

28 Oct

    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by TheSociety: Challanges don't count and the game doesnt connect, is it the servers rn or my internet?

Is this an ongoing issue for you?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Javi:
Originally posted by Deadly game: old bug, cancelling queue wil cause the game to try to put you in a match despite you cancelling it, so it will count as quitting instead and get hit with penalty in case you didn't even get to a match
Thank you so much

But to confirm, we have reported the issue!
Originally Posted by LyfizMine
Are headshots being fixed?
Is ubi doing anything about the head shot issue.
I am so sick of getting clear head shots and it counting as only 25 health. What is wrong with this game?
Hey Lyf, when it comes to these issues, do you feel as though it's a server-side HitReg problem, a ping based problem or a hitbox based problem? Maybe something different?
Also any more videos to accompany this post would be helpful.
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Michael: fix ubi!

Hey Miachael! Have you restarted the game at all?

Also to a couple folks points, the transition to Connect might be making things difficult, and if that is the problem I would give it a couple days and then open a support ticket if you don't see it.
    UbiShoreman on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by szinlost
For a while now, I run into this problem again and again. Try to fix it and get back in time only to find out I'm sanctioned. Wait it out and come back to have it happen again, obviously with an increased sanction. After that, I'm afraid to even try to play, in fear of getting sanctioned for even longer.
So, it's either I'm not getting to play, because of getting Ddossed or I'm not playing because I don't want to increase my sanction.
A couple thousand hours and a few hundred dollars put into this game and it's borderline unplayable, but not because of the game itself.
I'm thinking of retiring from this game and it really pains me to say that but I don't know what point there is in continuing this cycle....
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    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can also check out the R6 Discord [discord.com] to find folks to play with!

27 Oct

Originally Posted by Storm.Cell
Hello Ubisoft,

I come by this mean to let you know you have created one of the most exciting events ever MUTE Protocol.
I loved how fast paced, dynamic and exciting it was. No downtime on the prep phase.
Everyone constantly jumping around sites and teleport zones or drones. So much fun.

It was the only game mode I was playing while it was live.

Would love you would make this into a game. Have you guys any plans?

All the best,
Hey Storm Cell! No plans on implementing it again, but I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed it so much!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to player support!
Originally Posted by MaestrosPizza.
Hey hey,

In the latest patch notes I saw mentioned that the 3 maps chosen for the ban pool in ranked should be fully random but I think there is still a problem there.

In my last 20 games for example Clubhouse was in the pool 15 times and Border 2, when talking to other people about this they say they have the same issue.

Hopefully you can still look into this.

Hey Maestro! This is the first report I'm seeing of this, but i'll make a note and keep my eye out - thanks for bringing it up!
Originally Posted by LyfizMine
This is pathetic. Beyond. Pathetic.
Could you open this issue up a bit more to give a clearer picture of what you mean?
Originally Posted by Slyrr7
Perfectly and completely true. But now you will be lectured by UBI reps because you posted in a 'necro' thread. Typical UBI. Attacking the people who point out the problems with this game, rather than getting off their backsides and actually FIXING the problems....
Necro-ing old threads is considered spam, because the circumstances around the discussion can change greatly across the span of several months.
Also, the community representatives here aren't related to the dev team, and whereas we do take current and relevant issues from the forums to report back to the dev team, we are not the folks who fix things, so our work here doesn't take away ... Read more

25 Oct

    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to player support!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please refrain from necro-ing old threads! double check the date on threads before commenting on them!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please refrain from necro-ing old threads! Double check the date before commenting on threads please!

24 Oct

    UbiShoreman on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to player support!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Natsuu24: As the title says

We have made no announcements about cross-saves for Siege.

23 Oct

    UbiShoreman on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to player support!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to player support!

22 Oct

    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to player support!