

05 Jul


Originally posted by hhdss

The game won't launch. Fix it.

We're aware of the issue and we're working with the Origin team to resolve it as soon as possible.

04 Jul


Hello. My name's T0TALfps and with me is /u/EA_Charlemagne. We are here to assist you with all of your needs while our master, boss, friend? FRIEND F8RGE is on holiday.

How are you today? Could you please also refrain from placing such graffiti on our walls, I am the one that cleans that up you know.

Roger, Roger.

02 Jul


This is something that we are keeping an eye on and taking in as much feedback on as possible. :)

01 Jul


You are too kind, thank you. I appreciate it.
[T0TALfps will remember this.]


This means that Myself and /u/EA_Charlemagne shall be taking control of the ship

in the meantime, right?!

We promise not to break things, although if things do break - don't blame the droid, blame Jay.

Safe travels to you Ben!

27 Jun


This is magnificent!! Love it!


Can't stop, gotta roll!

26 Jun


Seeing a few comments pop up in regards to this, I'm escalating it within the team to look into further.

We will let you know if/when we have any further updates on this matter!

25 Jun


Harvey is an absolute beast, and if anyone wants to follow in his footsteps and get into game animation, he even makes tutorials on it too: https://youtube.com/channel/UCCtYt5A-fLjgEECY1Z7PefQ


Droids for the win, one skydiving Anakin at a time.


It is indeed a divisive mode, and it's rare that it does come around in the calendars. Its quite a nice boost of chaos for one weekend though, some awesome comments about it!


I love seeing the community reaction towards it, it's very rare that Heroes Unleashed comes around in the Community Calendar, but I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Originally posted by Ark3ros

I know for a fact that u/T0TALfps won't be against the idea :)

Yes please, /u/F8RGE. All of the yes.

13 Jun


There isn't any character creation within the game, you play the part of Cal Kestis - this is his journey.


Originally posted by VehDehVeh

Any word on limb dismemberment? Don't know if you guys have any restrictions but wielding a lightsaber that doesn't off some arms or legs feels a tad underpowered. Would this happen to be a work in progress feature or will it not be included at all?

Dismemberment is in the game yes, there is a little bit of it shown in the recent gameplay demo footage (with the Wyyyschokk's legs being cut off).

There isn't constant dismemberment in the game though, in the sense that you would be cutting down enemies in every encounter, instead, it is reserved for more powerful moments/encounters throughout the game.


Originally posted by ObaeWanKenobi

Pointless question - one of Bossk's emotes has 'prize' in the title but I swear I hear price. What do you hear?

Roger, Roger.


Yes, it's there for when we inevitably go down the route of Roger, Roger.