

20 Jan

I'm cold just looking at this place. Good job!

09 Jan

Originally posted by Enshrouded_Bot

This post contains replies from employees of Keen Games, you can see them here:

/u/VeryCoolUsernameBro posted a comment: Lmao

/u/VeryCoolUsernameBro posted a comment: Wouldn't want people missing that ...

Wouldn't want people missing that one

02 Jan

18 Dec

Originally posted by SaraRainmaker

Hi There! Thanks for taking some time out of your busy work week to talk to us.

I actually have two (somewhat related) questions for you.

  1. I was wondering, Having seen so many amazing builds from players that have been posted on the discord... Did you have any idea that the building system that you were creating, and the POI's you made would inspire such creativity and beautiful work from the player base? And did you expect so many people to take over and rebuild some of your own creations in the way they have?
  2. Have you ever considered using player-made buildings to add into the base game?

I think we knew we were working on something special even before the reveal, and that a lot of the player fantasy of restoring the kingdom would naturally lead players to want to take over ruins and renovate them. Having said that, there's a difference between knowing something is good, and having three million players play your game because the building is cool! From the interior design goblincore chalets to the community that rebuilt Minas Tirith, and all the others working on things from fiction... it's a lot and we're just so happy to have given so many players the tools to create cool stuff. I think personally the only thing I'm yet to see is someone build a 1:1 replica of Star Trek's Enterprise.

TopCat: Yes we have thought about that opportunity but since one of our core aspects of the game world is a lore which makes sense it would certainly break the immersion when a player travels the abandoned lands of Embervale in order to search for the next Metal Scrap and al...

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Originally posted by ArmConnect9353

Hey Keen team,

FIrst off just wanted to say thank you for this game, fell in love with it very quickly after I bought it a month ago.

After 150 hours and not yet having finished the game I only have a few questions mostly relating to QoL.

  1. Are you planning on enabling us to change the keybind for closing menu's ie: boxes and crafters with ESC being the default?

  2. Is water in the works for 2025 or has development on Voxel water been scrapped for the foreseeable future?

  3. Can we ever expect to see weapon transmogging?

1 & 3 are somewhere on our backlog, no ETA yet.
2: We're still working on water, but as Antony replied elsewhere, water is *very* complex to make interact in a meaningful way with a voxel, fully terraformable world.

Originally posted by Niggls

Are there plans to make the world (outside of your camp) permanent at some point?

There are technical limitations for this. The game has to be playable, stable, and have decent performance for not only the maniacs out there who stole a supercomputer from NASA, but also for their little bro who's playing on something that barely scrapes by the min specs. And that's even without factoring in the fact that we're also going to be releasing on consoles in the future, which means that *those* also have to be stable, etc etc.

Originally posted by Karthull

Absolutely loving the game and can’t wait to see more of what’s next! 

I get the progression of materials as you go up in levels and zones, but it bothers me how little use for the gems there are. Have you considered some sort of system where you engrave/embed/imbue gems into our equipment? With different gems perhaps providing different effects (this is assuming you plan to add future areas with missing gems like rubies, emerald, and diamonds etc) 

As well as more decorations, recipes, maybe even some building blocks that make use of the gems. As it is now there’s very little use for lapis lazuli and amethyst. Maybe some different magic items or structures that provide some effect at or within range of a base? Could build some magic soldiers or golems that can defend an outpost to make a sort of siege camp, that use gems as fuel and could limit how many you can have at one location of balance is a concern. With different gem types being used for different types of ...

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Gems in your equipment, you say...? What a fanciful idea of yours, some would say, a final fantasy, even...

Originally posted by MorcristMeleth

You guys are amazing. You've done what Voxel Farm (or any of it's licensees) never did: get a working, voxel based game released that is FUN and very polished! Massive kudos to you guys!

With that said, I've only got a few questions.

1) Does Keen have any plans on monetizing the Engine used for Enshrouded? As in, allowing other teams/developers to pay money to Keen for the use of the Engine in their game(s)?

2) One of my mottos is: the more gameplay options, the more longevity/fun a game will have. The more things you allow players to do in your games, the longer they will keep playing them. It's one of the obvious reasons games that are easily moddable are played so long after release. Along that line of thought I was wondering if you have plans to allow more server world options like a toggle to build flame altars anywhere, or even a toggle to allow building WITHOUT a flame altar. One of the main draws to a lot of people (in my opinion at least) is the bu...

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Sorry, this is way outside the scope of this AMA and what the world team is working on!

The "build anywhere" option is probably not a very advisable one if you want your computer to remain in a functional, non-melted state. A lot of it will also be a question of ensuring the game runs well on the specs mentioned on our store page, as well as the upcoming console versions.

No spoilerinos for the world events part, you'll just have to see... I read in another comment that we're talking about our upcoming plans more early next year? Keep an eye out for that.

Originally posted by Inside_Shake_3115

What about crafting recipes for ALL props that we have already in a game (talking about cool wooden fences, destroyed stuff from villages that we cant place again if we break it and many many more). It would be cool to have a small quest for each type of props (5-7 quests) which unlock all the recipes for them.

We have been trying our best to keep up in adding as many in-game props to the craftable stuff. It's a long and arduous job, mostly because of the amounts of things in the game! But we're doing our best to add stuff to the list with every update, on top of the new craftables if there are any, so we hope to eventually work our way through the backlog and give people to as many things as possible to craft.

Originally posted by AnxiousAcerola

Hey guys,

Thank you for the great game and also my biggest, sincerest thank you, hugs and kisses for including the arachnophobia mode. It improved my (and I'm sure many others) ability to play and enjoyment in the game so so much. I'm one of those people whose tried all the phobia treatment options already and nothing works, it's amazing to play a game without fainting or panic attacks!!

For my question; I'm wondering if there are future plans to make the citizens of our little villages a bit more helpful. I'd love it if Balthazar would craft things while I'm away, if Emily could plant new herbs, or if Athalan could cook some food. Do you guys see this as a possibility in the future of the game?

Very sorry we made the spiders bigger that one time. Happy to hear you're enjoying the game with the new accessibility options! As to your question, I've answered it elsewhere already, see

Originally posted by KeenGames

Topcat: Simple answer : Yes.

Long answer: At this point we can't tell you when exactly that happens but it is on our todo list.

There will always be an area just out of your grasp that looks awesome and where you want to settle in, and eventually we NEED to find a way to make the world finite, and it will hopefully not be a painted wall and fake sky like in the Truman Show. So... keep in mind that if we make the inaccessible accessible, we will need another boundary and eventually, it can't be boundary turtles all the way down.

Originally posted by IllustriousScratch17

Hi! A friend and I are going through your game now, and it’s so fun! We’ve put in about 150hrs each on our first play through so far. You’ve done amazing work!

My one question is basic? Will there be a way to design specific boundaries for the NPC and villagers to move around, say if I wanted to keep farmers on a farm? Also, will yall make it so NPCs can do things for us like farming, such as giving them what’s needed and they go and plant it?

So Jonas confirmed with our creative director Antony that actually, after assigning an NPC to a bed, you can resummon them elsewhere and *there* set them a roaming perimeter... I never even knew that! It's huge!!

As for "can I get my NPCs to do chores for me", I've fielded a couple of similar questions elsewhere, please keep an eye out. ;)

Originally posted by Cillercat1337

Will the hoe ever be fixed, so it doesn't make these small step like slopes?

If I understand your question correctly, the answer is linked to the size of our voxels: they're half a meter a side, like our blocks. So this pretty much locks how granular we can be with our tools.

Originally posted by DisciplinedWolf

Hey Guys,

Firstly, what a brilliant game. I hope you guys keep expanding this game forever.

Do you intend to add a blueprint system for building? It would be incredibly useful for setting down cool community made structures, or homegrown structures into your game as you travel.

It might also be a fun way for the community to interact and get more playtime in-between updates.

Thanks for the endless hours of fun!

We've been looking at ways for players to share their bases with one another, but I'm not sure we intend to have anything akin to a blueprint system. It is a popular request on FeatureUpvote, though, so definitely drop it a vote if it's something you're keen to see!

Originally posted by AyaseAsukaF03A

the addition of townsfolk in the last update is such a neat addition and brings life to our base, but will there be a further update on them like adding new features or mechanics surrounding them?

Reception of our Townsfolk NPCs has been really positive from everyone, which is something we expected, but perhaps not to that extent! We've already had numerous requests for extra features for our NPCs, such as putting them to work around the base and its surroundings, or having them guard the area from enemies and wildlife. We've even got several requests from players who want to go the whole nine yards and marry their favorite NPCs, which I think means we must have been doing something right with them? Anyway as I'm sure you've seen, the NPCs are bringing a huge amount of complexity to the game, and as a result they brought a slew of new unexpected behaviors, bugs, and other fun things. Emily Fray wasn't meant to be hanging out on a roof, and the blacksmith going out for cigarettes never to return is also not what we envisioned for him. Not to mention questions of pathing in a world that at any point in time can be remodeled, because it's so easy to throw a grenade inside your ...

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Originally posted by GregariousJB

Any chance we're getting the QoL building and storage features of other games?

  • Signs!
  • Build Camera from Grounded and modded Valheim
  • "Quick stack to nearby chests" from Grounded, Terraria, modded Valheim
  • Renaming chests/symbols on chests from Grounded, Terraria, and modded Valheim

Thank you!

We're always looking to improve the experience of Enshrouded, and we have brought and will continue to bring QoL features to the game. Signs have been part of our roadmap for a long time, so I can definitely confirm that they are coming. I can't speak to these other features, as they will have to be evaluated against other features and content we're developing, including suggestions from other users, but what I can say is we're far from done when it comes to making Enshrouded better for everyone.

06 Dec

Best game community award when???

I'm only half kidding too, we rarely get our work recognized and damned if we aren't pulling all the stops to make Enshrouded's community as welcoming as possible for everyone...

Originally posted by That-Being8367

Thank you. Gonna try this. Although it will always be too late for that one yak.

May the haunting memory of their demise push you to become a better shepherd.

Really neat. Better post again when it's fully done