

13 Aug


Originally posted by sanketower

That new passive looks like a jungle Garen to me


Edit: I slacked the designer and he assures me that jungle garen is still bad because of the clear speed lol

10 Aug

09 Aug


Originally posted by whythehecknot12345

Dude I just have to say, as a fellow game designer of a live ops game, I respect the hell out of the directness and openness of your communication with the community, amongst a ton of other positive qualities you have. I model myself after you in the way I carry myself with the community of our game, thanks for being so awesome!

That’s really kind of you. Thanks, and be well, friend


Originally posted by Naman_Mehrotra

You know, looking back on it. I'm sure many people would say absolute waste of money. I don't really feel like that. I spent money basically collecting every skin. Sure, its digital and I don't actually own anything but I like the feeling of owning every skin.

As for the affordability, yes. I was lucky enough to have gone to college and graduate with no debt thanks to my parents. When I got my job after, I spent a large part of my signing bonus on completing my collection. I don't look at that amount of money and feel like I could have totally changed my life with it. My current position leaves me with quite a bit of disposable income every month of which I usually throw some into RP.

Great to hear, and glad you’re enjoying it :)


Originally posted by AnimeDestroyedMyLife

LOL in my defense it is a day 1 account has Human Ryze and all that jazz

And pretty much all special deals were purchased like signature packs, special chroma they add up over time.

I'm also the kind of loser that goes to South Korea for Worlds and try to watch as many SKT matches as I can at LoL Park on my I put a lot into this game even when offline >.>

Doesn’t sound like a loser at all to me. That’s awesome, man. Honestly I’m honored I get to work on something that somebody like you would care this much about. So thank you.


Originally posted by AnimeDestroyedMyLife

Hextech was a disgusting amount too tbh I have like 15k orange essence left over and 90 shards so luckily I can just reroll prestige/gemstones now. Also they've introduced several bundles etc like the signature bundles that I bought into.

O also I own all icons wards chromas and emotes that could be why too

Was there ever like just one period in time where you bought like $5,000 worth of chests or was this slowly over time?

I’m just curious how this stuff happens because I legit thought it wasn’t possible to spend $10k in our game


Originally posted by Naman_Mehrotra

I have every skin and chrome and have gifted a ton as well. I also own all ward skins. The only thing I never buy is icons.

Screw it, I’ll ask. Do you feel like it’s worth it?

And, the even tougher one, could you really afford it?


Originally posted by ImRhinne

you say that like this post wasn't going to get a lot of attraction anyway though

it being #3 on r/all is that next level tho


Originally posted by infest--

FYI tarzaned just linked it on discord to mass downvote this post he always does it when something negative is said about him

edit: he also seems to think that this was upvote botted and someone is paying to smear him with bots:

edit 2:Tarzaned went on the offical /r/leagueoflegends discord and told them to remove this thread "full of lies and upvote botting"

incoming Streisand effect

ya hate to see it

06 Aug


Originally posted by moodRubicund

It's more that the reason I resort to fart jokes is that I genuinely don't understand if any of the things in the article does anything.

I see a lot of stuff but I can't visualize how it improves anything, like what does making a "Riot Noir" actually accomplish? OK, a group got made. What did it prevent or create? It might be understandable to people familiar with the process and the direction it's all going in is very real and clear. But to people outside the process it's pretty alien.

But someone farting on someone else vs NOT farting on someone is a visceral, easy image that everyone is familiar with, which is incidentally why it also makes for an easy joke.

oh yeah nw, wasn't meaning to direct any negativity toward you. and tbh i get it

re this part:

like what does making a "Riot Noir" actually accomplish?

that's just one small thing in a way longer article. But like I said in the other comment I linked to above, I get why people are skeptical.


Originally posted by moodRubicund



I don't 100% get it.

But have they stopped farting in people's faces.

That's all I really need to know.

Rioter here in a Reddit thread about sexism and harassment issues at Riot Games.

Three things:

1) pray for me

2) Honestly we don't know how to respond to this man. Working at Riot now—you hear this joke constantly, in-game and everywhere else. Nobody at Riot is walking around farting on anybody. We've spent the last year dealing with some pretty serious issues. For the whole thing to come down to a big fart joke is... sigh

3) The only other thing I really want to say in this Reddit thread I said in this comment.


Originally posted by Mornos

They did a bunch of stuff to increase diversity within the company, but I can't see anything that addresses the existing rampant sexism that was reported and raised the issue. Pretty sure that the people treating their colleagues horribly are already aware of the effects of their behaviour so awareness training won't change much on this front. It is great how transparent Riot is about their steps to change the work environment but some of the glaring issues are not even addressed or acknowledge here.

Honestly, the skepticism is fair. My personal take: The problems that emerged over the last year are very real, and we've earned the reputation we have now.

I could tell you here that a lot of the steps Angela posted about have made a huge difference for Riot's culture and how people are being treated (and I do believe that). But if we're being realistic, I think the narrative about Riot isn't going to magically become "hey actually everyone Riot is getting better." Not for a long, long time, even if Riot actually is getting better. It just doesn't work that way. You don't get a redemption narrative for free when there actually were problems for years, and when there's still more work to be done.

The only way for Riot to claw its way out of its PR nightmare is to work—probably for years—to become not just "better," but literally industry-leading in terms of dealing with discrimination, harassment, and other bullsh*t that leads to an unhealthy work culture. ...

Read more

22 Jul


Originally posted by Z0MBGiEF

Probably a good thing tbh, I was going to show up to your door to personally delivery it in full Pool Party Caitlyn cosplay, you saved us both from an awkward encounter, so you're the real hero here.

Thanks for the love bb <3

yeah on second thought i regret nothing



Originally posted by bz6

Pulling the game from China is like pulling the life support plug of League of Legends 😁

not gonna lie—losing access to the chinese market would be what we in the business world call "a big f*ckin ouchie"


Originally posted by Z0MBGiEF

Hey now Rito person, you get outta here with those logical shenanigans and fancy talk! Don't you know they got hella clicks to bait?

hey Z0MBGiEF one time you DMed me offering to mail art to my house and i forgot to respond

i just want to say i'm sorry and that i think you're amazing. huge asset to this community


That's a very spicy headline, but the case described here (we built a time limit feature for China) is pretty standard stuff. From our perspective, this is like when any government around the world has specific legal requirements around parental controls or content restrictions. We think it's better to self-regulate than to risk government regulation or even shutdown of the game in a region.

Another good example of a similar case might be what we did in Korea with account>ID linking. The South Korean government requires that accounts be linked to their equivalent of a social security number, so we play by the rules and built those hooks for that region.

If we were ever asked to do something actually nefarious by a government, we'd have to consider pulling the game from that region. That hasn't happened in China.

12 Jul


i know i’m silver because nothing felt unusual or surprising about a 5% health jungler going in 1v4

04 Jul


Originally posted by The_Gentleman_1

Ty you for sharing your comment, god bless.



we are all on our own journeys. ty for sharing yours, god bless

29 Jun


Originally posted by Lazer726

A question that I'm wondering if you can answer, personally or professionally:

We see that streamers can be pretty toxic, and that, from time to time, Riot will crack down on them. In the cases of Dunkey and Nightblue3, how do you feel about them pretty openly calling Riot a shit company?

in my opinion you just can’t take that sh*t personally.