

04 May


Yes, we are aiming to get this months Community Calendar out as soon as we can! Weekend events are set to resume on May 10th.

02 May


The BP increase is only a temporary measure until we get the patch out, it's there to make it so that there is a little bit more breathing room within matches :)


Some of the comments suggest that some find her underwhelming, so let's have a discussion on it - let us know the areas where you feel Leia is underperforming and what you'd like to see from her and we'll try and forward that feedback through to the hero guys.


Little bit of a mishap on our end, Daniel, our editorial writer managed to grab an interview with Manuel shortly before he went on paternity leave and as with all things gaming, dates shift around quite frequently which resulted in this snippet being incorrect.

Mishap aside though, it is still a great read once again from him and the changes hinted at in the image above are now expected to arrive this month.

30 Apr


Hey there, it seems we had a bit of miscommunication on this. Yoda's Presence is intended to give 200 points to himself. Troopers and reinforcements are supposed to receive 100 points. We are adjusting our patch notes to reflect this change.

To clarify: Yoda's Presence is currently working as intended.


Just look

at that footwork right there. Roger, Roger.


Great suggestion! Myself and /u/F8RGE have often discussed doing these infographics, I personally feel like it would be great to showcase some of the fun stats that are present in the game.

Something that's on the table but not something that we are actively working on at the moment.


Originally posted by generalslywalker

Total guess but maybe the May the Fourth event?

It will indeed be detailing what to expect from the May the Fourth Special Event.

22 Apr


CT is doing great, should be landing in a day or two's time. As this transmission is related to the update and the various changes/additions made it is expected to drop much closer to that. :)

19 Apr


Play some games, enjoy the moment!

There will inevitably be news drops throughout the months to help make it a little bit more bearable too!

18 Apr



Who is F9RGE and where is his triplet F4RGE?

17 Apr


You have an awesome manager, make sure to make him a cup of coffee or tea every now and then. All my manager brings back from conventions are more droid-based insults. *cough* /u/F8RGE *cough*

16 Apr


Talks of an Star Wars game had taken place as early as 2014 [1], Respawn was purchased by EA in 2017. Respawn wanted to make this game, that's all there is to it.

15 Apr


No plans for a Collector's Edition, sorry :(
(BD-1 statue please.)


We have no plans for multiplayer within Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. This is a singleplayer experience through and through.


Originally posted by EAwinsadownvote

For true stealth we better get a cardboard box lmao

What's wrong? Snake? SNAAAAKE?


Originally posted by Randompl3b

only cinematic and no game play, hope this does not turn out to be a shit show like anthem

We wanted to cover the story and tone of the game as our first chance at showcasing it, more news on the intricacies of the game at a later date. Keep those eyes peeled :)


Originally posted by PresidentSkro0b

Has anyone figured out which systems this is getting released on?

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order will be releasing on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. There are no plans for any other platforms at this moment in time, sorry!


Originally posted by Loki_308

Anyone know if it'll be first or third person? Im really hoping for first.

Third person!


Originally posted by ArgenJVC332nd

I hope we get Cal and the second sister (cough Barriss cough) in Battlefront 2

I don't really see this happening but it is a good suggestion, who knows what the future may entail - however other things are being worked on when it comes to Battlefront II though. Jedi: Fallen Order and its characters are their own entity.