

19 May


Originally posted by uhhhhhhhhh_okay

We know about it.


Originally posted by Its_You_Know_Wh0

You’re probably right yea Idk what I was thinking with 50 or 15. I only play against bots on hard or crazy (I don’t really have the patience for online) and theres been some moments where theres been constant deaths just for one city due to its access being limited

Edit: I just realised you actually work on the came so ignore the “probably” part of my reply you are obviously right lol

Thank you for realizing your inherent inferiority and giving me, an infallible developer, the worship I deserve.

You may stop bowing to me, as I am a benevolent and generous god. You will be spared, peon. ;)


Originally posted by Its_You_Know_Wh0

I’ve had long battles over a single tile or border but yea 50 is a lot. It would need to be like 15 or at the smallest 10 because it should be rare

Honestly, the game really isn't meant to go on that long.

In ideal conditions, 10 units dying on one tile is a big deal.

18 May


Originally posted by Nickname1945

Wait until they change that as well

Keep waiting

16 May


While nifty, this is a mod, which breaks Polytopia ToS, and so, it must be removed.

We know you've put a lot of work into it, but we'll have to ask you nicely to cancel the project, as this sort of thing simply isn't what we want in the game right now.



Originally posted by [deleted]


Hey, so, if this actually modifies the game state, this mod might be breaking our Terms of Service.

We actually have a "no mods" clause, and I'd be happy to show you it if you'd like.

12 May


For the most part, these headcanons are the canons for the tribes, so you're pretty spot on in some ways.

Of course, if you'd like to see the lore up to this point, head to the wiki, which keeps all the lore blurbs.


Hmmmm 🤔


Originally posted by insanitywolf27

What is Polytopia a rip off of?

Sid Meier's Civilization

10 May


Originally posted by B_O_A_T_S

i received a invitation, it didn’t work, and i can’t seem to attempt to start a dm with you

edit: perhaps discord?

Reload Reddit

Or yeah, you can find me on Discord


Originally posted by B_O_A_T_S

Hey there! Still crashing upon multiplayer game list retrieval

Let's take this to DM's


Originally posted by B_O_A_T_S

Thanks! 😊

I've removed a few of them. Tell me if it works now.


Originally posted by B_O_A_T_S

please feel free to delete all of them if you have to!

I'll handle it when I can.


I can delete some games for you if you'd like

09 May


Originally posted by Far_Advertising1005


We consider the game to feature a lot of abstraction.

What you see is only shorthand for what's actually happening.


Originally posted by Far_Advertising1005

Good to know. Will have to restructure my in game world building 😭

The units, themselves, are armies, so don't fret. :P


Originally posted by kmmontandon

More annoying than starting my turn on the far side of the map looking at a bunch of unrevealed territory?

Yeah, actually. I personally wouldn't want it to zoom on my capital every turn. I'd want the camera to stay where the action is.


Dev here.

We don't do this because it sounds annoying.


Originally posted by Far_Advertising1005

Wait giants are actual giants? I always preferred the idea that it’s just a full scale army

Yeah, they're actual giants.