

12 Dec


Originally posted by Thesurge113

Any idea Implementing crouch peaking? The fights feel one dimensional without jump or crouch peaking. Crouch peaking would raise the sophistication of the fights and make it more interesting rather than having to run into an opponent head on for a fight.

Unfortunately, this answer is much better suited for the Gameplay team. I don't think our artists and outsource managers can speak to this ><


Originally posted by DogLegs2130

Any chance for skins to be updated/enhanced or even reworked? For example i kinda feel the prime collection is kinde dissapointing compared to all other skins we have now. Still great just not as good as the others

Hey friend! So if we're working on updating previously released skins, that mean's we're not working on brand new skins! (We only have so many artists, hehe).

The team isn't opposed to enhancing old content, but it would have to outweigh the benefits of working on a new skin. We don't have any plans for that currently, but we're open to it in the future!


Originally posted by smichers

Have you guys or other members of the dev teams seen the massive thread on using radiant points to reset the night market or any other thoughts on the night market. Many players got sub optimal draws and thus are less likely to buy anything from them

Hey friend! I think that's a pretty dope idea, tbh. However, something like that would take a good amount of time to build, and building it means that our engineers wouldn't be working on other important things. So if that's something we did do, it definitely wouldn't impact the current Night.Market.

That said, we've got a super comprehensive plan for how we'll determine the success of Night.Market. And if it's something we decide to do again, we'll be chatting through any improvements we want to make. Bad draws is for sure on the list of things we'll want to talk about and improve upon!


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey guys I wanted to ask if there are any updates on the idea of Agent skins, are you guys still thinking about or do you guys still think that it may impact competitive integrity

Great question!
So Agent skins (everything from gloves, to ability reskins, to full on thematic overhauls) are one of the things players most often ask us for!

We've for sure talked about them, but executing on them requires A TON of strategy work and a TON of testing. The last thing we want is to deliver on something so desired by players, only for it to fall short of what players want (or worse - ruin the competitive integrity of the game!) . We can't say whether or not we've committed to undertaking such a big project, but the conversation is FOR SURE on the table :)


Originally posted by Naerly

It's just how a company works. When you are an artist at a big company you don't work on the marketing and commercial part of it :p

+1. We've got a team of player researchers, revenue strategists, and other strategic roles who help make those calls. We can't expect our artists (who've spent years mastering their craft) to have those skills, too!


Originally posted by N04Hr

What are your guys favorite gun skins and why? :)

Singularity Ares with the Blue Variant :)
1. It's an Ares skin
2. The chaos of the evolutions feels SO GOOD
3. The blue and gold threading feels so unique and unusual, almost alien like!


Originally posted by irothi

Any plans to release agent skins in the future? I would love something like different outfits for the agents that kinda play onto their lore. Speaking of lore, I also would love to know if you guys have any plans on doing more with that too 😳✨

Hey there fam!
So Agent skins (everything from gloves, to ability reskins, to full on thematic overhauls) are one of the things players most often ask us for!

We've for sure talked about them, but executing on them requires A TON of strategy work and a TON of testing. The last thing we want is to deliver on something so desired by players, only for it to fall short of what players want (or worse - ruin the competitive integrity of the game!) . We can't say whether or not we've committed to undertaking such a big project, but the conversation is FOR SURE on the table :)


Originally posted by bo1t4

Do you guys ever plan on adding agent skins into the field?

Hey friend!
So Agent skins (everything from gloves, to ability reskins, to full on thematic overhauls) are one of the things players most often ask us for!

We've for sure talked about them, but executing on them requires A TON of strategy work and a TON of testing. The last thing we want is to deliver on something so desired by players, only for it to fall short of what players want (or worse - ruin the competitive integrity of the game!) . We can't say whether or not we've committed to undertaking such a big project, but the conversation is FOR SURE on the table :)


Originally posted by Vinayak98

Would you guys ever consider Agent skins or skins for abilities/ultimates( Jett knives, turret etc) or do you think it could mess up with competitve gameplay for the game.

P.S thanks for making this amazing game , I really enjoy playing it

Thanks so much friend!
So Agent skins (everything from gloves, to ability reskins, to full on thematic overhauls) are one of the things players most often ask us for!

We've for sure talked about them, but executing on them requires A TON of strategy work and a TON of testing. The last thing we want is to deliver on something so desired by players, only for it to fall short of what players want (or worse - ruin the competitive integrity of the game!) . We can't say whether or not we've committed to undertaking such a big project, but the conversation is FOR SURE on the table :)


Originally posted by RiotSuperCakes

I have a question. Outside of being an incredibly reliable, high quality and uber-player-focused team on VALORANT (all opinions are my own)... what are you most proud of this year?

I'm proud of how much the team has been leveling up in their high level strategy thinking :) They learn so well!


Originally posted by Haze_Valorant

Would u consider adding different colors to the Prism skins? it's the cleanest looking skin but I wish we had options for it in white or shining black

Not gonna lie, that's a SUPER dope texture, and I've been trying to convince the team to make it in more colors :)


Originally posted by atlapse

Will you guys add new variants for existing skin lines

Hey there friend! It's something we've talked about, for sure, but if we're working on revitalizing old skin lines, that means we're not working on brand new skins for our players! It always comes down to what players will value more.

I don't think our team is opposed to it, but it would have to outweigh the benefits of making a new skin. So it's not something we've committed to, but we are open to it!


Originally posted by MedicalExamination54

Hey guys :) Do you plan on making it possible to select skins for each, Defender and Attacker Side? Would be great for both sides I believe :P

Hey there! So players have asked us for this a lot, and we've considered a bunch of different ways that players may be able to equip different skins during a match.

It's not something we've committed to yet, since working on this means our engineers wouldn't be working on other things. Changing out skins in-match is something that would fall into the "Quality of Life" changes category, as opposed to "Critical" category. And when it comes to our engineers working on things, we always need to prioritize the "critical" ones!


Originally posted by _feeliN

Are you considering new outfits for the characters in the game in the future? The glove will be nice.

Agent skins (everything from gloves to full on thematic overhauls) are one of the things players most often ask us for!

We've for sure talked about them, but executing on them requires A TON of strategy work and a TON of testing. The last thing we want is to deliver on something so desired by players, only for it to fall short of what players want (or worse - ruin the competitive integrity of the game!) . We can't say whether or not we've committed to undertaking such a big project, but the conversation is FOR SURE on the table :)


Originally posted by kolimoli7

Oh cool! Where can we fill these surveys? I love surveys

Each time we run them, we have specific criteria in mind. (Things like engagement, what game modes you play, things like that). Those criteria change for every survey we do.
If you meet the criteria, you may get one! Just make sure you allow us to send you emails (that little box you check with you sign up with us). That's how they get sent for now!


Originally posted by armanisme

Would player cards come back I'm trying to collect them all and didn't know they were limited initially :/

The jury is still out on that :)


Originally posted by Haze_Valorant

I was really hoping gunbuddies and such were exclusive/limited

The jury is still out on that :) There's a big difference between bringing back gun skins to featured store, and bringing back the exclusive content!


Originally posted by N04Hr

btw you guys rock


11 Dec


Originally posted by SOLIDAge

There has been quite the inconsistency with tiers of skins. It seems the tiers of skins you’ve outlined in the past are just about the PRICE, but what about the features? You have had some premium skins with animations like the Prime, some without like the Nebula.


Are there plans to make these more uniform so that when players see the specific icons, we know what we are getting?


Bonus question: I would buy more of these skins if I didn’t have to pick and choose them between game. When will be get the option to have a random skin show up when buying?!


Thanks for a great game and the AMA!

Hey there friend! We actually did a TON of testing on this in early player labs.
We found that for most players, they preferred the idea of price being related to an "awesome" factor, as opposed to features themselves. For example, players tested a gun that had feature upgrades...but it just didn't feel cool enough to justify a higher price. However, when they tested our Nebula skin, they felt like the "awesome" factor was way higher. So that's what we went with!
In addition, we didn't want to limit our artists with their creative vision. There's a world where we make a retextured skin (without model changes, upgrades, etc.) that takes a TON of time, and a TON of effort. (Hand painting can be a tedious process!) But if we could only charge the lowest price for that, it doesn't end up being super worthwhile on our chances are, we wouldn't make it. Conversely, we may make a gun skin that has model changes and VFX that are super simple and easy to deliver on. It jus...

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Originally posted by ACupOfCheese

Has there ever been a design you proposed that got shot down? Or something that got close to release and taken down right before launch?

Yes. It was the greatest skin idea of all time.
Then one of our artists was like, "Oh! We have one that we're making that's super similar to that!"