flaming arrows can break void portals.
Submitted by The Dapper One
flaming arrows can break void portals.
Submitted by The Dapper One
Spike Deaths no longer count towards 10 Death Feat/Achievement. Tested on both Casual & Hardmode.
Submitted by MysterEdwardNigma
weather effects happen in the void https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/570812356041506873/619404105147744256/unknown.png
Submitted by kyo-chan the 🐍(72)
I can confirm that as of 2.9.6 the “Invulnerable Animals can still be killed by explosions” is NOT fixed.
Submitted by Rossmallo
My Locomotive does not move on the tracks. Using Controller.
Submitted by (N/a)
Mining rods dont harvest resources when off screen
Submitted by Ink Dragon
The targetdummy can die..? (im not pressing ‘e’ on it. I just hit it with the sword, it drops gold and is gone)
Submitted by Flowire
when making infinite landfill the infinity sign is replaced with the number 1
Submitted by stipulaterose12
Explosions from meteor rod kill animals even if the secret option to make them immortal is enabled. There is the possibility Falling Stars may be fatal to them too, but cannot confirm.
Submitted by Rossmallo
I fought the new boss the skeleton king near the end of the map and after I killed him his skeleton boxes didn’t open or break please fix it
Submitted by בובי בוטן
the portals in the void can spawn at the edge of the map and you can see only half of it
Submitted by F1L1P
placing a new type of floor in a galaxy causes some weird stuff
Submitted by kate ✨
If you fight a boss in a dungeon, then kill the boss, the outside the dungeon music will start playing and the dungeon music will stop (I’ve only tested this with skull maze with slime king, however I presume it works the same for other dungeons)
Submitted by Minearia