

04 Mar


Here are some tips on how to work with it.

They take time to evolve.

Killstreaks feed the bonus meter at the bottom. You can use that bonus meter by using the watch interact. It will shave off time on the evolutions.

The 4 squares on the side are automatic:

Hunger = Kills

Dirty = Win Games

Unruly = Objective Score

Boredom = Activate Killstreaks

The pet will evolve into different creatures based on different variables and have secret forms that can manifest.


Originally posted by MrARCO

I can't wait for the boomer phase.



They take time to evolve and will do this automatically.

You can speed this up:

Killstreaks feed the bonus meter at the bottom when its a baby. You can use that bonus meter by using the watch interact. It will shave off time on the evolutions. As the pet grows the bonus meter has a different requirement to get that meter to fill up. Child is Win Matches.

The 4 squares on the side are automatic:

Hunger = Kills

Dirty = Win Games

Unruly = Objective Score

Boredom = Activate Killstreaks

The pet will evolve into different creatures based on different variables and have secret forms that can manifest.

01 Mar

28 Feb


You're paying attention...good;)


Originally posted by TheRealFrothers

Please tell me this is what I think it is? Are y’all really working on being able to interchange parts from different owned blueprints? If so I’m so excited!!!


Yes. It only works in the same family though. If you have a bunch of blueprints that are AK based then you can mix those blueprint parts in different ways. For example if you have a gold suppressor, a black receiver, and a cerakoted blue scope. You can choose how you want to combine all of those. So blueprints start becoming interesting because you can kitbash a bit. You wouldn't be able to throw in an M4 scope because its a different family. Gets really interesting when you combine tracer blueprint receivers, stickers, charms, and camos:)


Originally posted by random-stud

u got any idea why some BIIIIG changes ain't mentioned in the patch notes? Like Uzi getting two new attachments. I feel like that should be mentioned... :/

Sorry I don't work on the patch notes.


Originally posted by ashrafahmed__

Hey man unrelated question, will we see solid camos and 'Frankensteining' this season? Thanks! :)

Not sure on timing. Frankensmithing is looking good but we still have some work to do to get some parts to be compatible with the system.


I feel your pain on the gunsmith switch. Its being looked into.

27 Feb

23 Feb


Originally posted by tweak114

Or could you maybe just fix the glitch?


20 Feb


Originally posted by dannbrownn

What happened to this? I check the store daily waiting for this?

Soon. Its ready now.

18 Feb


It will refresh. Restart everything.


Originally posted by olivedi

What about the colored name tags on PS4?

They are working on that fix.

17 Feb


Originally posted by EuphoricXRAY

Mr Emslie,

Please forward this to your team, I think Tactical Human Mara and more tacticool FDE weapon variants would make great additions to the vast options this game has. And I’d definitely throw my hard earned cash at you guys if you came out with stuff like this. MW is amazing btw!(we need a 416 plz)

My last name isn't Cecot;)


Originally posted by Karma_Doesnt_Matter

Any comment on the game kicking players to the main menu every 20minutes to download a ghost patch?

Edit* lol at the IW fanboys downvoting me for asking a legitimate question in a respectful way.

I think this has been commented on and a fix is in the works. Not sure if its made its way to this board yet.