

15 Aug

Check this FAQ out to see it if helps!

14 Aug

    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Thermite: How do I start every time I solo que I get kicked tked or ♥♥♥♥ on for being good I'm a level 155 and me playing this game for 5 years I've been here since black ice and I do love this game but at times this game pisses me off because of the toxicity in this community it has caused me to have anxiety and stress it has been taking a toll on me idk how much I can take anymore but right now the state I'm in it doesn't help physically and mentally

Yeah bud, person to person, if you're experiencing this much distress, its probably not a bad idea to take a break.

We are changing the VTK system and do plan on having that out in Y5, but there's no shame in taking some space for your mental health.
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Mr.Man: help

As it stands right now we do not have any cross save features!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Spaghetti: A guy in my team was killing people instantly and he had 19 kills and 0 deaths.

A score isn't necessarily indicative of cheating, but that is quite an imbalance. Did it look like he was cheating on any of his killcams?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Antax_:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman:
As far as further answers, we released a whole dev blog[www.ubisoft.com] on how the matchmaking system works not too long ago to provide insight for the p...
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    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Antax_:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman:
Hey Antax, what are the specific issues you are having with the matchmaking system?

And i've already pointed that out (and im not the only one complaining about this), and no further answers were given... so i understand is not important for ubisoft and the company simply does not care about this major issue on quick

As far as further answers, ... Read more
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Antax_: Keep up the good matchmaking system ubi, is really working especially in quick matches.
Really a nice very well done job on that feature.


keep it up!

f*** fix it

Hey Antax, what are the specific issues you are having with the matchmaking system?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ८𝔘८: Gj ubisoft

We are aware of the issue and are looking into it!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Antax_: When are you gonna fix the vote kick in quick? I've joined a match today, after 5 seconds I was kicked by some childs.

Do you wanna do something about this or not?

We are in the process of changing the VTK system in order to alleviate these headaches!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ShappeRR: Servers are down but for how long?There is no official explanation.

We don't have an estimated time,, as it's a degradation and not planned maintenance, but we are working on getting things back up and running!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by John Swick: Ok, Ive allways played ok the lowest r6 settings for competive reasons and allways gotten around 80-120 fps. I allways felt it was a little low considering I have a 2070 super, 32gb of ram and a ryzen 3900x.

Well yesterday I built a new pc for my friend and it has a ryzen 3500 and a 1650 and 16gb of ram, considerably lower. Yet he gets 180-220 fps on the exact same settings??? How do I fix my pc to get better quality? Uninstall and reinstall?

Are you guys both using the same API?


    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by 是攻非受: why my r6 show not purchased
I've bought it

Did it end up showing up?
Originally Posted by Rawley.
I hope someone will read it from Ubisoft @UbiShoreman
Yes! I am here! Hello!

So I do like the idea of this, if everyone is squadded up and running in a full stack. I suppose my counter-question here is as to how this would work in partial groups? Say that, as opposed to one full 5-man stack, this is split between a 3 and 2 man squad? Do you think this would create some frustrations if one of the Squads is less prepared or unwilling ot play with a player of lower MMR that is only here because they're pai... Read more
Originally Posted by Serverdedbruh
first to not get banned i had to bear 200 ping and insaane loading times and guess what i get banned fix your **** servers buggysoft
Hey Serverded, Did you receive a temporary sanction or a longer ban? Also which datacenter is it that you're connecting to?
Originally Posted by c0penhag3nman
Got the same response, yet again. Pretty sure most of the "support staff" are nothing but a bunch of incompetent trolls. A child can copy and paste, im beyond the point of let me talk to the manager phase, unfortunately the only way to elevate something is through support, and when they ignore that main point of you claim and just copy paste, they are rendered useless. No hope for this one Im afraid, one account, 7 years of service and 11 games i can no longer play. Not a coincedence, IMO. Ill join one of the many class actions against ubisoft and hope i can recover my funds. People blatantly cheat every day, and not a damn thing happens to them, i log on after 2 years and all games on the entire acct, gone, just like that. Ubi wont answer...
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    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by NaVe': i bought the game on steam and i want to play it on ps4
can I do that?

The game is currently one license per unit, meaning that you would have to buy the game separately per platform.

13 Aug

A reminder to please not necro old posts! Double check the date before posting!
Originally Posted by c0penhagenmanTV
Hello all, I have recently returned to gaming after a little hiatus, and decided to download siege again. I log on and are greeted with a permanently banned for cheating message. So, I contact support, put in a ticket and received a very swift response. Now, I have never cheated in any game, and after doing some research on the web, I did find many people who were mistakenly banned and had theirs lifted. I even found videos and threads with notorious players who were banned and had them lifted. So I figured Ubi would do their due diligence and look into it. I was wrong. I was replied to with what seemed to be a tin can response, indicating that all the games on that account were banned due to a breach of the code of conduct. Support wen...
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    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Younesnake: I think what Hibana really needs is a soft rework / buff to her X-KAIROS, the not bad at all tbh.

Oh that's an interesting take! What kind of rework are you thinking of?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by K0NG__: since yesterday where they had a short term problem with the severs i am unable to play any game mode.

it connects fine to the ubisoft servers but when i want to play any online match it says that the connection failed and it boots me back to the menu.

Hey K0NG! Still having this issue?