A papaya post always does the heart good
A papaya post always does the heart good
r/leagueoflegends I'll miss u the most! Thanks for being such an incredible community over the years!
logs off forever
Read moreAlright fam, ima hit you with some stuff.
I've been in the league community for YEARS. Like late season two. Casually browsing the subreddit, then slowly becoming an active participant. Been a part of many other gaming communities in the past, Gears of War, Call of Duty, Halo, the like. But you know what, the league community just hits different. Yeah we are a bunch of toxic assholes who are pissed about being hardstuck silver 1 half the time, but god damnit this community is a joy.
That level of community is, in part, due to your personal contributions to it. Be it memeing on twitter, shitposting on this subreddit, staning for Garen jungle, or diving into the utter shitshow of this community and hitting us with the facts. Like shit, I can think of 10 or so times where you probably opened up this subreddit and went like this and had to panic call you...
Thank you for this, and the love is 100% reciprocal. You’re totally right too about the League community. I don’t quite know how to capture it in words either, but there’s just nothing else like it.
Is the Ezreal on theirs or ours?
Is it too late to fire you??? But seriously we miss you already :(
Jeremy, if you firing me means we get one more Google Hangout, then by all means pull the trigger.
I’ll miss ya, brother.
Someone quick post a rune/item guide
Predator boots to make you go more fast. Chilling smite to make them go LESS fast. EZ wins
Godspeed, summoners. To pay respects please everyone attempt at least one game of garen jungle in ranked. The resulting spike in the winrate data will confuse the balance team and this will be my true legacy.
Okay this isn’t just a tree it’s a Giant Sequoia
Big tree daddy energy. You did like 90% of the work solo too. Nice
Hell yeah, congrats my guy.
As a hardstuck silver I/II Riot Games employee, I have to ask... wanna duo and carry my ass?
i can’t wait for Thursday now this’ll be great
Financial institutions catering to private funds, previously for high-ish profile political figures (mid-level on the Warren for Senate team).
My post history is not indicative of my real life personality :)
This sub would be blown away how effective groups like the Hedge Clippers are at affecting change through what is, in essence, the real-world version of complain-posting.
Oh, cool, thanks for sharing that. To your point, I think performative anger via institutions like this subreddit creates leverage which (sometimes) leads to change. I wrote a post analyzing the cycle this creates which you might find interesting: https://medium.com/@RKRigney/the-3-phases-of-any-online-reaction-to-a-video-game-company-screwup-ed41082a5d10
One comms person to another - care to explain to this sub that public pressure and repeated outcries help move the needle?
It's mind blowing to me how often you see posts on this sub asking for an end to "whining" posts that are the only effective way this community has to push for change.
Would love to know what you do comms for.
Can you stop communicating and actually ship improvements ?
...personally? No.
Makes you think about how long it would've taken for us to get a proper response from them had Voyboy not made his initial video.
The things we're talking about today have been in the works for a while. Riot is just made up of people, though, and speaking for myself, I found the Voyboy video to be incredibly moving.
How many times in the last few years have Riot employees been trying to “win back trust” lmao
Countless times. And anyone who has ever worked on a game knows that the chance to fix your own f*ckup is one of the most satisfying experiences you can have.
After the client stuff I'm sure you know that many people will be skeptical until it's 6 months from now and you delivered on both of those points.
Hopefully it goes better this time.
Previous client comms weren't handled well, and as Comms Lead that's my fault and it's my responsibility to correct it.
For that reason, Client Cleanup posts are also on a predictable schedule now: every two months instead of monthly (because we want each update to be meaty.)
First one (from March): https://euw.leagueoflegends.com/en-gb/news/dev/introducing-the-client-cleanup-campaign/
Second one (from a week ago): ...
Read moreIn our minds, there are exactly two things we HAVE to do to win back trust on this issue:
1) Ship product changes and features that make a positive difference and meaningfully address game-ruining behavior (or that at least result in forward momentum on the issue)
2) Communicate regularly about those product changes and features
For the reasons above, we're committing to monthly updates on "game-ruining behavior" for the foreseeable future.
Appreciate Riv for chiming in on this. The folks on the dev team all saw Voy's video and, frankly, we think the issue he's raising here is important enough to merit a longer conversation—not just "we hear you" and then silence. Meddler is gonna kick off that conversation with his Friday "Quick LoL Thoughts" post and then we'll take it from there.
Affinity was broken. At some point during 2018, Affinity was inadvertently broken. Since Affinity isn't working properly, the client is defaulting to loading every single plugin during bootstrap and postgame loads.
In the bigger picture this discovery isn't a setback but rather a huge success, considering the whole point of this campaign is to fix issues. Especially when it's a tool that's been literally broken for 2 years.
Yep. It's simultaneously humbling and a validation of our approach (dig deep to discover root causes)