

22 Sep


Originally posted by cuddlebuff

You can turn the Marraige Spot!?!



17 Sep

16 Sep


We'd never remove vanilla content to make an expansion. Royalty just adds some quest content on top of the ones in the base game.

14 Sep


Originally posted by -desdinova-

My issue with this is that since a reactionless drive exists, there's no reason you can't accelerate to any arbitrary fraction of light speed. At a constant 1g acceleration it takes a little less than a year to accelerate to 99% of light speed. Because of relativistic time dilation, if you're going fast enough, the time elapsed during a journey perceived by the crew could be many times less than the time perceived by a stationary observer. Basically, any ship equipped with a Johnson-Tanaka drive is a potential starship.

Once you accelerate to 99.9% c, a journey of 10 light years would take less than 6 months from your perspective - just add a year to speed up and a year to slow down. You wouldn't even need cryptosleep caskets for many interstellar journeys.

It depends on the assumptions of course, but as I have the universe written:

Trade ships don't have JT drives.

JT drives don't give 1g.

Trade ships don't have foreshields to block lightspeed dust impacts (which you need to not have your ship annihilated if you go fast enough for time dilation to be really serious).

10 light years is very close, a more typical journey would be more like 50-100 ly (to get to a system with anything interesting in it).

And even in your hyper-optimistic scenario you're describing a 30-month journey. Without cryptosleep you need a ton of food, a ton of redundant life support, a ton of space to not go crazy being in a tin can for 2.5 years (all heavily rad-shielded), and lots of other things neither of us are even thinking of.

In any case, this is all way, way outside the scope of "give them some dog leather and ask to hitch a ride" from the OP.


Originally posted by Papergeist

Does this mean that trade ships don't travel between planets?

I ask because I'm not sure how that would work, and had generally assumed trade ships did indeed make the long hauls to other systems, while the Rim system was a nameless rock along the way to a real destination.

It seems pretty cool, but I've got a ton of questions about it too. Where do trade ships come from, do they have bases planetside, how do they maintain themselves, are they even manned at all, and why is it they can't assemble the means to make a long-haul trip to barter their way to a better world with space oddities.

I'm prone to making up lore, but if we've got more somewhere, I'd like to devour it.

The game doesn't nail down the details of the trade ships, but if you read the universe backstory you can infer that at the minimum they are not interstellar ships. They could be intraplanetary, cislunar, or interplanetary, it's not really specified.


It's like asking, "I'm stuck in Bangkok with $50, why can't I just pay a passing rickshaw to take me back to New York?"

Or, "Why can't Elon Musk just fly the Falcon 9 rocket to Alpha Centauri?"

RimWorld depicts space travel realistically. Moving across a planet is very different from traveling to a moon, which is very different from traveling to another planet, which is many many leagues below traveling to another star.

Consider: You're aware that there are people in Earth orbit now. You know a few people went to the moon once, but it's far harder than just going to orbit. You know there is talk of some day going to Mars, but it's much harder than the moon and nobody's ever done it (it takes months to get to Mars, where the moon takes 3 days). Going to Uranus would be way, way harder than going to Mars (years instead of months). And going to another star is just unimaginably harder on every level (thousands of years at current technology).

In the gam...

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13 Sep


Originally posted by Nightfish_

I don't think I said they should be equal and framing my point as such seems a bit unfair. I explicintly said:

"It doesn't have to be equal or even better"

But being cut off from the anima tree when the empire path does not do that seems really, really weird. Especially since the game doesn't tell you that. At least, I don't think it does. I'll double check the quest text next time but I don't remember it saying anything about that.

Between the lack of permits, the harder raids, losing out on the empire as a trading partner and having no speech from the throne mood buffs, the deserter path would still be harder if it allowed you to use the anima tree and gave you something else on top of that.

Again, let me clarify that I don't mind that the deserter path is harder. What I do mind is that you're cutting yourself off from a lot of tools by choosing that and some of that seems incredibly arbitrary, which is probably my bigg...

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Yeah, I agree it's definitely the weakest of the paths for a few reasons.

And you're correct I misread your original point somewhat, sorry.


Originally posted by AlexImHi

I love how shoopy has majestic eyes while the cows in the back got big ass foreheads

Cows look like they're worried about their taxes.


Originally posted by Nightfish_

It didn't start that way tho imo, OG nobles were a serious trade-off.

Yes, absolutely! Having to have multiple throne rooms and several pawns unable to work was a HUGE tradeoff! While I agree that that was a bit much, I feel when they "buffed" the noble path, they should also have done something for the deserter path. It doesn't have to be equal or even better, but perhaps it doesn't need to be shooting myself in both feet, full auto.

Right now it's like... it's like picking between two guns but the worse gun has even more drawbacks. Pick the bolt action rifle or a charge lance but if you pick the bolt action rifle you do not get to sniper rifles ever... How is that even a choice? And why is that related? D:

I actually don't think there's a need for every play path to be equally challenging. It could even be better if they aren't.

We do it with biomes, for examples. Obviously not every biome is of equal difficulty. And this has a lot of positive effects.

There's a game design concept I call 'implicit difficulty selection' where you get players to implicitly tune their own difficulty level to match their preferences without making them click a thing in a menu. There are a million ways to do this large and small, and RimWorld does many of them, but things like biome and play path selection are a few more.

I don't think the deserter path is perfect (nothing is, of course), but I'm satisfied if it's implicitly harder than the other paths.

12 Sep


Originally posted by IndianaGeoff

Ex wife. Number 3.

And number 5, depending on how you count.

11 Sep


Originally posted by Yoshiman__

Update: Wagner has made the ultimate sacrifice. Dicks out for my boy.

Video of the cleanup

Looks like fun!

You want to be aware that mods can definitely overpower your economy and cause these kinds of imbalanced. You're in year 3 with 30 colonists and 35,000 silver and absolutely massive amounts of every other resource. This is multiple times more colonists and wealth than I'd expect in a vanilla game - to the point where it's outside all the bounds the game is designed for even in the late late endgame. Not sure how you did that exactly or what mods might be involved but if you do, you'll get crazy huge raids because the game is reading you as an ultra lategame colony.

Of course it looked pretty entertaining anyway so perhaps there's no problem to solve :)

10 Sep