

29 Jun


Originally posted by 2th

Edit: For those downvoting, did you actually read my post? I'm literally just saying I'm surprised that a Riot employee is willing to be this honest about such delicate situation. It really isn't something you see often, and it is refreshing.

First off, I love that you've called him d*nkey in every form except Dunkey. Absolutely quality shitposting.

Second, I'll be honest with you, while I understand the idea of

Riot’s thinking about how to support content creators has evolved a lot in recent years, and we believe there’s basic stuff (like LPP and other forms of support) that we should do for streamers.

it is not really something you expect to be said in public. At the end of the day, when average user #257861 see "we are going to treat streamers better than you" is just such a punch in the gut. And it is a very interesting thing honestly. Let's be honest, streaming is definitely still looked down on and not se...

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My hope is that most people are mature enough to realize that what I’m saying is actually nuanced. There’s a lot of daylight between “we should do more to support content creators in a smart way” and “content creators > everyone else.” I bet dœnkey understands that too.

Of course some people are going to refuse to see the nuance, but I don’t think that should keep us from talking honestly about our policies.


Originally posted by 2th

and f**k that riot lyte quote

Never in my life did I ever expect another Rioter to publicly say something like this. All I can say is

Specifically dinkey was referencing that Lyte quote to imply that we shouldn’t whitelist streamers for the PBE queue. I disagree with the quote in this context and with denky’s sentiment.

Riot’s thinking about how to support content creators has evolved a lot in recent years, and we believe there’s basic stuff (like LPP and other forms of support) that we should do for streamers. It’s just good business, frankly. And we should’ve been doing that stuff sooner.

Not talking about bans at all here—that’s not the context dönkey was referring to either.


Originally posted by Huskey009

Riot games made 1.4 billion in revenue last year, you really think dunkey would make a noticable impact on their profit? Or could it just be that riot employees enjoy watching one of their favorite content creators play the game they've worked so hard on.

riot employees enjoy watching one of their favorite content creators play the game they've worked so hard on

This. Seeing people play your game is—for me at least—one of the most powerful and rewarding experiences you can have as someone who works in games. It’s even better if you like the person playing it. We got to have this experience a lot with TFT over the last week and it’s been incredible. Really, genuinely uplifting.


Originally posted by KaramawariKawaranai

despite the salt everybody at Riot would actually love for donkey to come back

I'm sure you guys would love a very popular youtuber to advertise league again

yeah obviously but also dænkey is hilarious and makes good sh*t

honestly I’d just like to talk to him 1:1


despite the salt everybody at Riot would actually love for donkey to come back. every video he posts gets shared around the office

and f*ck that riot lyte quote—everybody knows dankey would get top tier influencer treatment if he came back to league lol

25 Jun


Originally posted by raitono

Oh, the word is torpedo. The forums censor the 'pedo' bit and I could not for the life of me guess what the word 'tor%%%%' was supposed to be.

Lol wtf


Originally posted by Hoenulf

I mean I get that. But why put dates there in the first place when I gotta riddle what pm 26/6 could possibly mean for me as an eu player. Just post that the mode will come in the 1-4 days after the patch hits and there is less confusion about what time one can expect the mode..

In principal I’d prefer us to be as transparent as possible, which here means revealing dates but not hours


Originally posted by sersinger

Putting the s in League of Legends

lol not bad


Originally posted by Hoenulf

This is just such an incredibly weird way of putting a release date out there..

In this case we’re being vague on purpose so everyone doesn’t torpedo the queue all at the same time.

Not tryna crash.

21 Jun


yeah okay but did the nautilus live?

11 Jun


Originally posted by turntable

/u/The_Cactopus will this work on mac?


10 Jun


Originally posted by EROTIC_RAID_BOSS

is this what youve been working on since you returned to riot?

just one of the things!


Originally posted by AobaSona

I stand by the idea that NB started declining because of those awful arduous missions. NB's whole premise was being a short non-serious game mode that you would go play purely to have a little fun for a few minutes, when you didn't have enough time or patience for Summoner's Rift. But then you guys created those missions that required people to play it non-stop grinding and trying to reach those stupid requirements.

Also, the jungle in between the lanes wasn't a good idea. People enjoyed the fiesta of going in and out of each lane.

It was declining rapidly before the missions.


Originally posted by Dv77772

So the mode must be a top priority then huh?



Originally posted by ACAnalyst

If it really takes off, would you guys go standalone or just incorporate into the LoL client? Either way super cool you're adding ranked, I play Auto Chess but it's been crashing a lot recently. If this game scratches the same itch, I'm converted instantly.

Plan right now is to keep it in the client and just invest more resources in making the client not sh*t


Originally posted by Stinky1790

I said this on the other frontpage thread but I believe they cancelled nexus blitz for this regardless of data once they realized how big dota auto chess got. For how fast this is going up and how they are doubling down with ranked, they probably wanted only one new mode to be permanent and saw more of a future in this which is really sad for anyone who loved nexus blitz.

We decided to not make NB permanent because it wasn't popular enough. And it was consistently declining in popularity over time. I know that folks who love NB will always find that explanation hard to swallow, but it's the truth. And the Reddit theory will always be that we gave up on it too early, but all of the data we were seeing globally convinced us that it wasn't going to be a successful longterm investment.

Even if NB had blown up and become a huge success, we'd probably still have made TFT. They're totally different modes with different audiences. NB = fast-paced and more casual compared to SR. TFT has nothing to do with SR and is super deep and slow-paced.


Originally posted by Martinuggla

oh my god this is incredible


Originally posted by TripleShines

Might as well as just call it autochess. Sounds better.

Our board is hexagonal



Originally posted by OnlyAnEssenceThief