

01 Nov


Originally posted by nobody______cares

So future raids will require both expansions? or just PoF? or just Hot?

Since you said raids are expansion content i kind of assume coming raids will only require PoF but since it has no mastery track i'm not sure anymore.

This has never been answered anywhere thats why i'm asking :)

Raids are specific to the expansion that they are released with.

That means you require HoT to play Spirit Vale, Salvation Pass, Stronghold of the Faithful, and Bastion of the Penitent.

Any raids released for Path of Fire will require that expansion.


Originally posted by InkTide

Certainly a fair compromise, glad you're doing it. Just to clarify, that means people who have not done any raids ever will be able to earn spirit shards from HoT mastery experience, correct?

It means if you have not unlocked the raid track it will become hidden. If you have unlocked it you will still need to max it out.


Originally posted by RisingDusk

I'm curious why you say hiding the track like the Griffon Mastery track would suck for some people that have it unlocked already. Is this action going to reset progress on the raid masteries for those who already have it unlocked or something?

Outside of that, thanks for the heads-up! I think hiding the track is great and ideal for the game going forward.

No no. It means that, if you've already put progress into the track but have not completed the full track, it won't hide. It'll remain open, and you will need to complete it. No resetting.


Originally posted by RisingDusk

I've actually noticed this in raids recently for exactly the reason you specified. Maybe because of its impact on raids, /u/anet_ianim can help?

Skills and Balance are looking into a fix, posthaste! :)


Originally posted by Slice_0f_Life

This is amazing, and the best present I never knew I wanted. Edit: Festeval the Multigenerous.


Hey folks! That's some good points you've made. I want to clarify some stuff I guess for sake of conversation, but also for edification. Because I like interacting with you guys and why not?

First thing: with the next raid release, the HoT Raid Mastery Track will be hidden just like the Griffon track. They can be unlocked the same as always: by completing any raid event. We understand that some people don't want to do raids, but want their delicious Spirit Shards. So let's fix that.

I'm going to sort of meander at this point because I haven't had breakfast yet. I'm so hungry

Fractals are part of Core Tyria (meaning base game, no expansion necessary). That is why the mastery track is separate. It has always been part of Core Tyria, and it always will be. Full stop. Raids are expansion content only. The Raid Mastery Track under HoT will always require owning HoT to utilize. At this point in time...

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27 Oct


Originally posted by Taeljam

Raiding with Mad King Thorn would be awesome! He would trash talk the bosses, and deal massive DPS while laughing the whole time. Summoning Candy Corn Golems, playing Mad King says with Trashmobs, killing his own teammates, dance sometimes when he's bored. Changes the boss timers. Instead of Boss Enrages, Thorn himself would enrage. Kicking Deimos or Sabetha from the platform, and steals KC his Head. Trying to use Gorse as a mount. I would love it to bits!


Edit: You guys are hilarious. Unfortunately, I need to step on this and confirm that we are not doing holiday raids. It was more that I got a kick out of the idea. Sorry!

25 Oct


No, you're the best.


Originally posted by Chris2899

Cool, it is very appreciated! On a different note, can you please clarify something about Mursaat Overseer? From release and up to somewhat recently, soldiers would only explode upon death of they were standing in a claimed area. Now however, they explode regardless of if they stand in a claimed area or not which seems like a bug or unintended effect? I'll try to find footage of this later in the day.

They always explode when they die. /u/CrystalRAID may be able to expand on that if necessary.

24 Oct


This is the first I'm hearing of The Orrator, and I have to say... it is amazing. Not as glorious and indestructible as Lion Arch's current architecture, but definitely amazing.


Originally posted by Photoloss

Not sure how many qualify as "bugs" and how many are "design errors":

  • fixated phantasms seem to have a longer combat range than any of their skills. Standing still while fixated will sometimes make them pause unable to actually hit you, but also not drawing closer.
  • fixation sometimes does not display/render, announcements are delayed.
  • mesmer illusions (probably other pets too) follow the KC core during the push phase, attack it and deal damage, but do not seem to trigger the actual push. Mainly a problem in less skilled groups where you then cannot tell what else is hitting it amongst the damage floats.
  • overlapping orange telegraphs, such as when the timed bomb and the rotating smash fire at the same time, will cause the area of overlap to render neither telegraph or hide one of them completely
  • the coloured orbs are oversensitive to the extreme. <100ms ping, camera looking downwards and yet some still fly ...
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Mmmmm... delicious feedback. Thanks! Added all of that to the list :)


Originally posted by -Kahera

There's also the issue of some raid bosses that randomly decides he doesn't care about who's tanking anymore. MO is exceptionally bad, but other bosses such as VG, Xera and Deimos also like to go for random dances elsewhere from time to time.

On MO the soldiers have started exploding every single time they are killed. Afaik it used to be that they only exploded if they died (or timed out?) on a field that was lit, but now they explode every time. Super annoying since it's pretty much a one shot if it isn't mitigated.

Deimos have the issue where if a small group of people get ported and can't kill Saul on time, it kicks the next Saul instantly to the main platform (instead of when it hits 50%). The people from the first and second port is stuck on the platform you're teleported to with nothing to do except get damaged by the ticking damage. This also happens if someone goes down right before the port and stays in downstate until the next port.


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The issue of raid bosses seemingly at random disengaging the tank is a problem with how the creature is attempting to navigate. It's a deep coding problem, and one that we are trying to find a resolution for.

The MO soldiers is interesting. I've notified the designer and QA. Same for Deimos. Thanks for reporting!

23 Oct


Originally posted by Sly_Allusion

To add to VG, we had a revenant die outside of the arena while we were tanking vg in the middle(couldn't have been UA taking him outside). We aren't even sure if it was a blue port or something else, he was just dead with nothing in his combat log.

If I'm reading this correctly, it sounds like the Revenant was outside of the arena when he died instantly? That sounds like he was killed for leaving the encounter boundaries, which doesn't report to the combat log because that particular death is the game saying, "nah, you dead."

22 Oct


Originally posted by Chris2899

*Statues move in a circular fashion rather than towards the fixated(often causing merges if doing midstrat). Replicated by the fixated player moving in any way that isnt linear to the "fixation beam".

*Colored phantasms not despawning after cc( Seems to be caused by breaking the bar too quickly.

*KC not spawning after orbs/invisible - don't know how to replicate

*Statues not removing stacks once killed - replicated by killing both as they are about to merge

*KC moving away from tank(seems to be related to the general pathing issue in raids) - replicated by running through hitbox at the start

These are the main bugs i can recall at this moment, but I'll ask in guild if they have anything further to add.

I've sent these over to QA to get tracking bugs on, and I'll aim to get these fixed for the next release.

The first bug sounds like a pathing issue, and not one that I will likely be able to fix without an engineer digging around through some deep code. Same with the KC moving away from the tank. But that doesn't mean I won't look into it!



Originally posted by LunarStrikes

Wing 3 is known to be full of bugs. Why is it that when there's something that's actually beneficial to players, it gets fixed the moment it's found out, but the bugs that are really annoying (especially the recent one that messed up the aggro mechanic), it takes so much effort to fix it, if at all?

Perhaps not all situations, but definitely for the raids team, it is that players tend to be more vocal about bugs that are particularly broken. It gets more vision, and that means we are able to see it. If bugs are reported on Reddit, that doesn't guarantee that we will see it, but we certainly try! Some bugs, like economy issues or constant client/server crashes, etc. we have a better ways to be automatically alerted.

I can't cover all situations - certainly not in a few sentences - but I hope that explains a little bit.

In the future, if you encounter a bug in raids, report it through in-game means, but also send me a DM. Bugs need squashin'! We just need to be aware of what they are and where they are.


Originally posted by EmmaGifu

Can we have any word on the bugs that exist for other bosses as well?

*The death on teleporting from platform to platform on Deimos is particularly annoying. It appears to happen only when you get teleported while using a skill that locks you in place or in movement.

*VG disappearing from platform sometimes. Seems to happen depending on where the tank is standing.


The first bug is a desync issue between client and server, and is rather difficult to isolate but also to remedy without significant engineering time. The work around, in the short time, is to refrain from using skills that control your movement when a teleport is about to happen. Anything that moves you or locks you down.

For VG, refrain from tanking him while hugging the wall. What is probably happening is that the pathing AI is attempting to run somewhere outside of the arena boundary. When he leaves, the encounter resets.

When we have more engineering time to dedicate to these bugs, we will get them resolved properly.

18 Oct


Originally posted by Chris2899

Nice work lads ^ As for the broken mess that is KC, can anet please for the love of god get their heads out of their asses and start fixing it? Countless bugs have been reported for years, yet nothing has been done. Spaghetticode hype!

List out some bugs, preferably with some repro steps, and I'll make fixing as many as possible a priority for the next raid release.

This one has been fixed internally.

22 Sep


Some items saw HoT/PoF stats added to their selections. Those items that were updated should allow you to choose your stats.

14 Sep

25 Aug


I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty excited! Let's get shwifty!