

19 Apr


Originally posted by AlasdairSc

This happens to my colonists so much that what you consider a bug I'd consider normal in Rimworld - I have masses of evidence of it in various VODs on Twitch that I could potentially find if you really wanted. The discrepancy is large enough that I'd ask if you can please clarify what you and the game consider 'critically ill'.

As an additional question, can you please clarify whether the priority numbers 1-4 have no weight other than their numerical value? For example, I use 2 as my highest priority so that 1 is free as an override, but some players in my community mentioned they thought that some skills on 1 like firefighting override things like recreation.

I would be delighted if you'd send me any repro cases of these issues! Savegames would be ideal but even videos are worth looking at.

The numbers are just numbers relative to each other. Firefighting can override recreation at any priority level since it's emergency work.

18 Apr


Originally posted by ZacharyDK

Interesting. I'll spend sometime later to reproduce the issue. I think it might be related to having multiple doctors, and a far away doctor trying to take over medical care for the current nearby doctor. The action of reserving the patient for medical care - even if the new doctor is far away - would free up the nearby doctor and allow them to rest/eat. The best solution would be to allow far away doctors to reserve a tile near the patient and queue moving if over X tiles away.

Yeah, if there were multiple doctors it could create that perception potentially. The issue with not reserving the target is that every doctor on the map rushes to him the moment he's hurt, even though only the nearest one is needed.

Another possibility is patients going critical after a doctor has already started eating/sleeping.


> Doctors will attempt to eat or sleep if they need to even if you have bleeding patients. This forces you to micro-manage it.

We've heard reports about this kind of thing for years actually but even through several efforts at investigating, we've never actually found a bug like that. They're coded to ignore their own sleep/food needs if a patient needs urgent care to avoid death. The persistence of these reports, combined with the inability to actually ever reproduce the issue, has puzzled me for a long time.

I'd love to see a savegame where a doctor is doing this incorrectly! If anyone has one please let me know.

17 Apr

16 Apr

14 Apr

13 Apr

12 Apr

11 Apr