

07 Nov

    UbiShoreman on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
I think it's contextual, but I'm not 100% sure. I'll move this thread over to Player Support!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to player support!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I think I'm gonna have to back up the Castle sentiment, I quite prefer it to the others.
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Blendi, do you have a recent video we could take a look at to check this issue out?
    UbiShoreman on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Tinsybug
Freaking get it done already.
Hey Tinysbug, could you clarify the audio issues you're having? And do you have a video we can look at?
Originally Posted by xcel30
Playing as shield has been more frustating than playing against them, yet they got nerfed, please explain the reasoning if the frustation to one side is greater than the other
Currently, the only information I have been given is what I have provided already.
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please refrain from necro-ing old threads! Double check the date of the most recent comment before commenting please!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
As it currently stands, tampering with game files in any way is a bannable offense.

06 Nov

    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please refrain from necro-ing old threads!
Originally Posted by ttv.alphaz156
UbiShoreman - So if Ubisoft connect doesn't connect platforms, and it doesn't connect progression, then what does it connect. Surely u guys changed your name for something?
Ubisoft Connect does provide cross-progression and interconnectivity for certain titles, just not R6 Siege currently.
    UbiShoreman on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Still having this issue?
Hey all, I had reached out for additional clarity on the shield situation, as you have made everything about how you have felt very clear, and want to emphasize that this thread and your feedback has been noted.

The developer's notes highlighted why we made these changes.

As quoted
"We are aware that shields are often a source of frustration, and we hope that the new guard break mechanism will improve this aspect. Our goal is also to improve teamwork and find new interesting ways to play with a shield and for the benefit of your team."

You have all been very vocal about your thoughts on changes to shields, and, in particular, what you aren't enjoying about them, and we appreciate your insight. However, as it currently stands, that is the answer we currently have.

05 Nov

    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Jordan, how long have you been waiting on a ticket? Have you reached out through alternative means of support like our Support Facebook [www.facebook.com] or our Support Twitter?
    UbiShoreman on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by ItzYourBoiTim
I cant click on play in Uplay on TTS????

Moving to player support!
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Moving to player support!
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Moving to player support!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Another discord resource you can pull from is The official R6 Discord. [discord.com]
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Orc, which datacenter is it that you're connecting to? Also, what were the specific issues you were having?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey JJ! Which datacenter is it that you're connecting to? Are you still having this issue?