

24 Feb


Originally posted by thekmanpwnudwn

For reference, our data says that more than 50% of dodges are caused by less than 2% of players, and the vast majority of players very rarely queue dodge, if at all.

That's actually an insane stat


16 Feb


Originally posted by ciroc__obama

For me, what affects me the most is my finicky internet. I d/c in spurts and always try to get back in as fast as I can but it doesn’t always want to cooperate. But what’s happened is I d/c and if the game ends by the time I’m back in I get to the lobby and boom, banned. Really hope the new system is improved in this regard because it sucks getting an hour and a half ban when I’m just trying to play on a Saturday night over something out of my control.

Hey there friend! Yes, there are a LOT of players who are in your same position. The internet dips, and they get back in as soon as they can...but they're penalized as if they just said "screw it" to the game. We don't believe those two are the same, and we want to treat those situations differently. I can't provide the exact details, but we're confident that players who occasionally miss a couple rounds shouldn't be penalized quite so heavily. Hope this helps :)


Hey there friends -
There are a LOT of comments about the RR deduction for queue dodging, and I wanted to jump in to provide some clarity.

First thing's first: I want to assure you all that we're tracking this and its impact on players. This isn't something we're going to toss into the live game and leave to its own devices. If we notice a downward pull on most players RRs, or if we don't see a decrease in queue dodges, we'll know we missed the mark. And we'll fix it. I promise. It's literally my job to determine whether or not we were successful.

Now, for some clarity on why we chose to do this. We completely understand the concern here. There are very valid reasons that players choose to dodge, most notably in an attempt to avoid toxic teammates. And we don't want to take that option away from players.

That said, avoiding toxic teammates doesn't make up the majority of pre-game dodges we see (and will hopefully become even less of a ...

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09 Feb


These Cypher family photos actually make my whole day.

03 Feb


Originally posted by Pitiful_Carpet1694

Hi :) How's your day going so far?

Pretty busy, but overall pretty great! How is yours?




Originally posted by hateswitchx

So who wins nerf or buff?

oh I for sure won. :P

02 Feb


Originally posted by Riot_Preeti




Originally posted by Riot_Preeti


The clear message here is that the Ares needs to get buffed.


Handling an Ares is an art. Just because you don't understand it, doesn't make it bad.

Sincerely, An Ares Onetrick

These views are not representative of Riot Games

28 Jan


Originally posted by grippgoat

Who was singing that deep baritone?

This was awesome.

that's Riv!

21 Jan


Originally posted by Patrik1957

Riot crew replying in Reddit is too amazing a feeling for it to happen so rarely.



Originally posted by ShamefulPlep

Youre amazing

No YOU! :)


Originally posted by ShamefulPlep

I was in a match earlier when I saw this and I did not do it justice. Thank you for taking the time and putting forth the effort to respond to us ladies in the Valorant community. Im so happy and I feel so heard. I trust that you guys are trying your best and for that, I thank you.

Thank YOU friend :). I know it's hard to speak up about these things, especially when it can feel like no one is listening.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I hope you're not beating yourself up for that choice. It's a very real threat, and choosing not to serve yourself up on a silver platter for harassment isn't anything to be ashamed of.


Originally posted by Im_H3lianthus

Whelp i just started to troll the trolls, bully the bullies, outsmart the 'know it alls'. But i agree that's exhausting. Sometimes I stay silent until I get some kills and im at least top 3 in the team. But I main sova - so i cant live without callouts and giving intel. And lately i've been prioritising intel over staying silent until comfort. If someone starts questioning " hey are you a girl" i just give an obviously troll answer like" i'm actually a:.... chewbacca, anime waifu, britney spears, battle crab, apache helicopter etc. It usually gets the idea across to leave me alone and focus on the game. But i specifically like the tactics, shooting and outplays part of the game. I only get into the talks and chats if i feel like these are fun people on general- but not flirty or just bc i'm a female. Just general fun. However: never forget: people are dicks and mute button is a gods gift. ;D

I AM THE HUNTER!! ....TOO! (I'm a Sova main as well.)

I totally get you here. Teamwork and collaboration is why I play this game. And I think my main, Sova, is a testament to that. It meaningfully detracts from my experience when I can't talk to players.


Originally posted by KA7MAN

Don’t get me wrong, how is reporting going to help? I’ve seen the same toxic people over and over again in my games that entire teams have reported for either sabotaging the team or like yelling and threats and nothing has been done other than muting them. Also worst part is that you mute them but we still have to join their party to communicate.

I’m like a decently high elo right now and this does make me less motivated to report each and everyday.

That's a totally fair question. I agree that comms banning verbally abusive players doesn't always solve the problem. Sometimes they find other ways to harass players, and as you said, sometimes they bully you into joining their party.

We're currently looking into several ways to address this; some are well on their way, and others are in the early works. (I'm sorry to be so vague here, but NDA's you know :( )

In any case, it's critical that you all don't lose faith in and entirely abandon the reporting system. I get that it hasn't done right by you so far. But as we iterate and improve on our behavior systems, those reports will still be an important part of it.

I hope that makes sense. And same goes to all the people who've posted in this thread...I'm sorry you're dealing with this crap :(


I just saw another reddit post about this. I'll copypasta the same thing I said on the other thread:

I promise, we're working on it. I can't speak to any details right now, but if all goes to plan, you'll be hearing from us in the near future with actions and updates.

In the meantime, remember to report. It doesn't fix the issue immediately, which sucks, but we can't fix it at all if you don't raise a flag to tell us it's happening.

Thanks for still giving our game a chance, even with all these bad experiences. This is a multi-team effort across Riot, and we're working hard towards a future where you don't have to deal with sh*t like this anymore.

To add to that, I have played so many games where women don't speak up until after I start talking. Once they hear my voice, and they see that no one is giving me crap, they know it's safe.

I cannot wait for the day when I get...

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Hey there friend. I'm sure this will get buried, but I want you to know that we hear you. We know the social experience for minority groups, women included, is awful right now. Especially in voice comms.

I promise, we're working on it. I can't speak to any details right now, but if all goes to plan, you'll be hearing from us in the near future with actions and updates.

In the meantime, remember to report. It doesn't fix the issue immediately, which sucks, but we can't fix it at all if you don't raise a flag to tell us it's happening.

Thanks for still giving our game a chance, even with all these bad experiences. This is a multi-team effort across Riot, and we're working hard towards a future where you don't have to deal with sh*t like this anymore.

Lea & the SPD team

15 Jan


Originally posted by tbone603727

Ok I’ll bite-when did you guys decide to do this-before or after this comment? I assume before but curious if this had any impact

It was before :) But I have to say, as one of the folks who pitched this, it felt HECKIN good to make that call and have you specifically ask for it thereafter :)