

13 Jun

    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey again Nomad! It's actually gonna be through this link here.[support.ubisoft.com] Definitely bring along some more of those videos with any pertinent screenshots you have!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Greatcompany21:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman: I feel like if there weren't repercussions to hitting your own teammate with damage, some of the strategy might be lost. Another forum user mentioned, in particular, how it would look if attackers could run through Fuze's charges with impunity, or sprint freely across a teammates firefight, I feel like things would lose a lot of the thought that were put into them. I am, however, curious to hear the communities inputs on this!
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    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Lebowski B lives matter?: it works now

Oh! Well then happy gaming!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Nomad:
Originally posted by Nomad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVKdgIx9llA
For some reason my nvidia recording function looks better when i view it on my system but sucks on youtube...
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    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Nomad: should it be on here or the main rainbow six site?

You can do it here, or you can do it directly through R6 Fix.[r6fix.ubi.com] It really depends on whether you want me to report it, or to report it yourself.
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Alright, so this thread definitely could trend in a toxic manner, and while I'm not locking it up yet, I definitely want to say that Ubisoft takes a very hard stance against racism, and I recommend people consider their thoughts carefully before posting. Any players that you see being racist, get a screengrab and immediately report them through our online poartal. [support.ubisoft.com]
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Nomad: Yes, give me some time to upload.

Yeah dude, take all the time you need
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Lubbock: i am planning to buy a new PC which has i3-9100f and RTX 2060. RTX 2060 is enough for running all the games with ultra setting. However, i am considering should i buy a better CPU. i3 9100f is a nice choice for me. Is it enough to run Rainbow Six Siege with over 144 fps? It is because i bought a 144 hz monitor. It will be a waste if my game can't run with over 144 fps.:steamhappy:

So, In general, for games that are CPU intensive, I definitely don't recommend it.

Are you not getting any bottlenecking issues from the i3? I feel like that would limit a lot with a moder GPU.
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Lebowski! Are you getting an error code?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We haven't released a date, but believe me when I say we are excited to share the upcoming season with you all!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I feel like if there weren't repercussions to hitting your own teammate with damage, some of the strategy might be lost. Another forum user mentioned, in particular, how it would look if attackers could run through Fuze's charges with impunity, or sprint freely across a teammates firefight, I feel like things would lose a lot of the thought that were put into them. I am, however, curious to hear the communities inputs on this!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Nomad: Central US. My accuracy isn't great but Vigil's weapon does decent damage.

Hmmm, I was going to say, we are looking into issues with our EU servers currently. Do you have a clip we could check out in your data center's area by any chance?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey nomad, are these EU servers by any chance?

12 Jun

    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by (Originals) DarthVader: i have lost many rounds due to this

Are you still experiencing this? We released a patch for it last month.
Originally Posted by MaestroOfficial
Still happening right now, everyone lagging like crazy ingame in my current match...

Playing in West EU
We released a statement about our EU servers in particular on twitter a couple days ago. We are definitely working towards getting more stability there.
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Roof, do you have a video of this? I'd definitely like to report it.
Originally Posted by MaestroOfficial

Is it just me getting unlucky or there are some server issues going on? I got disconnected 3 times in 3 days during an ongoing ranked game with a 'connection failure' message. Every time also all my team mates got disconnected so I guess that our specific game just died?
This never happened to me before, at least not as often as this...

Also very high lag on server side is happening of late, like all players ping > 600 all the time. But of course being a ranked game we can't leave and we have to stick with it. This happened to me 2 times in the last 5 days.

FYI I usually play 3-8 games a day usually
Wh... Read more
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Originally posted by ToxicBillie: Sometimes while playing in Bank sounds get weird in drones and when died. While alive it sounds like reverted right and left. Bug or something with me ? UBİ HELP PLS

Hey Billie, ... Read more
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by twunny phaiv:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman: Hey Radient, i would love a little more insight here. Is this happening on a specific map or game mode in particular? Or is it more all-encompassing?
From my experience and from what I've heard others say, this is a consistent issue on the east Customs/Passport Check wall on Border.

This is great info thank you! Is it in live games as well as custom? Or is it in one more than the other?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Dankie, we have definitely been trying to communicate using tools like our Status Report[www.ubisoft.com] or our Twitter , or even our dev blog.[www.ubisoft.com]

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