

31 Mar


Originally posted by iv2b

Hey good to know, thank you for stopping by!

I'm curious to see how the subject will be tackled: on one end there are pawns with 1/a few prosthetic weapons to use as backup and on the other end there are pawns who are fully weaponized with a dozen prosthetics, making both feel good is challenging.

Another user suggested improving attack speed when attacking with prosthetics, scaling with number. Could be a fun approach to try out. :)

The basic imbalances between spikes/blades, venom weapons, and power claw definitely need to balanced just by tuning some numbers.

Another issue is implant weapons reducing DPS for well-equipped melee pawns (with swords etc) because the pawn uses the implant instead of his superior sword, but only because the implant is there. It's because of how verbs are randomly chosen by simple weighting based on DPS. I wrote a design several weeks ago to categorize all the melee verbs into 'best', 'middle', and 'worst', with fixed proportions between these. E.g. 75%, 24%, 1%. So if you have a sword and fist, you'll benefit by adding an elbow blade because now the 24% of middle tier verbs will be blade strikes instead of punches. This is a big change though and it's quite difficult to actually categorize every verb in the game relative to each other (e.g. fist is 'best' if pawn has nothing else, but 'middle' if he has a melee weapon, etc). It can't just be DPS-based because there are ot...

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You're right. There are definiely some AI derps and design incoherencies. We've had a plan to refine these for a while, but it hasn't been the top priority yet. We will get to it though (hopefully in not too long now).

30 Mar

29 Mar


Originally posted by anotherusername96

I just started the Royal Ascent quest for the first time. 4 cataphracts have arrived to protect the stellarch and they all have really crappy gear, the best helmet amongst the bunch is 16% and armour is around 50% otherwise lower. This seems a bit weak considering isn't this supposed to be the bodyguard of an emperor?

I think it might actually be a bug, but it may also be fixed in the latest update, or maybe not. Thanks for the report in either case, will check this.

28 Mar


That image would've been so much funnier if the horse also had a gun.

26 Mar

25 Mar

24 Mar

21 Mar


Originally posted by Enzeevee

I finished up that quest yesterday and I dunno how much of it was the quest and how much of it was Randy but the first half of the visit was f**kin nuts. I didn't even have time to patch people up. Every time a raid ended a new one would immediately begin, and the game also decided to throw Global Warming + Heat Wave in at the same time. A large chunk of my base including my solar panels/wind turbines were destroyed from a dry thunderstorm because I just could not spare enough people from the front lines to put fires out. It was pretty intense, though it petered out and became more what I was expecting towards the end.

Very glad I stuck half-cyclers in everyone so they didn't need to sleep, and also glad I shoved a joywire in the Stellarch so I didn't have to worry about her mood being shot from the 150F heat and power outages. For some reason she showed up completely naked, so she had the mood debuff for no royal clothing the entire time.

Sorry about the naked thing, it's fixed for new games (as of like 2 weeks ago) but older savegames with already-generated quests would show it still.

Anyway glad you had some fun!

20 Mar


On the contrary, I think killboxes are awesome. It's a fun building project, it makes sense, it has a satisfying outcome.

I don't think *every* fight should be won effortlessly with a killbox, though. That's boring.

In general, it's awesome if players can find clever tactics that annihilate certain challenges. It's not cool if they can find a tactic that annihilates every challenge.

This is why there are so many threats that try to break the pattern. Drop-in raiders, siegers with mortars, sappers, off-map quests, now mech clusters.

Always considering ways to improve the AI but it's a tricky system. AI is hard, especially when the player controls the environment (in most games the AI is made to fit the environment and vice versa; RW is like a reverse puzzle solving game where the AI has to solve your puzzle).


Originally posted by gCvdA

I wonder if tynan deliberately made it so that every time you see him in this game he has horrible stats

It amuses me to be the worst character in game. Like the anti-Lord British.