

27 Aug

Hey Dragon! To quote our patch notes

"This season will see a price decrease for seven Operators. Amaru and Goyo now see their prices down to 20,000 Renown or 480 R6 Credits. Maverick and Clash’s price is going down to 15,000 Renown or 360 R6 Credits, and Ying, Lesion and Ela will go down to 10,000 Renown or 240 R6 Credits."

Hope this helps!
Originally Posted by MM.Captain
Sorry no I never recorded any of my gameplay but if I ever do start recording ima be sure to post a clip of that and other weird stuff I find here
Please do! Reviewing these videos is super helpful for the dev team to assess some of these stranger situations for consistent reproduction.

26 Aug

    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
In order for a ban appeal, you need to open up a support ticket [support.ubisoft.com] as we can't handle these things on the forums.
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Bladz, are you still having this issue?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Norman! Are these crashes accompanied with an error code of any nature? Also are you using Vulkan or DX11?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Are you getting an error code of any nature?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We haven't announced a specific day as it currently stands but we are definitely excited to share the new update with everyone!
Originally Posted by tassadar_4_boi
Ok so you saying its ok for blitz and fuze getting Headshot from anyone he is facing with shield without aiming down?, Right now an average player can kill a blitz dont matter if he is crouched and facing him, if you crouch he can still fire on you leg(like wtf) and can headshot you, so whats the point of shield? What i saying is buff his shield a little to protect from these impossible headshots, thats all, people could kill him with traps, ambush, 2 players working in group, unless you saying its ok for anyone kill him firing on his leg while crouched or just headshot him while he is facing you(without aiming)
So, I do see where you're coming fro... Read more
Originally Posted by CertianHanger
when can i change my name next?
Hey Hangar! There are 30 days between name changes!
Originally Posted by MM.Captain
A long time ago ( i think in year 2 to year 3) it was a problem that people could shoot through the shield of blackbeard without breaking it. The problem didnt occurr for a long time but now it happened 3 games in a row. Anyone else experiencing this issue rn? I dont really wanna play an operator whose gadget has a decent chance of malfuctioning and doing nothing especially if that leads to you dying.
Hey Cap, got any clips of this happening?
Originally Posted by Blaze.SCO
i tried to play some ranked on the ts

it was unplayable due to the fact that the sound is terrible i hear all footsteps and gun fire ect from left side when they could be anywhere

also there is no way of telling if they are close or far as there is no perception all sound sounds the same

will this be fixed for release?

its kinda game breaking it puts me off actually playing as it breaks the game
Hey Blaze! That's definitely odd as we have been getting reports of the opposite, usually, when it comes to the TTS. Just for clarity here, you mention hearing things form the left side, and those sound's point of ... Read more
Originally Posted by WOTH.Lo-fi
i never got any of my stuff
Have you opened up a support ticket?
Originally Posted by MaestrosPizza.

I have been playing quite some TTS lately (as I always do when a new season get released) and I strangely noticed that on this particular season a lot of toxic people are joining it.

The annoying behavior is the usual stuff.. throwing rounds, leaving games, tking,....

I am wondering whether it might be better to give way harder sanctions to toxic behavior on TTS so that we can get rid of these guys and get back to having fun while testing the new game versions. It't not what people paid for so I wouldnt see why not....

As, as it currently is it does not really feel fun to play TTS, over the last 10 ranked games there in every game at least 1 person left before end of game and usually quite early...
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25 Aug

Originally Posted by Sevn..
does anyone know the exact date of when the steel wave season will end?
We haven't said anything yet as it stands!
Originally Posted by virtualkill7384
This way less smurfs, because there is a lot ,dont mind if there are actualy smurfs,but there is smurfs acc made for cheating and most important less low lvl players in ranked that are lost in space, wanna play ranked, learn every corner of the map, every spawnpeek location, good positioning etc and you cant do that until you are at least lvl 100, AT LEAST..youtube videos wont help you, sorry to burst your bubble, you have to do that on your own.
I've seena couple other threads asking for the same thing, actually. I feel like by level 100, most people have put enough game time in to work most of the angles out, I definitely agree with you there.... Read more
Originally Posted by PurpleRainDMSR
That is utter ridiculousness. As others have said, what benefit is there t9 using a shield when anyone and their mom can easily kill you from head on because the shield doesn't protect you?
So, the way I see the alternative proposed, is that if you can't headshot someone or dispose of them in a certain manner, with the shield, You're going to get a lot of frustration around shields being overpowered. They protect a large chunk of the body from taking hits, and have some good utility as far as hitting and downing people. Being aware of the enemy location and angles can be a point of frustration while playing shield ops, but I also feel like a Blit... Read more
Originally Posted by AshThePlug
So i was playing with my friend Joey when out of no where i was hit with a ban for multiple cheating violations?

so after about 2.5 seconds i took out my phone and started recording so that everyone could see my pov what was happening.. here you go.

Hey Ash, the only way to get a ban appeal is to open a ticket through Ubisoft support. ... Read more
Originally Posted by Cypher2184
I have not played Rainbow Six Siege for probably a year, and somehow I receive an email today stating I am permanent banned with no reason. I don't even have the game installed on my computer. I am very unhappy with your lack of security. Expecting every member to use your two tier security is a copout. I have had no breach of my account, yet somehow I am banned for a game I don't even play. Rainbow Six Siege is typical Esports garbage with the name rainbow six attached to it. It is a insult and mockery to both Tom Clancy and the creators of the Rainbow Six franchise. I expect my account fixed within 24 hours and some form of compensation for your utter garbage of lack of security.

I made a ticket, which has been escalated and it's been a...
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Originally Posted by Unlyrical
I own both Future Soldier and Blacklist and played the first mission for both games. But I cant redeem the skins in Rainbow 6 Siege.
Have you tried opening up a ticket with our support team?
Originally Posted by Saul_Al-Efesbi
Cant find any match on tts. Now, I will post clip only after release...
If it's widespread enough I'm sure someone else will post about it as well, so we can still get some eyes on it!