

22 Oct

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Moving to support!
Originally Posted by Mad_Dog8762

Clubhouse is a "community favorite" which is fine
But it means that if its anywhere in the map ban selection, its VERY likely to be chosen
I dont care how "good" a map is, i dont want to play it 5 times in a row
This has been a frustration I have seen echoed a couple times throughout the community - do you think that getting rid of map ban would hep alleviate this headache? Or something else?
Originally Posted by Mad_Dog8762
How is this fun?
How does this freshen up the game?
How does this contribute ANYTHING to ANYONE other than those super sweats (that only make up a FRACTION of the game population)?

Ubisoft is LITERALLY the worst series of Devs
Followed closely by EA, when they told their own customers to "**** off" and they did
Resulting in BF V having ABYSMAL sales
Hey Mad_Dog, are you seeing the repetition in maps because of map ban?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yeah, my next question was gonna be about the datacenter! WEU for everyone?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to player support!
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Originally posted by circle.: You’ll get it back, Ubisoft is making changes to Uplay so all rewards associated with it are temporarily disabled.
Bingo! Here's the tweet!
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Originally posted by Tuvok:
Originally posted by UbiYubble: Are you still having server problems?

Originally posted by Tuvok:
since last week op stats are frozen

Moving to player support!

21 Oct

    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to player support!
    UbiShoreman on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to player support!
Originally Posted by Dezzysteelwolf
Probably not the correct place in the forum to place this, however...
Ever since the last patch, I have to constantly restart the game due to it not connecting back to home screen after matches. Or... if I get to the home screen and decide to have a sandwich or whatever, it refuses to load and I have to restart the game again. This has never occurred before.
And thanks for making a great game. Just a heads up.
Hey Dezzy! Are you getting any error codes at all?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Hitsuran:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman: Hey Hit! Are you getting any error codes associated with this?
I get connection lost error .

Moving to player support!
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Moving to player support!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Hit! Are you getting any error codes associated with this?
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Hey Shiro! Do you have any clips of this we could take a look at?
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Hey Harley! Are you still having this issue?
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Hey WunderWaffe! What datacenter are you connecting to?
Originally Posted by uakti-.
It says that I got perm banned for cheating. I don't cheat since i play the game casually and i don't really care but i'd rather not buy the game again. Any way I could find out what cheats it said I was using
For more insight and to potentially appeal your ban, you will need to reach out to our support team here.

20 Oct

Originally Posted by LyfizMine
Still.no response UBI???
Hey Lyf, I directly mentioned this thread on your other post, and that it looked odd, and that I reported it back.
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Still having this issue?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Still having this problem?