

14 Nov


Originally posted by NotBenoit

Damn you guys are working hard. I just hope I will be able to play the game without crashes now.

If you continue to crash, I'd definitely suggest reaching out to the Support team if you haven't already.


Originally posted by Tommy_the_Gun

Challenges are disabled in Team Deathmatch for now.

This is a big mistake. Fortnite allows you to complete challenges in team rumble, and it’s fine. Is it way easier? Yes. But who cares? People are playing. It’s great for casuals like me.

If you think this is going to make me play the other modes instead, it won’t. I just won’t play the game at all. I have a lot of games to play and limited time. I haven’t played since Faction Wars was removed, and was looking forward to TDM.

I just wanted to reiterate that the TDM mode is in beta, which means it is subject to changes. Hence the for now part of the note. I would assume once the mode becomes more fine-tuned, the team would be open to adding challenges.

13 Nov


Originally posted by z99zuka99z

hello dews can you add crossplay?

Console crossplay is planned for December 10th. PC is still a work-in-progress!


Originally posted by Dinkin---Flicka

What day and time does this patch go live? Also thank you for TDM! This will hopefully improve the player base and make for a better experience all around! I think all of us look forward to this.

We don't have the official timing yet, but it is planned for November 18th, as the others have mentioned.


Hey! This is the first time I've heard of the new audio bug happening. Do you happen to have a clip of the bug when it happens?

The interface glitch while alt-tabbing is something that has been reported to the team and they are looking into it. If you are able to, could you send a copy of your MSINFO and dxdiag files through a ticket about this issue?

What platform do you play on? What region are you from?

Squads has been rotated out this week to allow Duos to be available.

11 Nov


Originally posted by zachstac34

It’s not what I expected at all... and not very fun..

In that case, what were you expecting?


I just wanted to mention that the Ball hack not taking damage from the lava is intended! The team wanted to give Ball a bigger role within this mode.

10 Nov


Hey everyone!

We are interested in gathering any feedback you may have about the Floor is Lava game mode we introduced today. If you have played the game mode, let us know what you liked and disliked about the mode so far. What kind of improvements would you make to the mode? Feel free to also include what platform you play on.

Thank you so much for your continued feedback and suggestions, as they are sincerely appreciated! <3

External link →

09 Nov

    UbiMorning on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving this to our support forum! Are you still having an issue?

This has been reported before but our team has not been able to reproduce it at all. If you are still having small issues, I'd suggest verifying your game files. If you are able to reproduce it at all, we would appreciate it if you could make a ...

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    UbiMorning on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can learn all about Ubisoft Connect here![ubisoftconnect.com]

07 Nov


Hey! I've reported this error message to the team. I recommend removing the screenshot/post since it does contain personal information.

I suggest uninstalling that version of Hyper Scape and reinstalling through this link. To clarify, did you play Hyper Scape during the Tech Test/Open Beta phase? Where did you install Hyper Scape from originally?

04 Nov

Do you happen to have a clip of this so we can take a look?

03 Nov


Originally posted by mr3LiON

Hex Go Brrr has been a meme since the beginning of the game! Like way back to Tech Test. We've had the Hex Go Brr emote in the Discord for a while. I'm glad the Holomote is finally around though :D This post still makes me laugh

02 Nov


Hey! I'd suggest checking in with Ubisoft Support about this error code. They should be able to sort it out for you!


Custom controls are a long term goal for us! The option is being worked on currently. As a short-term solution, the team has been asking for types of layouts players would like to use.


Originally posted by ricktwitler

Shut the game down and revamp it. I loved it but the advertising was a bit weak.

I suggest taking a look at this blog post if you have not already. We will have an update on this very soon!


Originally posted by aysgamer

And we appreciate you take the time to respond to our feedback and be active in the community :)


01 Nov


Cross-play is not currently available! The team is still working on it. We should have an update on this soon!