This thread and the forum isn't for reporting other users of DDOS/DOS attacks.
Please make sure to report these to the Support Team
Please make sure to report these to the Support Team
The only reason I can think of why the bans are only 15 days is because Ubisoft believes that players who are 'boosted by cheating' are in some ways victims of the cheatsThis definitely isn't the case I can assure you, otherwise we wouldn't be banning them. If they carry on and do it again on the same account, we'll know about it and act on it.
Why are people only banned for 15 days when they have played with a cheat in a large number of matches?15 days is the highest length of temporary ban we issue, we skip all previous time lengths and go straight to 15 days. We keep track of who has been previously banned for "being boosted by a cheater" and if the same behaviour continues on that account, we can ban permently.
Why are cheats allowed to cheat for a large number of matches?The battle against the people who create new cheating software is never going to be over, for any game this will be a 24/7 fight. When a new cheat is created, Batt... Read more
Originally Posted by WBBCoopThe EmberRise patch notes are still the same.
Thanks for the heads up mate!
When do you think the patch notes will be available?
Originally Posted by goran_17Hey there,
I have not played the game for over 3 years and i come back and it says i have been permanently banned and im not sure why? reference number is 09488306
Originally Posted by xx_Stonks_xxRead more
I have encountered some bugs since the latest patch and they have occurred more than once.
1. There is an audio glitch I've encountered that muffles certain game sounds and not others for no
apparent reason and requires a full game restart to fix.
2. Another bug I've encountered is another audio bug where I could constantly hear the sound of a mute jammer during my entire ranked game
the bug continued all game and also required a game restart to fix.
3. The final bug I have encountered since the new patch is a visual glitch where my game has not loaded me into the map Favela and instead of seeing the map normally
my camera is fixed to outside the map but this is fixed simply by returning ...
Originally Posted by Luckydevil_010The Top Issues blog is universal issues, not platform specific unless stated in the description/title of the issue.
Im going of the basis that the first blog specifically mentions the console bug yet its absent here. Not to mention that a target date isnt mentioned either.
Originally Posted by Luckydevil_010It's not in the Patch Notes as there isn't an update for it at the moment.
What bout sound bug on console. The issue blog doesnt mention it at all and theres nothing in the patch notes about it.