

08 Feb


Originally posted by salondesert

Take your time. A real long time if you have to. You know what, don't bother yourself looking into this bug...



Originally posted by Solace1nS1lence

Will the patch be going live on all platforms at the same time, or will there be a slight delay?

The process will start at the same time and the plan is always to finish the maintenance period at the same time on all platforms but it can take a little longer to finish on certain platforms from time to time


The Casino?


Have you any footage/screenshots?


Congrats! I still haven't managed to get higher than Gold yet!


We are aware of it and investigating.


Groot in heels!


We're passing along the request.


We're passing on the requests for a compass.


Originally posted by xItsFuture

I know this is kinda off-topic but the alibi one teleported to the bottom of the map (First San FranciscoLevel) and couldn’t really move. Don’t know how that happened though

Proteans getting stuck is getting looked into. Will be a trickier one to reproduce so might take longer to fix.


Originally posted by Brute_Squad_44

I can have one zoomed in on a 2.5x scope, bullseye on the thing, and put ten rounds right through them at less than ten meters.

Even accounting for my dogshit aim, they are ridiculous.

Would need some form of evidence showing the problem.


What region are you both located in?
What local time are you trying to play at?
Do you have Crossplay enabled?


Originally posted by Brute_Squad_44

And on the blinding spores as well?

I've not seen any reports of there being issues with the hitboxes of the Spores? Are they small? Yes. But they are meant to be.


Originally posted by NotaGhost491

It should have already been fixed.

Ya but it wasn’t.


Alibi is a QUEEN!


Any footage of when this behaviour was initially triggered?


Even invisible guys like to be seen sometimes...


Originally posted by geciputtony80

Can we stop simping this guy that's being paid minimum wage to post on reddit?

ps: he's not even a mod (thank god)

I'm paid more than enough to have a nice roof over my head and good food on my table to work on a passion I share with the people on this sub. I'm quite happy with my lot in life rn.

Posting on this Reddit is also just one of the many, many things I do as part of the community team for this game. There are several other Community Team members who look after all sorts of different things for the game. Just so happens that I'm the team member who looks Reddit & Discord.


Originally posted by CorenBeulve

Am I the only one surprised to find out he's not actually a mod? Like I feel he should be one even if it's just honorary.

The sub is ran by the community and no Ubisoft person has any moderation abilities other than being able to tag posts as having an official response.

We work together with the moderation team but they are very much the ones in charge here.


The Lore goes so much further than just "Zombie Aliens"