

05 Mar

03 Mar

02 Mar

01 Mar


Originally posted by SirToastymuffin

As a bisexual guy, yeah it was pretty disappointing, prior to his little shit parade I was like "whatever, he just wasn't thinking of it" then he went to defending weird and offensive stances and as much as I separate art from artists, kinda leaves ya feeling burned.

Don't know if he ever had a real response about it or just quietly hoped the years would wash it away. I'd love for him to have understand where he was wrong and the reality of sexuality instead but... I've come to accept it's a game I really enjoy made by a just another guy who would think I live a lie. There are some great mods that fix the sexuality with something better, though, like Psychology which is a great overhaul of everything... psychological, and replaces sexuality being a handicap to steal a slot with a Kinsey scale, variety in orientation, and more logical relationship mechanics.

I'm happy to answer for my words and beliefs, but all through this discussion thread there are vague summaries of things I supposedly said which are simply, provably, absolutely false.

Not much else to say about those except to ask everyone to please check your facts and reconsider what sources you trust. You should just note that when people claim I said some horrible thing they'll never actually quote-link it. The reason is because I never said anything like that.

E.g. I'm accused of saying "bisexual men don't exist" when my actual statement was "bisexual men exist".

Here's the post I made two days after the RPS article attempting to clear up some of the falsehoods that it generated:


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Originally posted by Thyrotoxic

I don't get the backlash tbh. It was an interesting article and a fairly unique take on how sex and sexual preferences are portrayed in media, often simplified into stereotypes, and how that applies again to a fairly unique game. Sure it was a critique, but it's perfectly possible to critique media through a lens and still really like that media!

Tynan could've quite easily explained why he made the decisions he made, from a practical coding point of view, and from a cultural point of view, all without getting super ridiculously defensive and making some pretty homophobic statements (and I agree they were probably from a position of ignorance rather than hate). For some reason video game creators and audiences have still not matured to the point they can understand more indepth, academic, critique without going absolutely crazy about it-unlike literature, TV, film, music etc. But it's also an extremely young art form, that I'd argue doesn't really have traditional roots in ...

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Tynan could've quite easily explained why he made the decisions he made, from a practical coding point of view, and from a cultural point of view, all without getting super ridiculously defensive and making some pretty homophobic statements

I did explain: https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/5ax9a9/some_notes_on_recent_controversies/

Regarding "homophobic statements", I'm happy to answer for anything I've ever said, but I've never said anything like this. It's simply not true, never happened, 100% zombie meme lie that gets passed around. This is why it's always noted in summary, and n...

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Originally posted by IllCaesar

Tynan dug himself thaf hole. An article outlined emergent story telling in Rimworld and how it manifests from code. It wasn't defamatory, it was quite matter-of-fact and the sort of example you'd use in a game design course to demonstrate how a game can imply something in its mechanics, intended or not. The article even went out of its way to pre-emptively defend Tynan, saying that it's almost certainly the result of placeholder values sue to be an unfinished and unbalanced game.

Instead of seeing the article for what it was, which was mostly lauding the game, Tynan got defensive and instead of leaving it be he started making foolish statements. He started going on about how there's no such thing as a straight or gay woman, that all women are actually bisexual, and that there's no such thing as a bisexual man. In the LGBT community we call that lesbian erasure and bi erasure. The first being the idea that any self-proclaimed lesbian just needs a good dicking from a straigh...

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Just in a (probably hopeless) attempt to kill these zombie memes, let me just correct the record.

He started going on about how there's no such thing as a straight or gay woman, that all women are actually bisexual, and that there's no such thing as a bisexual man.

I never said or believed any of these things. They're pure and simple lies. Never happened. Not true. Provably false.

In fact I said the exact opposite and, for example, even *linked a discussion I had with a bisexual man about the game's modeling of sexuality* in my first response to the RPS article.

Wherever you got this information from, please consider re-evaluating how much you trust that source, because they're lying to you.

Edit: Here's the full info: https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/5ax9a9/some_notes_on_recent_controversies/

27 Feb

24 Feb

19 Feb


This comic is just strip after strip dunking on the bizarre sacrifices of realism I had to make to get the game mechanics to function well. There are reasons for these things I swear!

Not that I don't love the comics.

18 Feb