

04 Jul

01 Jul


This is so RimWorld, I love it.


Originally posted by Nitackit

There was a time before scaria that manhunter packs were a gift of free meat and hides from Randy. Then the jealous god of destruction, Tynan (u/TynanSylvester), screwed that shit up.

You can turn scaria meat-rot off in the challenge settings.

Does that satisfy your concerns?

27 Jun

11 Jun

09 Jun

08 Jun

05 Jun

04 Jun

01 May


Originally posted by Lightzoey

I hope you don't mind me always doing horrible things to you when I imprison you?

Be my guest! I don't smoke; lungs are doing great.


Originally posted by DoctorProffalternate

I think it's just self humor.

Yes, it amuses me to be the worst character in the game.

17 Apr

16 Apr

13 Apr

08 Apr


Looks amazing - but isn't that locust armor? Or is it just recon armor with a jump pack?

02 Apr

23 Mar

22 Mar


This is a really impressive vision of this kind of moment. I can feel the anticipation.

I like when people take the block-world of the game and do a bit more interpretation on it to project into something that feels more real. The game is in blocks for technical, gameplay and interface reasons - the stories don't have to be!