

30 Mar


Originally posted by bagel8point0

Ah, I see. Thank you for responding!

I understand the AMA is over but I'll just try just in case you wouldn't mind answering so I was wondering if our islands could
1) Have a bigger / taller UI so it doesn't feel so crammed when scrolling through islands

2) Instead of giving us X of grass island, X of block island, X of Snow island, is there any possible future in having the system so that instead of giving us new islands we can't add or delete, make an island creation system where we go through the process of giving it a name and then choosing the type (black glass, grass, the block, etc), and then giving each player a max of say like 20 islands if having too many islands is a problem. I feel this would be good because there are many islands I'm not sure I need right now like Frosty Fortress and black glass and I would like to use more block islands but I also would like to use Frosty Fortress and Black Glass in the future so having a create island feature wou...

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Yes, the island management will be redesigned entirely. The intent is not to limit creators, and to make it easy to make copies, name things and use whichever template you’d like. Stay tuned.


Originally posted by thegaminbellend

Thank you for replying. Also, if you have time please answer this as well:

Will we get options to add and remove inventory slots and choose which items are allowed for each slot?

For example: we can change it so that you’re only allowed to hold weapons in slot 1 and 2, so that you’re only allowed grenades in slot 3 and you’re only allowed healing items in slot 4 and 5.

That's the first I've heard of this idea. It's a good suggestion and I definitely see where you're going with it, as far as restrictive inventory. I'll bring it up to the team and see what they think. Thanks!


Originally posted by Stefanbats

My idea is pretty simple, you mark beginning of length and end of length, beginning of width and ending of width, beginning of hight and end of hight, but i think it has to be a special item to do that, because i think that's gonna be confusing for the console players

It's a good suggestion! We prototyped a version like that and it was as you expected, a bit confusing sometimes. We call this "volume selection". The first version we release will not be like that, but we plan to add it later.


Originally posted by boopitypoopity

I hope this is a priority as there is a massive demand for this! Love to hear it's in the works!

It is a priority!


Originally posted by RayBenefield

Awesome thanks for the response. I'm already crazy impressed by all the options available and the approach that has been taken as I understand a lot of features grow incrementally, like multiple colored prefabs of a gallery until a coloration feature becomes available. The power of starting inventory/per team rulesets is also super powerful and opens up so much. Keep up the great work and thanks for everything you folks are doing. <3

Will do, thanks for the kind words!


Originally posted by erezivanir

Thank you so much for answering❤️

You're welcome! Thanks for participating in the AMA.


Originally posted by TheSpaghetti1

I do think there might be some problems with traps, but maybe it could be possible to resize them as well?

I'm sure we could figure out traps. But what's the value to the creator if they can resize a 1-tile wall to be only either 4-tiles or 16-tiles? (I don't think we'd go up to 256 tiles!) If it's just to save time when filling space, we have features planned to allow you to fill space more easily.


Originally posted by samosey

Is this because when the storm comes in it has already surrounded all the islands or places around the main battle island?

Sort of. The current storm system is highly configurable -- we switch it up for various LTMs and it can do a lot of things. But it can't work with multiple islands on a single server, so we're working on fixing that. Remember, your friend could be testing his/her BR on their island, waiting on their Battle Bus to jump while you are already in the final storm safe zone on your own island playing with other friends. It's a different architecture that we need for storms to make it work how creators expect.


Originally posted by working4buddha

I kind of like having them in the world but there are a lot of obvious drawbacks. Fallout 4 uses the menu system in their settlement building mode, I'm sure you guys are aware of this. It is a bit clunky esp as the menu items increase with mods. I find your method easier to use but it gets easily cluttered. Having both types of interfaces available would be helpful.

Thanks for the feedback. I think we will always have Galleries -- we like them too.


Originally posted by bagel8point0

I think there could be a setting on barriers that is like "disable on button press" (on/off) and then you could choose what number button, same thing for something like "disable on objective break" and choose an objective number. It could also be so you could enable it on an objective break so a wall forms when you break an objective

It's a good idea. We call this sort of thing "channels" and it might be something we introduce to Creative. We're still talking about it. Thanks for the suggestion.


Originally posted by bagel8point0

Could we get vehicles without spawnpads and have the ability to move them with the phone?

Yes I think so. We originally did support this. It's not as simple as it seems. You're cut/pasting a plane and moving it while there is a pilot and 4 passengers, one of the passengers uses her Phone to copy a Driftboard, and someone is riding that while repositioning a wall. And then you cancel the cut, what even happens to all of those players? It's better this way for now, trust us.


Originally posted by bagel8point0

I think everyone would be fine if you started off where you could use the phone on the island but you weren't able to save it

Right. Saving is not actually the problem, we will be able to handle that. The main issue is available memory on your console or computer. As soon as you start moving things around we risk running out of memory and crashing. Every single release, the Battle Royale map is actually very carefully tuned to be as richly detailed as we can possibly make it without overflowing computing resources, so there isn't much wiggle room for inline tweaking.

29 Mar


Originally posted by Henry_17

Can you add upgrading walls in creative from save the world?

Yes we're going to look into it!


Originally posted by TheSpaghetti1

Will there be any chance we can resize floors and walls?

How would you imagine that working? We've discussed it a few times. If we allow resizing in anything other than multiples of 2, then the tiles will be "off the grid". This has consequences for structural support, trap placement and other things. However, it's possible we could have "prop versions" of many types of walls, floors and ramps. It could be interesting!


Originally posted by nathanfire3448

Will the copy and paste be added next week or next bigger patch?

Bigger patch. This feature (copy and paste multiple props and tiles) is currently in testing and could make it for the next big update, but plans could change of course.


Originally posted by working4buddha

Oh I see you mentioned the new islands were bigger, I hadn't checked them out yet. So just curious about my 2nd question and of course it is ok if you don't answer but hopefully come up with some way to keep things a little cleaner and more organized.

That's an interesting idea, having an area outside to use as a scratchpad for props. One thing that will help is being able to place parts directly from an in-game Creative Inventory rather than having to drop down an entire gallery. This feature is still very early in design stages but it will hopefully be coming later this year.


Originally posted by FalconStrikeFilms

Are they any plans to add some sort of visualizer to show how many lives a player has left; such as icons above each player’s head?

They could be dashes, balloons, or give creators several choices to pick from, depending on the game mode they’re aiming for.

I definitely think that we want the HUD and player labels to be customizable. But it would be a ways out. Right now we're focused on polishing the general game flow and elements of the HUD, scoreboard and in-match menus we have already. After that starts to feel high enough quality we will certainly be looking at more UI customizations for creators,.


Originally posted by whoisteebee

Have you considered adding alternatives to battle royale in creative? Like a old school style unreal tournament with Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch (maybe even CTF too) just good old fragging with an old school feel?

Yes we're investigating CTF currently, and Team Elimination modes are already possible. We're also looking into a 1v1 Duel mode.


Originally posted by YoutubeMxrtin

Will there ever be any skin models/npc's you can place?

We've talked about this feature many time and I think there is a high possibility of us adding the ability to drop "statues" of your favorite skins. We haven't started to work on this yet though.


Originally posted by Mem7211

Is it possible to make us play creative offline ?

Unfortunately it's not possible currently with how Fortnite works. Long term, you never know though.