

24 Aug


Originally posted by Scion_of_Yog-Sothoth

The shuttle is transporting Duchess Chichi, the stellarch's beloved pet chinchilla. Duchess Chichi is quite persnickety and can only be housed in a precisely-tailored environment that your primitive colonists cannot hope to duplicate properly. If the unfortunate survivors should dare to defy Chichi's expectations, the stellarch will learn of it through his psychic powers and punish them.


23 Aug


Originally posted by KibitoKai

Question on the DLC: if I have a vanilla colony without it and then install it do I need to start a new colony to get DLC content in it? It looks so cool but I love my colony rn and don’t want to have to make a brand new one yet :(

You don't have to start a new colony, but the progression will be a bit whacky and there will only be one Empire settlement if you load it with an old non-Royalty save.


Originally posted by Iwillbenicetou

That just links back to this post

Fixed, thanks.


Thanks! I'm definitely linking this to the team so everyone can appreciate the appreciation. It's awesome to work hard on something and see it actually function as intended and add joy to a person's life.

(And PS, don't hesitate to share any thoughts in a Steam review for Royalty either! Almost nobody writes DLC reviews on Steam so it's almost lonely over there. Link if desired)


Originally posted by Mokurai

Agree. Did Tynan expose a lot of the logic so modders can add even more variety?

As much as possible (as always). You could build a whole new faction with a whole new title progression with a whole new set of permits if you wanted, with very little code. I'm actually surprised to not have seen a 'tribal titles' or 'pirate titles' mod yet.


Look guys, if I didn't leave any plot holes in the game, you'd have nothing to make comics about!

(But yeah, if it seems like a concern I'll look at writing/adjusting something to better explain why they want to stay by their shuttle. Of course they do have to stay there, since the whole point of the quest is to defend something outside your normal defenses. One thought is for the crashed shuttle itself to be under attack, or some emplaced nearby immovable object. Or they have to work on the shuttle for a while or something to upload some data or repair it. Lots of options here if it seems important.)

20 Aug


I thought she wrote constitutions for new countries.


Originally posted by Khitrir

And those additions are some of the best parts of the game. I don't think the issues players have with nerfs are invalid because they've been along side improvements.
The 1.1 Turret nerfs didn't stop players using killboxes, they just stopped players using turrets which felt like taking something away rather than adding.
Meanwhile Smoke launchers on the other hand are like the antithesis of nerfs. They add another tactical element that both player and AI can use, and the AI using them intelligently against turrets is the ideal way to lessen turret effectiveness.
Turrets still have a place, there's interplay between tactics where you can snipe smoke launchers at the cost of letting more dangerous weapons pass, not every raid has smoke, etc. Adding tactical complexity is the better model.

I don't think the issues players have with nerfs are invalid because they've been along side improvements.

Certainly, nor do I.

Turrets still have a place, there's interplay between tactics where you can snipe smoke launchers at the cost of letting more dangerous weapons pass, not every raid has smoke, etc. Adding tactical complexity is the better model.

Exactly. That's why we created this thread, to collect savegames that can help us test and develop such features!


Originally posted by Roquer

I love the variety of events and raids, and for the most part I just wish that the frequency of events ramped up. As someone who doesn't play with a 'killbox', my main gripe is that at a certain point the game throws hundreds of humans or dozens of centipedes at you. At a certain density, you are forced to use wall blocking, traps, or a killbox to survive.

Personally, at a certain point I'd prefer to fight a smaller, elite group that uses tactics and abilities than be bludgeoned by wave after wave of mostly ineffective red-shirts. I know that developing an effective AI must be difficult, but if you are giving players new psycasts and utility items, endgame enemies should have it too. I'd love to see 1 enemy use their locust armor to jump behind cover, drop a broadshield pack, then start spamming vertigo pulse or blind.

I'd prefer to fight a smaller, elite group that uses tactics and abilities than be bludgeoned by wave after wave of mostly ineffective red-shirts

Me too! That's why we created this thread to collect savegames that we can use to test and develop these systems. I hope you'll consider contributing!

19 Aug


Originally posted by LeftZer0

Currently sieges rely completely on mortars. Adding a cannon that can't fire over walls, but will open holes in the defense, would add a lot of variety as kill boxes and channeling raiders through them won't be effective. Maybe C4 and Dynamite as well, having to be placed but doing A LOT of damage to walls, being able to quickly open a huge hole even through several layers of walls.

This should also be very common with non-tribal raids. So defenses have to be developed in layers instead of making a kill box and leaving the rest of the base defenseless.

Overall I think the biggest issue right now is how easy it is to just set up a kill box and forget about them rest of the base. The exception are drop pods right into the base, but those also aren't fun because you can't really prepare for them, they'll just hit anywhere.

I actually have an old idea for a sort of 'beam digger' like this. Basically a siege, except they use a big crew-served beam weapon that digs holes on your base horizontally, from a distance.

Or it could just launch shells on a direct-fire trajectory at your walls.


Originally posted by tosernameschescksout

It would be interesting to see multiple wave raids.

As soon as a raid is over, the player breathes a sigh of relief. They'll have a few days to repair and re-fortify their defenses. Their colonists get to sleep and recover joy. If a raid comes in sustained waves, they may need to use their colonists in shifts. This kind of event would influence how players build their defenses because durability becomes a priority. You've forced them to have different values and concerns.

It could influence base design and priorities on resource management. For example, a really long raid means you can't harvest corn. Better have some good reserves.

That could be compelling, although it would be annoying to micromanage sleep schedules. Player might need to have the ability to click on a colonist and tell them to sleep until they're fully rested.

Sounds similar to the quests that send multiple raids in a row? Both the endgame quests and some of the normal quests, no?


Originally posted by tosernameschescksout

Instead of just throwing more and more raiders at a base, have different types of events show up. You guys are constantly nerfing defenses so that raids can't be cheesed. So you're worried about stopping players from doing what works. What you're not thinking about is how raids can be changed so that they're more dynamic and players need to invest in defense strategies that are different and dynamic to respond to different kinds of threats.

Instead of asking "What do I nerf next?" - you need to be asking what can be different about raids, enemy units, equipment, etc.

Maybe there's an alert that a suicide bomber has been spotted, he's going to touch a wall and then explode. Maybe flag that enemy so it's easy to see.

Mid-raid events: 20 tribals show up and attack from a different direction.

Two saboteurs have dropped into a high value room and are going to begin destroying high value objects or maybe they'll just steal something and then mine o...

Read more

> Instead of just throwing more and more raiders at a base, have different types of events show up. You guys are constantly nerfing defenses so that raids can't be cheesed. So you're worried about stopping players from doing what works. What you're not thinking about is how raids can be changed so that they're more dynamic and players need to invest in defense strategies that are different and dynamic to respond to different kinds of threats... Instead of asking "What do I nerf next?" - you need to be asking what can be different about raids, enemy units, equipment, etc.

In fairness we did add

- Sappers

- Turret-avoider raids

- Drop-in pod raids

- Tunnel-up infestations

- Multi-group raids

- Mechanoid clusters with mixed shields, assemblers, turrets, activators, etc

- Problem causer camps

- Bandit camp quests

- Shuttle defense quests

- Aerial drop combat missions

- Smokepop packs

... Read more

18 Aug


Originally posted by Nightfish_

Done! :D The reason why Royalty gets fewer reviews might just be the steam interface. It asks you to write one for the base game right there on your launch page but to get to the DLC you have to actively look for it.

Speaking of the reviews, I was quite sad to see so many people decry the value proposition. With all the content rimworld got over the years, many other games would be on their 3rd or 4th sequel by now, asking full price every time. I don't even know how many hours I put into the game before the steam release but we're getting close to having more hours in Rimworld than most of my AAA games combined. If that isn't good value, I don't know what is! Although maybe that's exactly it. Next to all the free content we got over the years, perhaps anything that was released with a pricetag was doomed to receive at least some reviews like that.

Thanks very much Nightfish!

For better or worse, people like to judge things comparatively. Which means that the richer a base game is, and the richer the mod scene is, the lower ratings you'll get for any kind of expansion or follow-up.

I think it's one of the sad reasons that some companies lock down modding.


Originally posted by pheanox

I have reported a similar bug that occurs in the stable build, but have not been able to reproduce in unstable unfortunately. Its one of those tricky ones where if the bug exists when you update to unstable it remains.

We may have fixed it already.


Thanks! I appreciate it, and I'm sure all the other devs here who worked on the update will too. I'm gonna pass this around to everyone.

(And hey, don't keep a secret! Royalty gets weirdly few reviews since it's a DLC so if anyone wants to write their thoughts, whatever their opinion, I'd say thank you.).

16 Aug


Originally posted by deiridi

First fail I had a smaller throne room filled with a table and chairs, still valid as the quest wouldn't let me accept it until the throne room ticked the check boxes. My bedroom didn't have floor. Bestower went to my barracks (not bedroom) and it failed with message that bedroom was no good. Vanilla no mods.

Second fail same crowded throne room, fully acceptable bedroom, bestower went to stable and failed. Vanilla no mods.

Then I built the larger throne room seen in picture. Bestower went to stable and failed. Added mods by this point.

Awesome. Let me draw tester /u/pheanox 's attention. We will investigate!

15 Aug

14 Aug


Originally posted by gwendalaze

That's what I'm seeing, yes, it have been more than 120 days since the last psylink neuroformer I got which was with the deserter quest (and thus more than 60 since the supposed deadline of this quest). I started this colony on 1.2. If you want to I can try and grab some values with the dev tools.

We actually confirmed a bug like this thanks! We'll be fixing it and releasing a quick update soon.