained by the thought process behind it. It really looks that, instead of a cohesive and focused vision, it was the result of a brainstorm-like mishmash of ideas, much like a checklist, some of which are in conflict with each other.

Take for instance your first two points: "feel the investment is worth it" and "minimize the mismatches". You may not notice at first, but these two ideas are in clear contradiction to each other. You can't feel your investment gives you an edge unless you allow for mismatches. If you try to match accordin...

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Thanks for the reply and the feedback.

Before anything, I want to say that our job as Community Manager can sometimes be difficult because we must balance what the community wants and what the game team thinks is best (or possible) and explain that in the best way possible.

I don't know Drew's personal opinion about levels cap, but as it was a strong community request at the time (still kind of is), I'm pretty sure that his life would have been easier if it had been implemented. But sometimes, community requests can't be granted for an all lot of reasons.

- Incentive to upgrade

I must insist that the central thing here is that one of the main goals of CW2 was to encourage players to upgrade their cards. We wanted players to upgrade at least a second deck so they could use it on the ladder. This is the key element that you must keep in mind.

- Feel the investment is worth it vs minimize the mismatch...

Read more

12 Oct


Originally posted by RumiB7

I have a couple questions. Thanks for the communication, by the way

  1. Is the quarterly balance change schedule due to a lack of time and resources of the team? Or because it is believed to truly be better for the game? I understand the idea of making them less often but the balances themselves haven’t been any better than before - so now when a bad balance change comes out, we are stuck with it for months.

This leads to my other question:

  1. Do you have any high level players on the balance team? By “high-level” I mean people with top ladder badges and royal tournament badges. I really believe this would solve a lot of the problems with the balancing. A player like this would be able to give highly informed input about balance ideas and, if they are active in the cr community, they are likely to represent what people want very well.


  1. Better for the game. Balance changes are most requested and "appreciated" by high-level players (which are important for sure). But for the vast majority of the players, they're not something needed or even wanted.

  2. I don't think it would solve any problem. We balance the game using data and feedback from the community. We are also in regular contact with content creators (some of them being former or actual pro players) who tell us their suggestions and opinions about balance.
    Personal opinion or sensitivity must always be kept in check by stats and data. Top ladder players would also balance the game for top ladder - which is not the same as 5000 trophies ladder, and not the same as challenges. Decks are different, usages and winrates are different, we need to balance the game for all players.