

12 Mar


I've been collecting a massive amount of feedback from lots of sources (as always) and looking for themes. A lot of things tend to come up over time that aren't really perceptible at smaller-scale testing. But with enough people and time sometimes you see the same theme pop up repeatedly; this seems to be one of those.

Without promising anything since I haven't dug into the design in detail (hard to tell where there might be blocking design issues with changing it), we might do something about this as part of the content add-on.

Anyway, I appreciate the feedback.


Originally posted by Ankoku_Shinwa

The best chance for change is going with what u/A_Sham said and call them "douchebag points". It is a catchy name and pretty much sums up the issue.

Real nobles used to descend upon estates. Their length of stay often depended on how much they wanted to financially ruin said estate. They would hunt out all the deer etc.

That would make an interesting aspect to the game, where if you want to trade with nobles and use powers, then you have to deal with them when they arrive and eat you out of house and home.

Decrees and quests can be a constant game of gaining and losing faction relation points depending on accepting/refusing/completing and failing them.

As has been mentioned elsewhere, having a harvest decree at the end of autumn when you haven't even planted said crop is just dumb. You just end up with a -15 debuff for about 2 seasons. Loss of a faction point per day or some such would be better.

I too am at the point ...

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As has been mentioned elsewhere, having a harvest decree at the end of autumn when you haven't even planted said crop is just dumb.

FWIW, we fixed this some days ago.

"Making a monument and then instantly destroying it the moment it says: "Quest Complete" also feels really weird. " - Yeah, I agree.


Originally posted by biiingo

The fact that they come way more frequently than advertised is a bug that Tynan is aware of

Not a bug, just unclear. The system cut time up in 18 hour chunks and placed a threat in each chunk randomly, so with bad luck you could have two threats close together. It was designed this way to create some variation but it turns out that the "approximately every 18 hours" reads more as "exactly every 18 hours" so we changed it to match expectation several days ago. I already designed a rework to how these threats are sequenced, but it'll take more time before that is implemented.

11 Mar

10 Mar


Originally posted by High_speedchase

Any pawn with a title requiring a throne room will get major mood debuff when out caravanning. This arises because you can’t keep throne rooms assigned to a pawn that leaves the map. I could see this making some sense- the pawns need to stay and rule , BUT you have the ranked trade requirements to interact with fallen empire settlements. So isn’t it intended that those pawns would go out and do “diplomatic” missions? Coupled with the fact that that’s practically all they can do at the highest tiers. I think it would be justifiable to add comfort requirements when noble pawns are traveling (royal tent or something).

As designed this shouldn't happen at all, so there's a bug causing this that we need to fix. I'm sorry about that.

09 Mar

08 Mar

07 Mar