

27 Aug


Originally posted by ShantyShanta

I think the problem comes from when you do things that aren't for me, and are actually against my interests as a gamer. Like when Dominion was cancelled, nobody played it really, it made sense but to the people who loved it this was an action against them and for somebody else. No matter how you tell that to someone it's going to suck.

As someone who loved NB, and played it and only it up until the plug got pulled, I hate that I'll never to get to play it again. And then when you say things like "We're not gonna let you play this anymore because you just aren't important enough." It hurts, there's no way to say that without upsetting someone.

Ahhhh, there’s just so much to address here. First:

Like when Dominion was cancelled, nobody played it really

Well... some people did. And they feel about Dominion exactly the way you feel about NB.

I hate that I'll never to get to play it again

We’ve said we’ll bring it back as an RGM at some point in the future, just not planning to make it permanent because it wasn’t holding players’ interest past the first week in either of the tests we ran (and also it failed to surpass ARAM in popularity even at its peak)

And then when you say things like "We're not gonna let you play this anymore because you just aren't important enough." It hurts

Come on man, we’ve never said that and never would.


Originally posted by StSpider

Ok but, dude, people have been asking for a gamemode that is League (aka same gameplay), is fast and lets you pick your champ for AGES.

I understand that the playerbase shifts all the time with new people coming, players quitting and players coming back but you have to keep in mind that some of us are getting OLDER. People who have started playing before season 3 are likely to have families, full time jobs, responsibilities. I don’t have time to play 40 minutes of SR nor do I have the time to invest in a new game like TFT. All I wanted was Nexus Blitz.

I think you’re touching on something that’s super real. Few people can realistically stick with the SR ranked grind beyond 4-5 seasons. Hell, I’m personally gonna churn out into normals only next season, I think.

I don’t have any answers for you and I don’t wanna rehash the “why Nexus Blitz wasn’t hitting the bar” conversation right here but I actually agree with you we’ve gotta find a way to better serve players like you.


Originally posted by Kayn_

The thing i don't understand is that TFT isn't league of legends and why make league worse for the sake of TFT.

Game companies with multiple games make trade-offs at the expense of one game in favor of another all the time. Valve, Blizzard, Nintendo, whatever. They all have to do it, because they'd be batsh*t crazy not to. They just don't come out and tell you when they've done it.

That's what I'm writing about here: is there really value in talking in a "no bullsh*t" way about trade-offs and prioritization in cases like this? It's possible that it's not worth it.

I'm still thinking through it, tbh.


Originally posted by GuGuMonster

You don't have to provide one or even answer the question, as that is likely pretty risque, but as a believer would you say a no-bullshit communication strategy regarding recent controversial monetization options requiring uncharacteristically high inputs (e.g. prestige skins, Little Legends and Eternals) would have resulted in less backlash and more community understanding?

It's a really great question. Maybe one way to make those product announcements would have been to say "we don't believe everyone will want to buy these things. BUT some of you will buy it and love the product, and so we're trying to make something that those people will want to buy." Would people respect that? Hard to say.

Probably our advocates would understand, and our engaged detractors would take offense. I wrote a blog post recently breaking down how different parts of online game communities respond whenever developers make an unpopular change to their game. Link if you're interested.

For Little Legends there was one other no-bullsh*t thing we could have said, which was essentially "because TFT is being added for free, if we don't add a new monetization feature specifically to support this mode, then it might activel...

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Originally posted by -Basileus

I mean RGM was the 5th most popular mode after Ranked, Normals, Flex, and ARAM. It's a lot of work for something that they probably aren't making a lot off of. TFT is probably the 2nd or 3rd most popular queue now. Of course they will use resources on that instead.

I’m a big believer in no-bullsh*t communications, especially when we’re making a hard choice about prioritizing one thing over another (like in this case). That’s why we wrote this blog post which says exactly what you pointed out, u/-Basileus.

But, if I’m being self-critical, I think there’s one thing we at Riot haven’t figured out how to communicate yet. It’s this: when we do something for just ONE part of our audience, how do we explain that to the REST of our audience in a way that resonates? The no bullsh*...

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25 Aug


Originally posted by Koersfanaat

Jensen was f**king heavy holy shit, not even Doublelift could carry him

tbf Doublelift looked like a TFT Varus until that quadra near the end

22 Aug


Originally posted by bitrar

TRUE DAMAGE: Air fragrancing preparations; baby oils; baby shampoo; baby wipes; bath gels; bath oils; bath powders; bath salts; bath…

Even Papaya could not be making this up.

we out here trademarking random bullsh*t just to throw y'all off

16 Aug


Originally posted by Highvern

I'd want to cuddle a Cactopus more!



I just really love the names. Who the f*ck wouldn’t wanna cuddle a hushtail

15 Aug


Originally posted by ZTD09

she has big brain

good for game

I really wanna watch her process the very first time she picks up a new game. Like, she became godlike at TFT before anyone else. Rank 1! How does that big brain go about learning a new game? Could probably learn a lot from her.


Originally posted by Blastuch_v2

I like how, just when announcement hits, Hafu is playing sponsored MTG

Based on what I’ve read it seems like she’s world class at a ton of games. She’s a legend

14 Aug


Originally posted by Canopenerdude

Pro tip for anyone watching: cactopus only gets defensive and adversarial when he's told to defend something he personally thinks isn't good but can't say it outright. It happened with PUBG and it happened here before.

Dude, you're one of the good guys. One of the industry's shining lights of PR, right up there with Eric Pope and the Roccat guy. Please, for your own sanity, get out of this terrible company before it breaks you.


edit: I accidentally deleted the original post above here (was trying to turn off inbox replies) but I’d also posted it here on twitter


Originally posted by alrightrb

there are much better things to flame us for than this

Such as eternals

Sure, maybe. Maybe after these things come out it'll turn out that we deserve the flame—it wouldn't be the first time.

We won't know for sure until they've been out in the wild for some time, though. Mostly because we decided a long time ago that we shouldn't make knee-jerk changes based on Reddit reactions. Besides, being a nearly 10-year-old game means we take the long view on sh*t like this.

Totally unrelated, here's Reddit in 2017


And here's Reddit in 2019

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Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

Only 100x? TT was more popular than I thought.

I’d have to go check the numbers again to get an exact figure but yeah it might have been over 100x difference. Nexus Blitz was many times more popular than TT and TFT is many times more popular than Nexus Blitz ever was (even at its height, before it rapidly dropped off). So it’s not close.


Originally posted by anialater45

It would be nice if there was some acknowledgement that people are actually listening. Even something like "Yes we see concerns people have and are considering other options" or something, rather than just silence/replying to positive comments instead. That kind of lack of communication really makes it feel like you're not actually listening, just blowing it off.

I used to agree with this but over time I realized that if you do that every time people complain then it starts to just feel like hollow words. “We’re listening! We hear you, summoners!” You’ve seen it here and in other game communities. Now my belief is that taking action is the best way to show you’re listening.

That said, I still think engaging directly on a place like Reddit can be useful IF you’re able to draw people into a productive conversation. Because then you have an opportunity to ask smart questions that deepen your understanding of your audience.


Originally posted by BADxW0LF1

It's more of no discussion from riot right now unless it's to positive feedback. So trying to find an outlet where we feel heard until that happens.

Yeah I get it. I think that team would be wise to just read and see what/if anything changes once people get their hands on the system on PBE. Some parts of the feedback probably will, or it’ll get more directed and specific.

It’s been my experience having worked on many, many campaigns for League that sometimes, if you jump in right away into discussion, you fall into the trap of being defensive instead of listening.


Originally posted by RazeULikeaPhoenix

screw that.

I think spotlights are important because

  1. it outlines how to play the champ at all stages of the game. IE heres how to play in lane. heres what to do in a teamfight. here are the situations where the champion excels! take note of how I do X to ensure that Y doesnt happen and I can successfully execute my gameplan.

  2. sometimes its fun to go back and try out the hidden builds/older build styles. believe it or not I like salvaging new builds and stuff like how the OG Jayce spotlight tells you to go Phantom Dancer/Bloodthirster crit stuff on him. or playing yorick mid. building Rylais+Roa on Fizz and just being a 3k hp menace. exploring old vids for off-meta """outdated"""" methods of playing is ultra fun and its also fun to just look into the past and see how far the game has come since then.

I mean putting together a spotlight seems like something a unpaid intern could do so Idk why you guys act like its somethi...

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I mean putting together a spotlight seems like something a unpaid intern could do so Idk why you guys act like its something that NEEDS to be cut.

I wasn’t an unpaid intern when I wrote the spotlights. Neither were the video capture team, editors, audio mix guy, or the localization team.

Posting on Reddit, though... that part is actually unpaid lol. So here we are.


Originally posted by BADxW0LF1

I feel like a bad example is the eternals thing. If it didn't cost so much I could see it MAYBE being legit, but the high cost doesn't account for what it provides from what has been revealed. I sincerely hope there is much more to it. Otherwise I foresee this being a flop.

I saw the 6 other Eternals reaction threads but I don’t really see the connection to this topic. The people who made champion Spotlights aren’t working on Eternals, and I don’t work on Eternals.

But I know the people on that team and I’m sure they won’t be happy until they’re confident they’ve made something that people feel good buying. Funny thing about selling cosmetics in this game: if a lot of people don’t want to buy it, it doesn’t make money. So it’s in our interest to get it right, even if it takes time. Same process we’ve always gone through when we introduce a new RP product.


Originally posted by Zotwi

support for twisted treeline? where?

Believe it or not, it took a lot of backend work. Engineering time, just to make sure it wasn’t breaking every time we changed something else in the game (even things you’d think would only affect Summoner’s Rift). We weren’t actively balancing TT but that would’ve been only a fraction of the total opportunity cost of the mode if we had been.


Originally posted by Rejimi

Or maybe they’re cutting them because people don’t watch them and they get outdated quickly?

Yeah mostly this.

It’s not the year of cost-cutting—it’s the year of reprioritizing in favor of high impact sh*t. Dropping support for Twisted Treeline so we can go HAM with support for a mode like TFT (which is played by roughly 100x as many players) would be another good example.

I’ll miss the rework spotlights too, though. I spent like two years co-writing them with Phreak. But dropping them is the right call imho.