im so cringe
im so cringe
do the casters not know that Gragas Q gives vision? lmfaooo
I must have missed it in the chaos of the fight. I do in fact know that Gragas Q gives vision :)
What is the design onnEnders shirt?
the part with *medic having no girlfrind was pretty uncalled for in my eyes
it is true tho
Ive been working really hard this year to inject more personality and spontaneity into my casts. Last year I was intentionally serious/kinda bland imo, but Ive really been liking the balance Ive struck so far. How do you think Ive done? No wrong answers!
Is all good with Laure or why don't we get interviews?
tech issues
True if they get ultied by jarvan they won't be able to dodge Karthus q's, new meta
wont be able to dodge karthus ult either
the Jarvan/Karthus bot lane was pretty sick ;)
honestly it probably wouldnt be that bad
someone pls tell me what the adc's name is
both better counterengage/secondary-engage than primary, IMO
Sjokz is doing such a good job in hosting its crazy
always has been
Wholesome af, imagine being Quickshot and reading this, must be so nice
hes nonstop smiling and giggling.
i hate it.
Why is ender cosplaying Anakin
why not?
No easing back in for you eh? 😉
Great cast. Really missed you guys and the LEC.
Only criticism (a really minor one): Some of the casters say schalkA instead of schalkE (an 'e' like in 'kEvin'). A bit irritating as a german speaker but obv not important in the end.
Noted! thanks!
feels so good to be back :) had fun with that one, hope it wasnt too much 😅
I couldn't imagine Ender pulling that segement off so well at the beginning of the year. Dudes grown so much and you know he's only going to get better
I'll try my best! thanks!