

21 Aug

Originally Posted by Saul_Al-Efesbi
One show - one kill (not headshot), but kill cam says that he make multpe shots

P.S.: maybe it's some cheat
I haven't seen any other reports of this coming in - do you have any clips or anything I can take a look at? Also, I assume that this is on the TTS?
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Hey Yow! Audio issues aren't necessarily uncommon, but we are working on repackaging our sound system and putting some audio changes out next season. The response we have gotten on the TTS has been pretty great, so hopefully soon enough this won't be an issue for you!
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Originally posted by obama gaming: holy ♥♥♥♥ dont get me wrong i want to get into it but jfc i literally get shot by some guy visible for 0,1 of a second like wtf?

I don't get it, how do you get better when you hardly have anytime to react in a gunfight. casual feels like high elo ranked despite being newish to the game

It takes practice! The learning curve is really steep, and the game itself isn't particularly easy to start off on, but keeping at it, getting better, learning the maps and angles over time will really help things out.
It's tough, but once you get into the swing of things the game is really fun!
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Originally posted by Jack@ssMaster69: ubi should deal with this kind of toxicity

We are testing the removal of VTK on the test server to see how folks respond to it there! Hopefully this is a solution that will work well for everyone.
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Originally posted by Mike Willingham: Last days they send me a code with 6 numbers and i forgot to use it and now the game said " You're blocked from logging in due to repeated failed attempts. Please come back later."

Anyone know how to solve this and where to fill those code if they sent me again , pls
Hey Mike! Everything sailing a bit smoother now?
Please refrain from necro-ing old threads! Double chck the date of threads before commenting on them!
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Hey Duos, still having this issue?
Originally Posted by JJPlay2017
You should put all the pc features on ps4 and Xbox, and we need to fix some bugs, and fuze should be nerfed.
Hey JJ! Welcome to the forums! Which features would you be most excited about seeing on console? Also which bugs are you referencing? And lastly, what is it that makes you feel Fuze should be nerfed?
Originally Posted by neb600
Kalis sniper reticle sucks. She should be able to pick what kind of reticle she has on her scope. I would much prefer to have a traditional sniper crosshair for her gun.

Also the custom reticle colour feature on the TTS doesnt work for her CSRX-300 scope which is odd but may just be a bug. It would be nice to see that feature for the dots on pistol ironsights as well.
Hey Neb! What about her reticle do you not like? I play Kali a fair bit, and, personally it hasn't bothered me, but I am curious about our take on it!

Also I'll do some digging into the color changing aspect there, thanks for mentioning it!
For all ban appeals, you will have to open a ticket with our support team. Unfortunately, there isn't anything we can do from the forums.

20 Aug

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Originally posted by Koyan Blackfyre:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman:
Which API are you running Siege on? Vulkan or Dx11?
Dx11 it won't even start using Vulkan.

I'm going to move this over to our support team
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Originally posted by Koyan Blackfyre:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman: Hey Koyan, the 5700 XT is a more than adequate card, are your drivers up to date?
Yes. I did fresh Windows 10 install today, and I only installed Rainbow Six with latest drivers. Previous to Windows reinstall I tested other games, like Dead by Daylight, Escape from Tarkov, Rust and everything worked well except for Rainbow Six. I've also made a thread on Reddit but no one is commenting.

Which API are y... Read more
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Originally posted by Impi: omg thank goodness

Having played a bit of the TTS, I've got to say, i think that players will be pretty happy with how the sound repackaging has gone.
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Originally posted by HappyNebula:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman: Hey Happy, are you experiencing this on the TTS or the live server? Also do you have a clip we could take a look at?
Thanks for the response!
I'm on live and it happens quite a bit when opening holes with impact nades.
Sadly, I don't have a clip, but it mostly happens when there's still a little bit of the wall on the bottom of the hole or when the hole is just barely big enough to walk through.

I... Read more
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Hey Koyan, the 5700 XT is a more than adequate card, are your drivers up to date?
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Hey Happy, are you experiencing this on the TTS or the live server? Also do you have a clip we could take a look at?
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Originally posted by LynxXT:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman: Hey Lynx, have you hopped on the TTS at all? It examples a step in our new sound system that I've seen some good feedback for.

As far as the M.U.T.E Glitch we are aware and monitoring it.

For the ping, I'm curious - we don't see ubiquitous reports of high ping on every single server at all times, usually some spikes here and there, or the occasional server degradation. I know you've told me before but unfortunately i cant ...
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Please refrain from necro-ing old threads! double check the date of threads before posting on them.
Originally Posted by Saul_Al-Efesbi
You broke the broken game! Now it twice broken! Now we have instant kills! It's the worst netcode ever!
Hey Saul, could you open this up a bit more? I understand frustrations around netcode, but what do you mean by "instant kills?"
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Hey Dr. Sky, we normally recommend restarting the queue after 3 minutes of waiting. That being said, which datacenter was it that you're connected to?