Could we also preview camos on blueprints before purchasing
This has been brought up before. Its a good idea but will take some doing. Definitely not out of the question in a future update.
Could we also preview camos on blueprints before purchasing
This has been brought up before. Its a good idea but will take some doing. Definitely not out of the question in a future update.
bruh the last update was months ago, how about you release small weekly updates
Does Not work that way.
Joel Cecot is the only developer to actually give clear communication and hope about the game
My last name isnt Cecot;) Thats a separate person who is my coworker and friend.
Absolutely bad ass.
We have fixed this. Coming out in a near future update.
Great idea. Adding to my notes.
Yes still is happening
No, i reached the requiered level to do the challanges but still are locked
Yes i have equiped different operators tried with Rodion, DDay, Grich etc, but still the missions are locked
Lol, they reply to this
hey did you see the suggestion to make knife skins work for the throwing knife? that would be super cool
I saw it.
speaking of the knife, why do the camo challenges for kills while injured not work unless you are below a mysteryious threshold? Why isnt it started at 99 and lower like you would logically think .
Im not sure. Not my area of expertise but Ill think on it and ask design. Just asking a question like this and then me following up on it helps. So thank you for that:)
Hello, im trying to contact any of the devs but no luck, i have this problem with the battle pass i have bought the battle pass and i have reached the level to unlock the operator missions, but those are still locked.
What platform are you playing on?
Day 3 of asking joel to add rain to piccadilly🌧️
We are not going to add rain to Piccadilly. It has just rained.
Thank you! You put a lot of time into this. We will cross reference on our end.
I think we've worked out a fix for this. Credit to the weapons team. No ETA on the update now but the fix looks awesome and doesnt blind the shooter. We will get it on the Trello board as soon as we can.
Okay, that’s wicked, man! Things like this will really bring us back to the OG grinding days. So excited to see this all come to fruition!
One thing, not sure if you can answer this or not but, would all of these be retroactive or fresh challenges? Not sure if this is something you’ll even be able to know yet or, but just asking in case you know already.
Don't hold me to this but things like nukes I don't think would be retro active. Its tricky to give answers to details like this before they are out. I've misspoken before.
You previously replied to a comment I made on another post regarding Calling card challenges, (people wanted their flags etc) and I mentioned Calling card challenges for 250/500 bomb plants/defuses, winning 500 matches of TDM, getting the Final Kill Cam with Killstreaks, and stuff like that, you said that “stuff like this makes sense, looking into it, no promises”
Are these happening as well or just the weapon mastery ones for now/only?
Future updates as we go along. Update by update we get as much in as we can moving forward.
Would give us a reason to buy more skins. Right now I use the Otter gasmask skin and the Krueger freedom fighter skin, and they're good enough that I can confidently say I won't ever buy more unless I can put them on different classes.
Fair point. If it makes any difference to you guys I was and still am in the same camp as you. I want to put a ghillie with my sniper and run someone that looks like a battle rifle skin with my ARs and LMG classes.
any chance that it could also show the actual live amount of kills and/or headshots on those? that would be sick!
Not on the player cards.