

07 Feb


Originally posted by BindaI

But... I am reading YOUR advice on the internet. Should I not believe that advice, either, and end up believing everything I read on the internet?

"We've got an infinite loop over here!"

But you're right in a sense, BUT my advice is not to believe "EVERYTHING". You can believe some things. Just need to decide what's a trustworthy source and what's not.


You are one LUCKY German boi!

I like how it seemed your initial reaction was like "Nah imma Extract, no one gets that lucky twice!"


Originally posted by AbbyDarkRainbow

It's passive. When you're under 50 health, it will slowly go up to 50.

u/AbbyDarkRainbow has ya covered!


We'll do our best to compile a list of the most common additional commands that people would like. Can't guarantee it's possible to add additional ones but we'll at least pass it on.


NOTHING you could done there!

And people say there's no verticality in Extraction?


Posted this elsewhere but it fits here too:

If you're at 125%, Diamond and wondering what to do next?

Help the newbies and wannabe Rambos to understand that the game is so much more satisfying and fun when you try to play stealth. Teach them all you've learned, all the little tricks.

A lot won't listen but that's ok, playing Solo queue with 2 randoms is almost like an extra difficulty level. I saw Macie doing it deliberately for the extra challenge, almost hoping his teammates got knocked so he got the challenge of trying to get them out on his own!

Don't ask "What's Next/What Now?"

Ask yourself what sort of challenges can I create for myself to get extra fun out of the game? Pistol only? No alerted enemies? Takedowns only?

You're only limited by your own imagination.




If you're at 125%, Diamond and wondering what to do next?

Help the newbies and wannabe Rambos to understand that the game is so much more satisfying and fun when you try to play stealth. Teach them all you've learned, all the little tricks.

A lot won't listen but that's ok, playing Solo queue with 2 randoms is almost like an extra difficulty level. I saw Macie doing it deliberately for the extra challenge, almost hoping his teammates got knocked so he got the challenge of trying to get them out on his own!

Don't ask "What's Next/What Now?"

Ask yourself what sort of challenges can I create for myself to get extra fun out of the game? Pistol only? No alerted enemies? Takedowns only?

You're only limited by your own imagination.


Capitao is quite underrated. The Venom bolts are great for area denial and the Smokes can be the difference between getting domed by Spikers or not in a pinch!


Well bloody done to get there in time. REACT laser was the difference really.

Please do not do this to your teammates without giving them fair warning via voice/text chat that you plan to proceed.


The underrated Smoke Grenade is a Spiker's worst enemy remember!


"No one left behind"

Capitao would be proud of you!


Originally posted by Maleficent-Duty-6138

Ying will be added too and Jackal apparently

The simulation aka multiplayer is in siege so he's right and it seems like there's no way out of it that and their bullets aren't exactly real either

Do not believe everything you read on the internet is always my advice when I see people speculating.


Originally posted by Le_Dead_Eye

meanwhile it might happen, it's most likely not to as the next crisis will be in the UK

and there wouldnt be much of a point of doing another outbreak event in siege as that would be going back in time meanwhile react is pretty much the continium as the outbreak has been calm for the last handfull of years

That post referring to the UK, was nothing more than that. A lore post. Don't expect the first Crisis Event to take place in the UK.

Remember that there has never been any official confirmation of new maps/regions. Only speculation.


Kick the Anthill opened people's eyes to how useful he can be!


Checking your balls is very important my guys!


Originally posted by Insetta

I know, but grunts doesn't usually do this type of speed-attack.

The attack just seems different due to the speed buff, but that's their typical attack. Trust me, you ain't seen nothing yet when it comes to Grunts! :P


Originally posted by AbbyDarkRainbow

To be fair, it is impressive that they managed to fill the game with 171 discovery points and not a single radio tower. /s

Takes notes: “Needs more Radio Towers”


Remember that the Sprawl slows you down but speeds the Archies up!

06 Feb