

13 Feb


Originally posted by Tiny_guy1098

When u say special new skin do you as a replacement for platinum? Curious. I just got platinum the other night. I love the camo but I do wish it was more reflective like before. Nonetheless loving the game. Keep up the hard work!!!

Additional new. We would never remove. Only add.


Originally posted by C11R6

MP7 blueprint 'Bengal' in the battlepass is the photo in the post. Happening to me as well. Thanks for getting eyes on this!

No problem. Sorry for our mistake.


Weapons team has been putting max effort into the unlockable camo skins to get you guys to a happy place with the camos you are grinding out.

  • We also implemented a fix for some of the shinier weapons glaring out in certain spots.
  • Put a lot of attention on the lobby road so that weapons are showcased on your operators and have the proper amount of light on them.

We have a very special new skin we are working on to be added later when its ready;) Ill try and give everyone a heads up when we are getting close.


We will get one in the channel:)


Sent to QA. Sorry about this but can you verify which weapon and which blueprint? We will hop on it asap.


Bugs aside with the green bread crumb. We are pushing to get a clear all current green dots in the menus button. Hoping sometime in the near future stay tuned.

11 Feb


Originally posted by xWilfordBrimleyx

Will we see new skins for Nikto in the future?

This is likely.


Originally posted by heinoushero

Will CDL skins ever work for these special operators?

Only the base operators for now.

10 Feb


Originally posted by TheCanisDIrus

So is Mace in some faction with Ghost or something? Dropping two skully-bois in the same season seems weird. Is this trend of "faceless" operators just so they dont have to render their faces and get them out quicker? (i have no idea how game stuff works so just spitballing)

Mace and Ghost used to work together. Same unit but things have changed;)


Originally posted by singlereject

when is the official release? a bit awkward considering it was featured in the season 1 trailer, and it's now the end of season without the tomogunchi

Should be available very soon. Its ready to go.

09 Feb


Originally posted by [deleted]


What are you?

07 Feb


Originally posted by Kotzik

Has this been fixed yet?

Fixed in the next update.

06 Feb


Originally posted by Sexychief117

Hey, So why can't we customize the sniper 4.0x or variable zoom scope reticle on the crossbow? If you equip it, it says you need to equip a customizable optic to select a reticle. Is this a bug, or intended?

Im not sure I have to play around with that. To be honest I've been glued to my desk working on S02. Getting back on this weekend to deep dive into current mechanics and I can take a look.


Originally posted by WhosAfraidOf_138

Hey artpeasant! Thanks for coming by. I just want to ask, any word on a CDL playlist or ranked play? I think MW would benefit so much from something like this, and I know so many of my buddies are looking forward to it. Even a playlist with CDL rules with no ranks would be nice.

Sorry. I dont have details on that.


Originally posted by Duaality

Off-topic, but is there an ETA on the rest of the country flags being added as calling cards? i.e. Saltire (Scotland)

No estimate at the moment. Work in progress.

05 Feb


Originally posted by BleedingUranium

Thanks! Are you guys also aware of the Ground War operator issue? Where almost everyone looks like either Domino or Bale (or sometimes a couple others)?

I get the impression it's a loading issue, where the game hasn't loaded everyone's operator in yet as there are so many, but if we could get this looked into that would be wonderful.

Yes. Some fixes are in flight that should improve this.


Originally posted by BUCKEYEIXI

Is there a chance you could play around with the coloring and/or shades on the different teams characters in order to distinguish them more?

With the wide array of character variables available that's pretty much a no go. The best solution for this in game currently are the COD League skins which are based on competitive shooting BDUs.


Originally posted by MWAC2020

Will we ever be able to chose what default ops we want, because in all seriousness, these ops look cooler then some of the ones we have

The initial design for default operators is based on how we handled them in COD4 and MW2. Being able to select them individually isn't out of the question but we arent doing work on something like that at the moment.