Hey, I hope you don’t mind me asking but do you know about one of Mara’s skin not displaying correctly and shows off another skin instead? Not a big deal but wanted to put that out there so IW knows the bug exists.
Could you post a screenshot?
Hey, I hope you don’t mind me asking but do you know about one of Mara’s skin not displaying correctly and shows off another skin instead? Not a big deal but wanted to put that out there so IW knows the bug exists.
Could you post a screenshot?
We are working on it as we move forward. I think the challenge is the various game modes we have combined with setting up lobbies.
Its a term we came up with to describe unique configurations of weapons after they were gunsmithed.
Also, am I okay to post this reply on twitter, please? Do I have the go ahead :-)
Im using shorthand that most people wont understand but this is a public sub;)
Akkk! Sending to QA. Thanks!
I’m not your friendo, buddy
Sorry I had to, I love this joke
Thats good....champ;)
Any news about in GW you appear as another operator? Or the one you have selected but not with the skin. No need for people to use skins if they dont work properly :/
Ive seen it happen only in GW when there are large groups of players in one spot. I'm not an engineer but might have to do with the load on the streamer. Its being looked out.
Same for Holger. Also, unlocks doesn’t show the green square on this weapons (RAM and Holger) which is nice but weird because it doesn’t happen with any other weapon.
Yes. Looking at this.
Hey man. Any update at all on this? :-)
In visual development now. Then into art production. Then hooked up and scripted. Then testing. Certified. Then pushed out in a near future update. No ETA but we are working on them now.
You're not wrong. They should have more of a benefit.
Tagged and sent to QA.
Hello artpeasant. Is there a proper place to go and report bugs? The Ram-7 plat cammo is bugged, when all ARs are gold the Ram-7 only gets gold camo. I've seen others mention this but I'm not sure if it ever made it back to IW.
The Ram-7 bug has come up a few times. We are working to repro here so we can figure out whats going on.
Are you aware of a glitch that sometimes player shows as allienge operator when he plays as coalition? Rare but it makes for quit confusing time.
That Ive never seen. We will be on the look out but if you see it snap a screenshot.
Thanks! Ill send this in.
While we are on the subject of custom classes can we discuss removing the profanity filter from naming custom classes?
It's rather silly I can't name my assault rifle class, "Assault" but there are calling cards available that say "Go f**k yourself".
Im confident we can't make that adjustment. Rules and requirements from various sources. A laundry list of different reasons.
I was friendly to you? I asked nicely about league play? What happend
I was responding to another comment not you. Looks like its gone.
Original thought was that it would get really confusing and this operator system was sort of new for us. Don't know what the future holds for an option like this but at least we get more custom loadouts next.