

17 Dec


Originally posted by AdagioCS

If you can’t answer this directly I understand but when you say “in the coming year” does that mean episode 2 or is it still up in the air?

P.S Thanks for taking the time to respond to stuff like this I’m sure working on a game is hard enough let alone working with the community as well. <3

There are still some things that need to fall into place with our partner teams, so I'm hesitant to commit to a specific time. >< We'll keep you updated as more concrete pieces fall into place!


Hey! If you check out the EOY article we wrote, we talk about addressing these things in the coming year.

We're already working on this. It just takes a lot of time to design something that is fair, reasonable, and has a good chance of being effective; and even more time to coordinate across teams for how this actually gets implemented in game.

We don't want to do the thing where we roll something out and discover that we were too strict and banned half our players. We also don't want to roll something out, only to tighten or change up the rules a week later. There are a lot ...

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Hey friend! If you check out the EOY article we wrote, we talk about addressing these things in the coming year.

Being honest here, we're already working on this. It just takes a lot of time to design something that is fair, reasonable, and has a good chance of being effective; and even more time to coordinate across teams for how this actually gets implemented in game.

We don't want to do the thing where we roll something out and discover that we were too strict and banned half our players. We also don't want to roll something out, only to tighten or change up the rules a w...

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Hey friends! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is FOR SURE a bug, and we'll be chatting about a fix starting today!

12 Dec


Originally posted by ShirosREDDIT

Thanks for the resply! Hope it didn't come out as rude, wasn't my intention.

It's just that I'm a big OCD collector and this stuff makes me sad :(.

No, it wasn't rude at all! I appreciate you being considerate of that, and like I said, feedback is what keeps us honest :)


Originally posted by ShirosREDDIT

Sure thing, but considering one of the philosophies used when act badges were introduced was "we won't introduce them for act 1 because we want players to know what they are getting into", same thing should be applied for those exclusive items from bundles.

Not in a single place was mentioned that these items were limited time. I personally can't afford to buy every bundle as they come out, but if I knew cards and such were limited, I'd have bought them when they were on the store.

I am a collector so this is something I take a little bit personally, but yeah, if I'm asking anything is to be coherent with these kinds of topics.

Thanks for this feedback, Shiro. You make a super valid point there: if content is going to be limited edition or exclusive, we should be clear about that to players.

I agree, and I'll be sure to remind the team of this as we introduce new content and iron out our exclusive content strategy.


Originally posted by TheGamercologist

I’d still like SOME cosmetics to be “rare” and never brought back into the store! this is far more effective when done with gun skins rather than player cards, but given the nature of the current store that rotate old skins at random this concept has already been ruined, obviously player cards and gun buddies are cool but it doesn’t have the same effect, you could argue battlepass skins are technically exclusive but it’s just not the same.

We totally get that, and we agree! There's something special that comes with "I was here for this moment, and I can show you that with this skin."


Originally posted by Darrothan

I got a long survey from Riot Games yesterday and spent one whole hour filling it out. I really love how Riot Games is engaging with the community and trying to constantly better itself! Genuinely excited about the direction of the company as a whole :)

WOW! That is some serious dedication! Seriously, we really appreciate it. As a researcher, developing and analyzing surveys is a huge part of my job. We know it's a big ask to take time out of your day to answer questions. But they REALLY DO make a difference. So thanks <3


Originally posted by Rendx3

and you can't see your agent anyway, so I'd say that gloves are the perfect choice for skins as they are the only thing you actively see throughout the match

Noted :)


Originally posted by _feeliN

Thank you very much for answering me. You are a very friendly and sympathetic team. <3

Of course! And thank you for engaging with us :)


Originally posted by thisnotfor

Where can I go to enable emails?

If you log into your Riot Games account, and go to "Privacy", click Enable for communication from Riot!


Originally posted by aysrin

supa high level tactics, yeah?

... ... ... I AM THE HUNTER!!


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

He was amazing in First Strike

I'm showing him this comment right now hehe


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

He was amazing in First Strike

He really was :) Thank you so much!


Originally posted by akko_7

Ah cool, thanks for the response. It's good to hear it works both ways, with the main focus being the "awesomeness" value of each skin.

Definitely difficult to get that balance right all the time, but I appreciate you guys fighting for prices to reflect what players will enjoy.

Thanks so much friend :) We appreciate you listening!


Originally posted by Arkiece

Obviously my voice is just one, I'm not trying to presume my own importance, but I don't think agent skins would be healthy for the game.

Every game promises they will not hamper gameplay, especially the more competitive/serious games like CS or Rainbow Six, and they usually end up causing some kind of issue eventually.

CS had major problems with the visibility of their skins for a long time, and it's still not fully resolved, if much better than it was in the past.

Rainbow Six has both visibility and identification problems with their skins; not only are some skins (cough Ember Rise, cough) harder to see in some scenarios, some of the skins make it genuinely hard to tell one operator from another on the fly.

While Valorant has a couple of things going for it that could make these less problematic, namely very good visibility and quite unique characters that stand out, given enough new Agents and enough skins per A...

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That's super well thought out! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts :)


Originally posted by smichers

thanks for the reply. The skins in this game are really nice btw. Keep up the solid work :)

Thanks so much, friend!


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Thanks! If you do guys do decide to commit to complete thematic overhauls I think a Riv Breach skin is needed

HAH! I'll have to let him know! (I don't know if you know this, but Riv is my husband XD)


Originally posted by MedicalExamination54

Thank you very much for the detailed reply <3

Thank you for a great question :)


Originally posted by akko_7

An "awesome" factor sounds so arbitrary. Obviously you've spent more time thinking about and testing player preference than us. But from all the opinions I've seen, people seem to not want to drop big money on a skin line if it lacks effects, a finisher etc. Even if they really like the theme.

What I'm getting at is this "awesome" factor sounds like something made up to justify charging whatever you want for lower quality skins.

Maybe there's more behind this concept than in your original answer and that would be cool to hear about.

I hear you on that! It makes the pricing much less predictable, so I get how that feels sketchy. That awesome factor is usually driven by the player labs and testing on our skins, but we don't necessarily get to test every skin. And it does work the other way around, too! For example, I've successfully advocated for us to reduce the price of certain skins that had really significant model changes, but I didn't think they were "awesome" enough to justify a higher price.
I hope this helps :)