

16 Feb


Originally posted by Maryoum

You missed a few.

u/UbiNoty please upload a high res version of the backgrounds :(

03 Feb


Originally posted by Survingo

u/UbiNoty I know you guys can't just like copy something from the creator but please categorize charms and weapon skins ._.

Your feedback is duly noted.

29 Jan


Originally posted by Andersson799

Then we need to get ubi's attention about this.

u/UbiNoty sorry for ping, but can you pass this info to the dev? Because some of us on steam with starter edition can't launch the game on vulkan because of this.

Thanks, we'll look into it

28 Jan


Originally posted by slave_ship_swag

With there being 4 gamemodes now (Newcomer, Casual, Unranked, Ranked), is it really necessary to have a limited map pool on Casual? Surely it would make more sense to have a limited map pool only on newcomer instead of casual.

Newcomer already has a much more limited pool. A rotating pool in quick match also means we can take that time to take a closer look at balancing and improve maps while they are out of rotation.


Originally posted by BlameTheAliens--

What are the maps included in the rotation ? or are you making it a surprise for us ? :)

I can't remember off the top of my head and it's 3AM. :D You should find out soon enough.


Originally posted by EVERYBODY_PANICS

Here’s a fun idea, let’s nerf everything until everyone shoots a literal nerf gun!

Some changes are buffs - it's part of the balancing process to try and work towards a healthier, balanced game state.

Plus, you are firing packets of digital data over the internet. Literally shooting Nerf guns would physically hurt more than the pixel bullets you are firing in game.


Originally posted by killlugh

So is it recommended for everyone to use vulkan? Or just the players with hardware that struggles?

We recommend you try it out to see if it increases performance. However, given that we are still optimizing, you always have the option to return to dx11.


Originally posted by alakeybrayn

Do you know if dx support will eventually be dropped or will both versions continue to co-exist? And are there any plans on upgrading to dx12, if thats possible? (found an answer to my 2nd question: We also evaluated DirectX 12, but our internal tests show better CPU performance under Vulkan)

The goal is to fully transition to Vulkan at some point in the future, but no final decisions will be made until after we feel we've done enough testing and optimization of Vulkan first.

We looked at dx12 too but performance results in a number of tests did not match up to Vulkan, so it is not being considered given the work needed to adapt to a new API. I believe we talk about it a bit in our blog >>> rainbow6.com/vulkan


Originally posted by 6SixTy

I see the little gif on adjusting the graphics api within Uplay and a little mention of launchers, but how exactly would that work with the other launchers?

In steam there should be 2 versions - one for vulkan and one for dx11.


Originally posted by Garudin

Is it really so much to ask that you add a Guide to quick match similar to the Ranked one so at the very least we can track what maps are in and out since its not announced when and what maps get pulled.

That is the plan.


Originally posted by MaggieEsmeralda

Are they finally changing the casual map rotation ?

It will change. We'll have the new rotation out when the patch goes out tomorrow.

23 Jan


Originally posted by TemporarySubject8

I’m not sure if I’ve received it or not, but with the new battle pass I got to the third “level” and I don’t think I got the pack because it says that I can open my pack in the pack section but I have no back there. What should I do? Is this happening to anyone else?

Try restarting! If it's still not there with a restart send in a ticket to support so we can look into it there.

22 Jan


Originally posted by Napy_Da_Wise

I sent you a DM !

Reddit chat never loads properly for me so I gave up on it. Copy/paste your message to me in a message! :D

21 Jan


Originally posted by Majaxx

Heh thanks - we found some skins with no rarity set and some duplicated names if I remember correctly. Might want to look into that

If you have a list of them you want to pass on to me I can let the team know! There's just a lot of stuff so if some data gets lost somehow with a new build we don't always catch it right away and it just...kinda stays...until we hunt it down.

P.S: I might have unintentionally contributed to the breaking of the site - SORRRYY!